Recipe Prep Order and Shopping Lists

Recommended Prep Order (60 minutes prior to serve time): Make Crepe Batter and place in refrigerator Prep quiche and place in oven Rehydrate dried wolfberries, prepare crepe filling Prep and pour Smoothies Remove Quiche from Oven and keep warm to serve Cook Crepes, fill and serve warm Blend smoothies and serve promptly Shopping Lists Grocery ...

2022-07-08T09:41:30-06:00February 15th, 2016|At Home, Vitality Recipes, Wellness|0 Comments

How to Use Lime Essential Oil

Young Living’s Lime essential oil has a wide variety of uses. Aromatically, the pleasant citrus scent is invigorating and may help promote mental clarity and encourage creativity.* Topically, Lime provides antioxidants to the skin, which may reduce dark spots due to aging and acts as an insect deterrent.* Taken internally, Lime supports a healthy digestive system and may aid in weight management. One of most versatile uses for Lime essential oil, however, is for cooking.

2022-07-27T11:22:57-06:00February 3rd, 2014|Essential Oils, Vitality Recipes|7 Comments