Animals and oils: What you need to know

When we say that essential oils can be enjoyed by the whole family, that includes Bingo and Whiskers. There are just a few things that you need to keep in mind to make sure your fur (or scale, or wool, or feather, or hairless) babies stay safe and enjoy all the benefits YL oils have to offer.


For products designed especially for your animals click here.

Looking for more tips and tricks to take care of your fur-babies? Try our Essential oils for dogs!

We want to hear about the animals in your life! Tell us their name and story and how you use essential oils on them.

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  • My cat, Snickets, gets a weekly drop of Paragize and Kitty Raindrop applied by petting down her back. I checked with my vet about proper dosage. We are about to take a coast to coast road trip, and I will be diffusing Peace and Calming in the car en route.

  • I love using Young Living Essential Oils on our Livestock. For Show Cattle, I use cedarwood, stress away or T-away to calm them during halter breaking. I put a few drops above their nose so they get the aroma and the topical benefits. They all react a little differently, but some of the will do everything they can to lick it off their nose! The calming effect on most of them has been noticeable. I have used the raindrop technique on several of our calves (diluted to prevent skin discomfort) and they love it! I have used many other oils for all kinds of things, but these are the most common. For pigs, I diffuse thieves daily to maintain a healthy environment. I'm currently trying out the Shutran Beard Oil on that unruly pig hair to get ready for the show in a couple of weeks. I spray thieves cleaner on white animals that seem dingy and then rinse. I could go on and on...

    I love that you are putting out more info on oils and animals! I hope there are more oil products for animals coming in the near future!

  • I have bought 3 animal scent oils for our 4 year old mini rat terrier and she weighs about 10 lbs. I have the Infect Away, PuriClean & Mendwell. I put a roller top on each but I have no idea how much to use or how often I need to be using them. Could someone please help me?

    • Hi Linda, Please refer to the product label for usage directions. You can also view our Animal Care products for more information. Thanks for stopping by with your question!

  • When using on a horse, can you apply to their ears? I know with our dogs we put it on their paws, but the frog on the horse's foot seems too thick for penetration. We also thought about putting it on the backs of his pasterns. The vestigial toe is above the pastern so at one time the pastern would have been part of the underneath of the foot. Any thoughts?

    • Hi Deby, For horses we recommend placing the oil directly under the lip or adding to a spray bottle for easy application!

      • Hello, When you say "under" the lip, do you mean on the outside or inside of their mouth? Thanks.

        • Hi Amy, When administering internally to horses or other large animals, the oil can be placed on the inside of their lip directly into the mouth. Thanks for stopping by with your question!

  • I disagree with application to the paws. Better to touch a little to the tips of the ears for slower absorption. The paws are so porous they quickly send the essential oil into the blood stream which can shock the animal's system. Slower is always faster with animals.

  • Thank you for this post! I joined YL in January and happily diffused the oils in my starter kit throughout my home. My husband and I have two cats; it never occurred to us to research whether or not the use of YLEOs around them is safe...until I came across information online warning against using them around cats. I was crushed, thinking we were careless pet parents. We scaled back on diffusing some oils and stopped diffusing those with high concentrations of phenol while I did more research. Some say their use around animals is safe, some say do not use them at all. Who do we trust? It got a little frustrating until we came to the conclusion that after years and years and YEARS of spraying air fresheners, burning candles, melting wax melts and cleaning our home with toxic household cleaners, diffusing oils to purify the air and to just help us feel better had to be a better trade-off for our fur babies. Not once did we ever consider how using those toxic products around our cats would impact them, so I pray we are not wrong about this trade-off. One of our cats enjoys sleeping with us; he will stay in our bedroom if we're diffusing Stress Away or Cedarwood, but will leave if we're diffusing some others. Those little tells help us to remain mindful about what and when to diffuse. I feel like as long as we are paying attention to their reactions and they have a way out of the vicinity where oils are being used that we are being responsible in our use.

    • Hi Terry, Young Living® does not have any books about the use of oils with animals. We recommend that you seek the advice of a competent, trained veterinarian with knowledge and experience with essential oils use on animals.

      • I am one of many holistic veterinarians who has been using Young Living oils safely and effectively for many years. You can often visit or schedule phone consults with us. You can also private message many of us on Facebook.

  • I use Stress Away with Peace and Calming on my rescued pit bull. My furbaby was abused and can't handle loud noises so we apply the oils using raindrop strokes in her spine. Now she comes to us for the oils when she gets scared.❤

  • Essential oils have been amazing for my fur baby Conner. He is a Bichon/Cocker mix and the amazing thing is whenever I get my shipments I call him my essential oil dog as he rolls all over the packaging especially when He senses what I use on him has arrived..he has always had ear issues due to having the "Cocker" long ears and when he has a flair up and I ask him if he wants his oils, he will literally come over to me, lay down and give me the ear that hurts..I use a combination of Thieves and lavender and he absolutely loves it because it works and he KNOWS IT MAKES HIM FEEL BETTER otherwise he would run. I am so thankful to have started using the oils for myself and also for my fur babies..they have benefited greatly. THANK YOU..they know..they sense it and in some cases (like Conner) come running when nothing else has worked.

  • This is so helpful for using oil on pet patients, thank you for the information in regards to our animAL friends

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