Create Your Own Spa Getaway with Homemade Shower Bombs

Create your own spa getaway with these easy-to-make DIY shower bombs! The next time you need a bit of rejuvenation, toss a shower bomb in the bottom of your shower and enjoy the wonderful scent or create a collection of these homemade shower bombs as a gift for someone you love.

  • 2 cups baking soda
  • 1 cup citric acid (available at health food stores or online)
  • 2 Tbsp. water
  • 30+ drops of your favorite aromatic essential oil (see our suggestions below)

Mix together the baking soda and citric acid in a medium-size bowl. In a separate small bowl or bottle, mix together water and essential oil. Slowly add the oil-water mixture a few drops at a time into your dry ingredients, stirring well after each addition (a stand mixer works well for this). When ingredients are thoroughly mixed, tightly pack into 2-inch balls using your hands, a stainless steel cake pop mold, or a cookie scoop. Set on a plate to dry. If necessary, pack the balls again more tightly. Allow to dry for 12+ hours before using.

To use, simply place a bomb near your feet under warm running water and enjoy the aromatic experience!

Suggested essential oil additions:
  • Morning Fresh Shower Bombs: Add 30 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata Essential Oil to a batch for an invigorating and fresh aromatic experience.
  • Orchard Stroll Shower Bombs: For a sweet, refreshing aromatic journey, add 30 drops of Citrus Fresh™ Oil to a batch.
  • Day’s End Shower Bombs: Add 30 drops of Lavender Essential Oil to a batch to enjoy a relaxing aromatic addition to your shower time.

Would you like to experience the full package of a Spa Day? Then follow us in this journey of a 6 steps to a DIY spa day and learn how to make these amazing DIY geode bath bombs.


Which Young Living essential oils will you add to your shower bombs? Let us know in the comments!

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      • Hey Kristie. You can find a silicone mold online. Likewise, the nice thing about the bombs is that you can use whatever shape of mold you would like. Some people have even used ice cube trays for convenience. I would start by looking online to see what type of mold you want and where are the best places to order whatever mold you choose. Hope that helps!

  • Can you use this in the bath? And can you add a little food coloring to add color to the bombs or would it just dye your skin when you use it?

    • Yes you absolutely can! I use it in mine. Use small amoints , like 4-6 drops in your water mixture. The tub is large enough thst the color won't "stay on your skin".

    • Hi Coral, The shower bombs can also be used in the bath! As we have not tested the shower bombs with the use of food coloring, we are unable to guarantee that it won't dye your skin. Thanks for stopping by with your question!

      • I have made these with 3 drops of food color and they work perfectly! they do not dye the tub or you skin! also I find that 30 drops of any oil is very strong! I use 6 drops of the peppermint in my batch that makes 5 bath bombs and even that makes my skin tingle in the tub. I absolutely LOVE these oils an the bath experience is heavenly!

        • this blog is about Shower bombs not bath bombs, shower bombs needs more essentail oil to be effective since you're not soaking in it.

  • Ok....This sound fabulous on the surface but I haven't seen anything about the fact that these are SHOWER bombs and not BATH bombs. Won't they just wash away quickly down the drain as you shower? Would it be better to use a bath bomb? And if so, what, if anything, would need to change in the recipe?

    • Hi Sherry, The shower bombs can also be used in the bath! Either method will provide a beautiful aromatic experience when you need a getaway. We hope you enjoy this DIY!

    • Hi Shirley, There are some concerns about the essential oils eating away at some types of plastic parts or filters in hot tubs. However, many people have used the oils (in small amounts) in their hot tubs without harmful results to the filters or tubs, but you may want to test different amounts of different oils before using large quantities. The manufacturer of the hot tub should be able to identify whether essential oils could possibly damage it. Thank you for stopping by!

  • If you feel like it's fizzing too much to where it's hard to work with-- cut back on the citric acid, as that is what makes it fizz.

    If you are trying to use a silicone mold and are finding it's not staying together well try adding a little bit of cornstarch.. Baking soda is meant to do this, however if you're needing a little bit of help cornstarch will do the trick. Or I suppose you can try adding a little more baking soda.

  • I plan on making some. I'm going to make some with RC. So many possibilities. A nice hot shower or soak in the tub feels good. Adding in some essential oil shower bombs would make things even better!

    • Hi Mel, Thanks for stopping by with your question. You could always try adding more essential oil drops to the recipe to see if that would help increase the scent/aroma. We hope this information is helpful!

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