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2024-06-17T09:57:14-06:00June 3rd, 2024|

Most Popular Essential Oils D.I.Y. Beauty Fun Facts Personal Care

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17 Ways to Reuse Empty Essential Oil Bottles

2024-06-05T11:45:55-06:00April 30th, 2024|Fun Facts|

Essential oils are precious to the very end, but when the final drop makes its way out of the dropper, then what? If you’re an essential oil lover, chances are you’ve wondered what to do with the little amber bottles you have lying around. We’ve got 17 options to keep those bottles functional to the last ...

6 Most Popular Essential Oils and the Uses

2024-06-05T11:47:02-06:00April 29th, 2024|Essential Oils, Fun Facts|

When it comes to using one product to complete multiple tasks on our conquer-the-world list, we count on a few essential oils. They are like a Swiss Army Knife. These popular essential oils you must know—Lemon essential oil, Thieves essential oil blend, Peppermint essential oil, Cedarwood essential oil, Frankincense essential oil, and Lavender essential oil—have an application that’s right ...

What You Should Know About Carrot Seed Essential Oil

2024-06-05T11:47:24-06:00April 29th, 2024|Essential Oils, Fun Facts|

Whether you love the taste of veggies or just tolerate them, it’s undeniable that they’re nutritious. And carrots might take the cake in the nutrition department. They’re a great source of fiber, vitamin K, antioxidants, and more. But that’s not all carrots are good for. In Young Living’s garden of oils, you’ll find Carrot Seed essential ...