DIY Stain Remover with Essential Oils [Video]

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Got a stubborn stain that just won’t come out? DIY your own stain remover stick that’s supercharged with Thieves® Laundry Soap and Lemon essential oil and free from the harsh chemicals you don’t want around your family. You’ll love the citrus-spice smell as you gently remove stains.

Want to take these DIY stain removers to the next level? Print these customized deodorant container label and lip balm container label, cut them out, and apply them to your newly created DIY stain remover!

Want more DIYs? Check out our Homemade Body Butter Recipe and Good, Clean Fun: Naturally Derived DIY Bubble Bath blog posts.

What’s your favorite way to use essential oils in your laundry? Let us know in the comments!

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    • Hi Melody, we have not tested a recipe for a liquid/spray yet. You are welcome to try one and let us know how it works! Thanks for stopping by!

  • This sounds like a great recipe , did anyone try it with the liquid form of castile soap , I see they sell peppermint , Lavender and Unscented .
    Also has anyone tried this on their Carpet? I have a stain over a yr old that i've tried everything on and i can't get it out :(

    • I'd just use the Thieves household cleaner and lemon, diluted a bit... without the soap. Have heard it is very effective on carpet. Obviously do a test pat on an out of the way place...

  • Has anyone used the dish soap instead of laundry. I need some more thieves laundry soap, but I have plenty dish soap. Thanks

  • I was wondering. for the Castile soar bar. I usally use the Green beaver. It's 90g. But there's also the Dr. Bonner that is 5 oz (140g). Which one should I use for the receipe? 90g or 140g?? thank you

    • Hello Magali. You could use the Green Beaver 90 g bar of soap. Thanks for stopping by with your question!

  • I use purification, lavender or peppermint (depending on my mood) on my dryer balls to give my clothes a fresh scent. Citrus Fresh smells amazing in my diy laundry detergent. Can't wait to give this laundry stick a try :)

    • Thanks for your awesome advice on how to use these oils in laundry! Glad you stopped by with your comment!

  • I love that you can make room deodorizers with Purification and Lemon to remove bad odors from rooms, fabrics, really anything!!

  • Hi. I'm anxious to try this recipe but was wondering if anyone has made a liquid stain remover. My husband & son are landscapers and frequently have large areas that are covered with grass and mud. Rubbing a stick would take me

    • Karen, check out Gail's comment a few post's below! Sounds like that might work like a liquid stain remover...maybe as a pre-soak! I'm going to try it next time I do my husband's work shirts!!

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