When you love essential oils, you want to share them with your whole family—including the newest members! Essential oils can be fantastic for young children and babies, but it’s important to use oils in a way that is safe for their sensitive systems. Here’s what you need to know about using the best essential oils in the nursery!


Essential oils aren’t just great for your baby! Check out this post for tips on helping your other kids—and yourself—have a great day!

Which oils do you use to comfort your little one?

Let us know in the comments!

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  • I know you shouldn't diffuse in a close proximity (does this mean not in the same room or just simply away from where the baby is sleeping and playing)? Additionally, what is the best oil to use to help a baby with congestion (8 month old)- thieves, lavender (again, I know to use all with caution)?

    • Hi Ashley, To safeguard the health of your children, the essential oils should not be diffused in their immediate proximity or for long periods of time without the prior consent of a pediatric physician. We also suggest diffusing a small amount of essential oil for short periods of time until you have determined if your children have any sensitivity to diffusing.

      Young Living’s products are intended only for the use listed on individual labels—either for topical/aromatic use or as a dietary supplement. Please always refer to the label for usage directions. Because Young Living’s products are not labeled to be used as drugs, they are not intended for use in the treatment or cure of disease or any abnormal function of the body, including ailments or injuries. Therefore, Young Living cannot provide advice or recommendation for products to address any type of disease, ailment, or injury. We recommend speaking with your child's pediatrician on your specific issue.

    • Hi Gabrielle, The dilution recommendation for children ages 0-1 is one eighth the labeled concentration. We recommend referring to the individual label directions for any age restrictions as well. Essential oils should be diluted for use on children. We suggest using a patch test procedure prior to ensure the oil is properly diluted for the child. To perform a patch test, apply 1-2 drops of EO to a patch of skin such as the forearm. If you have additional concerns regarding the use of the essential oils for your little one, please be sure to speak with your health professional for personalized guidance.

  • I co-sleep with my baby and I'm wondering if it's safe to diffuse emotional blends such as release and joy around her? She is 8 months old. So far, I've diffused peace and calming and lavender for long hours around her because I didn't know better, but she is fine.

    • I would advise against diffusing Release because it contains a carrier (olive) oil. Inhaling fatty oils into the lungs can lead to lipoid/lipid pneumonia. For example, there have been cases that occurred when children aspirated mineral oil that was administered orally for constipation. It would be fine to diffuse a couple drops of Joy because only essential oils (which contain no fat) are listed as ingredients in that blend. Gentle Baby is an even better option, as it is designed especially for babies.

    • Hi Stephanie, Many essential oils can be safely used around and for children. Please always follow the directions and safety guidelines on each individual product label. When diffusing an oil new to the child, we suggest diffusing a small amount for short periods of time until you have determined if she has any sensitivity to the oil. If you have further questions regarding diffusing essential oils around your baby, we suggest speaking with a health professional for guidance.

  • Hi. I guess my 2,3, 7 years old sons have a parasites. Can I use any oils for them? Which one and hove many?

    • Hi Iryna, Sorry to hear about your little ones! We suggest reviewing our KidScents® products and other products for possible solutions. Please discuss these possibilities further with a health care provider for recommendations for this specific concern.

  • Hi.I have 2,3 and 7 year and I guess they have a parasites. Wich essentials oils I can use for them,how often and how many drops? thank you!

    • Hello Iryna, Sorry to hear about your little ones. Please review our product line for possible solutions. Discuss these possibilities further with a health care provider for recommendations for your children. Thanks for stopping by!

  • My Grandchildren love, love the oils. Their favorites are orange and lemon.

  • Hi, I use Lavender, Frankincense, Gentle Baby, Joy, RC, Copaiba and a few others.😍 Love them!

  • Hi, I mixed an essential oil with a carrier to apply on my 14 months old son's feet. I wonder how much I should apply. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

    • Hi Ruth, Thank you for your question. Please refer to the label for usage directions and any age restrictions. We suggest using a patch test procedure to ensure that the oil is properly diluted for the child. To perform a patch test, apply 1-2 drops of diluted EO to a patch of skin such as the baby's arm or leg. If you have further concerns, we recommend consulting a health care provider to determine what is right for your child.

  • Hi
    My 8 month old has a cold , I just got a dolphin clinic diffuser and was wanting to put it in her room with lavender oil to help her breathe and relax, how many drops should i put and do i need to dilute it first if it is going into the infuser ?

    • Hi Bridget, To safeguard the health of your children, the essential oils should not be diffused in their immediate proximity or for long periods of time without the prior consent of a pediatric physician. We also suggest diffusing a small amount of essential oil for short periods of time until you have determined if your child has any sensitivity to diffusing. Thanks for stopping by with your question!

    • Hi Jasmine, To safeguard the health of your children, the essential oils should not be diffused in their immediate proximity or for long periods of time without the prior consent of a pediatric physician. We also suggest diffusing a small amount of essential oil for short periods of time until you have determined if your child has any sensitivity to diffusing. Thanks for stopping by with your question!

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