Ginger and Turmeric Cubes

When it comes to health and wellness, especially during the winter season, ginger and turmeric are two powerhouse ingredients known for their numerous benefits. Mornings tend to be rushed and with time being our biggest excuse – and often valid, it's wise to prepare ahead to make prioritising your health and wellness part of your [...]

2024-05-06T20:27:53-06:00May 6th, 2024|Recipes|0 Comments
  • Snap Trifle

Ginger Snap Trifle with Wolfberries

This is a festive twist on traditional trifle using our Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil with apples, ginger snaps and ginger bread men for the holidays. You can use other seasonal fresh fruit if you like. Nectarines, peaches, pears and figs also go great with cinnamon. The recipe calls for cooking some of the apples, but [...]

2020-06-29T17:16:39-06:00December 19th, 2018|Recipes|2 Comments