Lindsay Teague Moreno: A Personal Chat

Lindsay Teague Moreno is a driven, no-nonsense leader. She rose through the Young Living ranks to Royal Crown Diamond in an incredible 15 months and hasn’t stopped reaching for higher goals. We were able to take a few minutes and sit down with Lindsay and get her take on success, business, and where she sees things headed in the future.

2024-03-11T08:46:00-06:00March 10th, 2015|Media|34 Comments

Get to Know Young Living’s Newest (and Youngest) Royal Crown Diamond

Canada-based Adam Green is a record breaker. Adam recently achieved Young Living's highest and most honored rank—Royal Crown Diamond—and, at just 25, is the youngest member in Young Living's 20-year history to achieve this status.We talked with Adam about his favorite products and usage tips, how he sparks conversations about Young Living, the best part of his job, and his advice to aspiring Royal Crown Diamonds.

2024-03-11T08:46:34-06:00January 9th, 2015|Media|31 Comments

D. Gary Young: Maverick, Shokunin, Pioneer

Young Living Founder and CEO D. Gary Young has dedicated his life and countless personal sacrifices to creating essential oils that surpass every quality standard. His motivation? The belief that pure essential oils have the power to touch and change lives. Young Living Chief Sales and Marketing Officer Jared Turner shares his thoughts on what sets Gary and his approach apart.

2024-03-11T08:46:49-06:00November 20th, 2014|Media|26 Comments