Crafting Your Unique Aroma Story💕

When we present flowers to our loved ones, its unique and enchanting aroma always uplifts our emotions and conveys deep affection. However, fresh flowers eventually wilt and their fragrance fades, and YL’s floral essential oils become the perfect way for preserving that beautiful scent. Let us explore how to choose the most suitable floral essential oil for your beloved, offering care and blessings that never expire!

Recharge Yourself: Nurturing Your Well-Being

Challenges in life and environmental changes may bring stress to us, leading to decreased sleeping quality and immune function. During the change of seasons, low immunity can easily trigger allergies or illness. In this fast-paced environment, have you considered how to recharge yourself quickly? Let’s see the following 4 tips to help you relieve negative thoughts! 

St. Maries Lavender Farm and Distillery: The farm that started it all

Young Living Founder D. Gary Young’s (1949–2018) ambitious spirit and passion for discovery and wellness took him to the distant corners of the world. The knowledge and determination he brought back from his travels inspired him to establish his first lavender farm, the St. Maries Lavender Farm and Distillery in Idaho in 1992, and then Young Living Essential Oils in 1994.

  • Essential oils for a steam facial

Best DIY steam facial

If life leaves little room for a solid pampering session, it’s time for an at-home spa treatment. The latest on our “gotta try this” list? The steam facial. You can experience the same steamy treatment at home for a fraction of the price with our DIY steam facial. Infused with ingredients you trust, this spa-quality facial will leave you looking and feeling radiant!

2020-03-25T01:01:28+08:00March 20th, 2020|Beauty& Makeup, DIY, E.O. Tips, 美容化妝|0 Comments

10 ways to use Northern Lights Black Spruce

Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oil offers a surprisingly sweet and reliably refreshing aroma. It’s like the friendly, northern cousin of other popular natural essential oils: Sandalwood, Frankincense, and Copaiba. Born and raised on the Northern Lights Farm in British Columbia, this Canadian essential oil is robust and complex, from the first whiff of warm, sweet wood to the deeper, smokier undertones that linger like the scent of a late-night campfire. Here are 10 wonderful ways to use this rich and woodsy oil blend to fill your home with the crisp refreshment of the deep Canadian woods.

  • Versatile Essential Oils

12 versatile essential oils to have!

You might as well ask us which essential oil has the coolest superpower or which one is the most luxurious. Choosing the most important oils is like choosing your favorite child — the answer varies depending on the day. While it’s difficult to say which are the most important essential oils to have, we can give you a list of oils, stock up on these average, everyday EO rock stars that are so versatile they’re guaranteed to outlive the trendy things we can’t seem to give up!

2021-04-04T05:02:09+08:00January 23rd, 2020|At Home, Beauty& Makeup, E.O. Tips|0 Comments