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7 essential oil tips for weight management

Managing your weight can be a challenge; we know there are long-term health benefits to eating well and moving our bodies—no matter what the scale may say—but it can be discouraging if you’re working hard and not seeing results. Infuse your weight management plan with the following 7 essential tips to boost your efforts.

1. Catch some ZZZs

Did you know that a lack of proper sleep can lead to weight gain? Make sure you’re getting the rest you need by creating a snooze-worthy environment for shut-eye. Diffuse 3 drops of Lavender essential oil and 2 drops of Cedarwood essential oil before tucking in for the night and check out our post for more helpful tips on getting a better night’s sleep.

2. Start your day right

Kick-start your metabolism with a healthy breakfast! If you’re looking at a weight management success story—with or without essential oils—you’ll find they all have one thing in common: committed, healthy choices. Beginning your morning with a conscious, healthy decision sets the stage for continued positive choices all day long. Try starting with an overnight chia bowl.

3. Stay hydrated

Another way to use Young Living essential oils for weight management is by boosting your water intake. A drop of your favorite Vitality™ essential oil can motivate you to drink more water throughout the day. Grapefruit Vitality essential oil has refreshing citrus flavor, making it a perfect option for your water bottle. Or you can find your favorite, like Lemon, Peppermint, or Citrus Fresh™, or create a combination that inspires you to take more sips of H2O all day long.

4. Beat your cravings

When it’s difficult to resist something sweet or salty, opt for a healthy alternative to candy bars and potato chips. Try making essential oil-infused chocolate energy balls or apple chips at home, or seek out recipes to swap healthy ingredients into not-so-healthy recipes. Cut down on refined sugars and other bad-for-you ingredients by opting for Granola for breakfast or a Chocolate-coated Wolfberry Crisp Bar for your afternoon snack.

5. Get up and move

One of the best tips for weight management is to keep moving. You don’t need to be a gym rat, but it’s critical to change up a sedentary lifestyle. Opt for stairs instead of the elevator, park on the far end of the parking lot, and take time to stretch throughout the day. If you’re having trouble with motivation, try diffusing Citrus Fresh or Peppermint essential oil to help add a little pep to your step. Using essential oils to help your weight management can often be about finding ones with energizing aromas!

6. Team up

Everything is easier when you have a support system, and that includes managing your weight. Invite a friend or group of friends to join you on your journey so you can all see better results together by keeping each other on track. Share results, discuss setbacks, and renew your resolve with a group of people who are as motivated as you are. This support network can be invaluable as you go through the ups and downs of your weight management plan as they help you stay accountable and focus on your goals.

7. Add some Slique®

Young Living’s Slique system is formulated to promote healthy weight management.* Young Living’s Slique product line includes Slique Essence™, Slique Shake, Slique Tea and Slique Bars—a whole Slique system to support you in your weight-management goals!

If weight management is on your agenda, check out our posts on 15 ways to feel more powerful. Empower your journey!

What tips and tricks do you have to help maintain a healthy weight? Let us know in the comments below!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

**This product is intended for individuals 18 or older and to be used in conjunction with a low-calorie, nutritious diet and regular exercise. Consult with your health care provider prior to beginning any weight-management program, if you are taking medications, or if you have any health concerns.

This post is also available in: Chinese (Traditional)

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