There’s a million and a half reasons to work out at home: global pandemics, budgets, little ones, time constraints. Or maybe you just prefer your makeshift gym and personal playlist! Even if you’re not a weekend warrior, you can still get into beast mode at home.

Tips for a successful at-home workout

Just because your gym session is under your own roof doesn’t mean you have to give up on gains! Here are some essential oils for your workout and some trade secrets on how to maximize your exercise.

Look forward to it

Instead of viewing your workouts as a chore, treat them like the opportunity of a lifetime. We’ve got these miraculous bodies—let’s get excited to move them! To turn your fitness regimen from to-do list to bucket list:

  • Find a podcast or TV show that you reserve for working out.
  • Diffuse one of these motivational diffuser blends during your reps.
  • Make it a habit! The more you do it, the more you’ll love it and hate to go without it.

Pencil it in

Designate 30 minutes to an hour that’s reserved for you and your health! Whether you start small with 1–2 days a week or go for the big time with daily reminders, make sure your calendar is set with notifications and alarms to get you going.

Rely on a support system

When that calendar ping isn’t motivation enough to throw on some leggings and start moving, have your friends and family jump in as cheerleaders. Gym buddies aren’t reserved for the gym. That’s why we call them fitness friends!

  • Find a pal you can text or call right before your workout starts.
  • Recruit someone in your household to join you! If adults aren’t available and the music is boppin’ enough, kids will love to run around with you.
  • Count on furry friends too! We promise—if your dog gets in the habit of a daily walk, he’ll never let you forget it!

Add pep to your step with pre-workout

With only 24 hours in the day, sometimes the only spot for a sweat session is before the sun rises. While you’re bleary eyed and stumbling to your yoga mat, take a naturally derived pre-workout, a.k.a. NingXia Nitro®, and avoid those commercial products full of who knows what.

YL tip: Try other supplements like AminoWise™ for recovery and Pure Protein™ Complete for stamina.

ningxia nitro pre workout, weights, water bottle, running shoes

Mix it up

If you find yourself bored to tears by the same arm and leg workout, try something new! What about yoga? Online videos? A new video instructor? HIIT? Functional fitness or any of the other dozens of trending workouts? Hey, maybe even those old 80s videos hidden in the basement could be fun. If all else fails to grab your attention, turn on some jams and dance around the kitchen!

Give yourself some space

If you can, create a designated area you work out in each day. No extra room? Make do with that you have!

  • Push furniture aside to make room for yoga mats or floor workouts.
  • Use a kitchen chair for tricep dips, lunges, or step ups.
  • Use backpacks with books in them to add resistance or weight.
  • Anything goes! A kid’s old jump rope is your new cardio. A gallon of milk is your new 8-pound weight. Your kitchen timer is your new interval trainer.

Keep it fresh

With your weekday workout out of the way, you deserve a pick-me-up! Enjoy a spritz of fresh water and a revitalizing scent on your neck, chest, and arms.
In a glass spray bottle, combine:

Shake well before spraying.

YL tip: Store the bottle in the fridge for water that is extra cool!

See how far you’ve come

When you hit the gym, you keep track of your PB (personal bests). Why not do the same at home? Every time you go an extra mile, do a few more reps with a heavier weight, or conquer that headstand, celebrate! Jot it down in your journal, share it on social media, call your mom. The important thing is to compete against yourself, not other people, and recognize every win!

End on the right note

If you do anything on this list, make it this one. The second you finish your at-home workout, it can be tempting to rush to the next thing. Treat your body right by recovering right!

Feeling the burn? Getting that runner’s high? Proud of your new yogi status? Keep it up with more essential oils that help your workout and manage your weight with diet and regular exercise.

What’s your favorite home workout?

Tell us in the comments!