Orange Essential Oil

Orange (Citrus aurantium dulcis) essential oil has a sweet, bright aroma reminiscent of a blossoming orchard of orange trees. Start your day with an uplifting burst of liquid sunshine by diffusing Orange as you get ready in the morning. With just a few drops, you can fill any space with a sense of peace, harmony, and creativity. Orange is delightful on its own, or you can combine it with complementary oils such as Grapefruit, Cinnamon, Neroli, and Patchouli.

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Our Seed to Seal® quality commitment has been both a promise to you and a reflection of our sense of global stewardship and accountability. We believe you want only the best for your family and yourself—products that are genuine, free from harmful synthetics, and of unmatched purity. Our proprietary Seed to Seal promise is our pledge to you, the earth, and ourselves that Young Living products will be the best available, now and always.

Seed to Seal and its three pillars—Sourcing, Science, and Standards—are infused into every aspect of our exacting essential oil production processes, both on our own farms and our carefully curated family of partner farms. Seed to Seal is infused into our painstaking quality testing and retesting to ensure that your family enjoys the purest essential oil products on the planet. Ultimately, Seed to Seal is infused into everything we do. We know that for us—and for you—simply nothing else will do.

Product Snapshot

Product Snapshot

  • Has a sweet, uplifting aroma
  • Can be massaged into skin for an energizing aroma
  • Contains the naturally occurring constituents limonene and alpha-pinene
  • Can be added to household cleaner for a sweet citrus scent
  • Works as an adhesive remover
  • Can be diffused to add a touch of warmth to your space any time of year
  • Can be applied to skin in the evening to help reduce the appearance of blemishes
From the bottle: Sweet, fruity, citrus aroma
  • Limonene


Citrus aurantium dulcis† (Orange) peel oil
†100% pure, YLTG™ essential oil
Suggested Uses

Suggested Uses

  • Play around with different essential oil combos for both warmer and cooler months. Diffuse Orange with Lime, Lemon, or Tangerine for a sunny, warm-weather scent, or diffuse it with Cinnamon Bark and Clove for a festive smell that is perfect for the holidays.
  • Combine 8–10 drops with distilled water or witch hazel in a small glass spray bottle and spritz over linens to keep your sheets, towels, and clothes smelling great.
  • Add it to your nighttime face regimen to help reduce the appearance of blemishes and to smooth the appearance of skin.
  • Diffuse Orange in your children’s play areas; they’ll love the sweet, playful scent!
  • Rejuvenate your home and inspire new memories with this bright aroma during family time.
  • Peel into a slice of summer with a sunny aroma that will brighten your kitchen prep time for Sunday brunch with friends and family.
  • Step into a warm bubble bath and breathe in this natural mood-boosting aroma after a demanding day of work.
  • Energize the bedroom and feel revitalized to tackle any obstacle the moment your feet slide out of bed in the morning.
With its bright, citrusy aroma, Orange essential oil is a great choice for diffusing in the morning and throughout the day. Not only does its scent help clear the mind, but Orange essential oil may also help eliminate unwanted odors. When mixed with a light moisturizer and applied to the skin, Orange essential oil may help reduce the appearance of blemishes. Orange, like other citrus oils, can cause photosensitivity, so avoid applying it to exposed skin before spending time in the sun.
Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6™ or olive oil and apply to desired area as needed.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times daily.
Vitamin Sea
  • 3 drops Lime
  • 5 drops Sacred Sandalwood
  • 2 drops Lemon Myrtle
  • 2 drops Orange
Tokyo, Japan
  • 4 drops Copaiba essential oil
  • 3 drops Jasmine essential oil
  • 3 drops Orange essential oil
Orange Creamsicle
  • 3 drops Orange essential oil
  • 3 drops Peace & Calming® essential oil blend
  • 3 drops Copaiba essential oil
  • 1 drop Cinnamon Bark essential oil
3 P.M. Pick-Me-Up
  • 4 drops Peppermint
  • 6 drops Orange
  • 2 drops Idaho Balsam Fir
Chocolate Orange
  • 3 drops Orange essential oil
  • 3 drops Peace & Calming® essential oil blend
  • 3 drops Copaiba essential oil
  • 1 drop Cinnamon Bark essential oil
Get to Know

Get to Know

Orange essential oil is cold pressed from the rinds of fresh, juicy oranges. Orange trees are native to Asia, but you can now find them all over the world, including in France, Germany, and the United States. Orange essential oil contains the naturally occurring constituents limonene and alpha-pinene and is a key ingredient in blends such as Citrus Fresh™, Abundance™, Christmas Spirit™, and Peace & Calming®.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Citrus aurantium dulcis
REGION(S) FOUND: Brazil, USA, South Africa, Italy, China
YL REGION: Most Young Living Orange essential oil comes from Brazil
Orange essential oil joined the Young Living family in 1994.


Q. If I am sensitive to citrus, will I also be sensitive to citrus-based essential oils?
A. If you are sensitive to citrus fruits, it is unlikely that you would have the same reaction to citrus essential oils; however, if you have any concerns, we recommend consulting a health professional before using any of our products. The health and well-being of our members is very important to us, and every person is different and may react differently to various essential oils and oil supplements.
Q. Does Young Living’s Orange essential oil come from sweet or bitter oranges? How is it distilled, and what part of the orange is used to obtain the oil?
A. Our Orange oil is cold pressed from the rinds of sweet oranges.
Q. How many oranges does it take to make a 15 ml bottle of oil? And what is the lead time required to make a 15 ml bottle of Orange?
A. Each orange differs in the amount of oil that can be extracted, but it usually takes approximately 50-100 oranges to make one 15-ml bottle of oil. The lead time to produce a 15-ml bottle of Orange is approximately 1-3 months.
Q. Is our Orange oil cold pressed from the terpene-less Valencia Orange?
A. Our Orange essential oil is cold pressed; however, it is not from Valencia Oranges.
Q. Why is the Latin Binomial name different on the topical/aromatic label when compared to the website and dietary label?
A. The plant species used in the product is Citrus sinensis. Citrus aurantium dulcis is the INCI name for this ingredient. To comply with labeling regulations, ingredients of products that are registered as Cosmetics (topical/aromatic) must be listed by official INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) name established by the Personal Care Products Council.