
How Floral Waters Are Made

Hey, essential oil lovers! You’ve probably heard the term floral water before, but do you know how they are transformed from botanicals to bottles?

Learn how we take our lovingly harvested botanicals to bring you our soothing Floral Water Collection, which we know you’re going to love!

But first, what are Floral Waters used for?

Floral waters can be used from head to toe and even around your home! These skin-loving products contain all the beneficial essences of the botanicals from which they are extracted, making them ideal for skincare and self-care.

Check out a few ways you can utilise the benefits of Floral Waters below:

  • They can be used as natural facial toners.
  • They can be used as hair mists to help add shine and moisture.
  • They’re great as a natural makeup setter.
  • You can spritz them around your home for a natural alternative to toxic air fresheners.
  • They’re amazing for hydrating dry skin.
  • They can be used as a facial spritz for a cooling sensation on hot days.
  • Great for soothing and hydrating the skin.
  • They can lock in extra moisture to the skin when applied before moisturisers.

Where are Young Living Floral Waters made?

Young Living Floral Waters are planted, grown, harvested and distilled at our Simiane-la-Rotonde Lavender Farm and Distillery which is nestled in the charming hills of France’s Provence region. This area is renowned for its beauty, fragrant lavender fields, and summer-long festivals. Because of its history and breathtaking views, the farm is a popular destination for essential oil lovers, artists and visitors looking to breathe in the captivating spirit of this unique place.

FUN FACT: The Romans first introduced Lavender to Provence around 2,000 years ago. The plant acclimated to the area’s favourable climate and quickly spread.

How are they made?

Lavender thrives in sunny, dry weather at altitudes between 600 and 1,400 meters (2,000 and 4,600 feet). Young Living harvests it in June or July and then steam distils the flowering tops to produce the essential oil. It takes between 2 and 5.5 square metres (30 to 60 square feet) of lavender plants to fill one 15 ml bottle of essential oil.

Floral Water is extracted by steam distilling. During the distillation process, the essential oil is separated from the hydrosol, which is also known as floral water.

We utilise the heat from the distillation in progress to warm the water before it goes into the boiler, taking less energy to transform it into steam. We also reuse all our floral water as cooling water, saving the water that is so precious.

Check out our new Floral Water Collection which is available for a limited time only. The collection includes Helichrysum Floral Water, Lavender Floral Water and Rosemary Floral Water. You’re going to love it!

To learn more click here to take a look inside a harvest day with Farm Manager Nicolas Landel from our Simiane-la-Rotonde Lavender Farm and Distillery! Join Nicholas as he takes you behind the scenes of the fun that happens at our farms.

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