Essential Oils

9 Simple Daily Habits to Help Energise Your Life

An energised life isn’t about being busy all of the time or working around the clock. It’s about filling your days with healthy habits that fuel your mind, body and spirit.

Here are 9 simple daily habits to help energise your life – you’re going to love the way you feel once you start implementing these rituals into your daily routine.

1. Rise and shine

Say goodbye to drowsy mornings and slow starts! If you get into the routine of rising early and going to bed on time, you’re more likely to have a better sleeping pattern which leads to being more energised throughout the day.

Push back your sheets’ cosy embrace and start your day by diffusing 2 drops Lemon essential oil, 2 drops Citrus Fresh™ essential oil, and 2 drops Peppermint essential oil.

Who doesn’t need a super boost of sunshine? With our proprietary formula and delivery system, Young Living’s plant-based Super Vitamin D is highly absorbable, vegan friendly and completely synthetic free. Dissolvable in a delicious mixed berry-flavoured tablet, Super Vitamin D helps enhance bone health and supports muscle health.

2. Breakfast of champions

Planning a simple, delicious, healthful breakfast makes it easier to get up and provides crucial energy for your day. Try a shot of NingXia Red® with your breakfast to provide a whole-body nutrient infusion.

You can also blend NingXia Red® into your smoothie, acai bowl, or morning juice as part of a quick, convenient breakfast.

3. Hit those goals

Sometimes we lack energy and excitement in our lives because we don’t know what direction we want to go in or how to get there. Take five minutes every morning to create a list of your daily goals and intentions. While planning, diffuse an inspiring blend like Highest Potential essential oil™ to encourage an uplifting and inspiring atmosphere, helping to create clarity and focus.

4. Sweat it out

It’s no secret that exercise can improve your life in many ways, such as provide mental clarity, improve quality of sleep and you guessed it – more energy!

However, you like to work up a sweat—whether it’s weights, yoga, running, or even a brisk walk—try to get your body moving every day.

Before you start your workout, apply Deep Relief Roll-On to muscles for a refreshing, cooling sensation and invigorating scent that will inspire greater feelings of energy and positivity to help you stay motivated.

5. Ice ice baby

Try kick-starting your day with a cold shower to help boost alertness, clarity and energy. This can sound difficult to do when a nice, warm shower is calling your name but trust us, you will learn to love them!

Incorporate the benefits of essential oils into your shower routine with Morning Start™ Bath & Shower Gel, which is powered by Peppermint, Lemongrass and Rosemary to help uplift the mind while Juniper purifies the skin.

6. Hydration is key

Drinking lots of water is an important key to staying energised, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a total bore!

Try adding a drop of Peppermint culinary essential oil to your water for a refreshing kick. If you like a bubbly drink, add a drop of Jade Lemon oil to your sparkling water for a tasty burst of flavour.

7. Self-care

It’s never too late to start making yourself a priority! Setting aside time for yourself and following through can give you a whole new perspective on life.

Lavender essential oil—renowned for its soothing and calming aroma—makes the Lavender Calming Bath Bomb perfect for unwinding after a long week of work, or even a mid-week reset!

8. Meditation

Quiet your mind and invite peaceful feelings to each day with meditation. Creating a calming space for moments of reflection can significantly enhance your experience. Take a moment away for yourself through a meditation practice – even just 5 minutes can set you for a more grounded day.

Dilute and apply Acceptance essential oil™ to wrists, edge of ears, neck and feet to instill a sense of openness and balance.

9. Journal

Whether you need a safe space to vent or think more clearly, when your thoughts are put on paper, journaling can be cathartic. Many of us process events and emotions through pen and paper, so write it all down!

Place a drop of Patchouli essential oil on the page before you get started to inspire feelings of balance. Let the positivity guide your pen to paths of peace and resolve.

There you have it – 9 simply daily habits to help energise your life!

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