Mind and Spirit

Hug in a bottle: An essential oil guide to uplift and inspire

Some days your skies are clear, blue, and beautiful—and some days your picnic plans are interrupted with an unexpected storm warning. But don’t worry! Ruined plans can be a bummer, but the sun will come out again soon. In the meantime, try one of these essential oil blends that will remind you of getting a great, big hug!


SARA: a hug for comfort

SARA™ is a sweet blend of Geranium, Ylang Ylang, and Rose. Think of SARA as a big sister, ready to wrap you up in a quilt, hand you a cup of cocoa, and comfort you with compassion. Try rubbing a drop of this blend onto your wrists when you feel like you could use a listening ear. Dilute it with a few drops of a carrier oil to keep your skin happy.


Present Time: a hug for gratitude

If you have way too many alarms set on your phone, an ever-growing to-do list, or a pile of dirty dishes that keeps doubling in size, you might want to reach for Present Time™. Diffuse this delicate scent as you take a minute to reconnect with the present and let go of the expectations you have for yourself. Once you feel calmer, consider doing those dishes before the leftovers grow legs!


Release: a hug for liberation

Ready to let go of some of the “nope” from your day? Throw on some jams, roll out your yoga mat, and diffuse Release™. After stretching out and focusing on your breathing, you might just feel like saying, “Heck yes!” instead.

Grounding: a hug from Mother Nature

Sometimes all we need is a little nature. Even if you can’t get outside, you can connect with your roots by taking a tech detox for a few hours while diffusing Grounding™. This blend of White Fir, Black Spruce, and Pine combines into a forest-inspired aroma. Close your eyes and breathe in the scent of the great outdoors as you enjoy some quiet time.


Hope: a hug for optimism

Looking for some sunshine? Try a little Hope™. While it can’t really change the weather, it might just be the bright spot on a dark day. This gentle blend can be added to a favorite lotion, diffused, or applied topically.


Peace & Calming: a hug for calm

Couldn’t we all use a little more Peace & Calming® in our lives? This gentle blend is one of our most popular essential oil blends, and for good reason! Whether you need a bear hug or are trying to settle in for a night’s hibernation, diffusing this scent adds a special something to the end of a long day.

Gathering: a hug for connection

It can be hard to gather your thoughts after a long day. Or gather your family for dinner. Or gather strength to keep up on your goals. Sound familiar? Try diffusing Gathering™ as you turn daily chaos into calmness by journaling, meditating, or writing an award-worthy to-do list.

Looking for more blends? Check out these calming blends or the benefits of Copaiba oil.


Which blend inspires you the most?

Tells us in the comments below!

View Comments

  • I love using essential oils. I use them in homemade household cleansers, skin care and pet products. So much better than the chemical filled stuff on store shelves.
    I would love to try these oils but unfortunately they're a bit out of my price range since I'm disabled and living on Social Security.

  • Sacred Mountain is one of my ALL time favorite oils! And Inner Child is my new love! Seriously...I feel all warm and fuzzy when I smell it!

  • I had trouble with flushes of anxiety ( which was very unusual for me) when my hormones were changing and I used Vetiver over my heart, wrists and neck to keep me calmer. I make my own deodorant spray with Valor or Sacred Mountain and love them both. I will have to try the other oils you mentioned sometime.

  • I would LOVE to try any one of these oils. I'm new to Young Living and any oils I receive create a wonderful learning opportunity for me!

  • #allthehugs <3 Love it! My fave is Sacred Mountain, I wear it as my SCENT, yo! Almost daily. Love love love love ylang ylang + tree oils. Such a hug. ;-) Also love Release in massage oil, very yum. I can't wait to try the others one day. <3

  • Stress Away is one of my go-to's and I always have it in my purse. It was very helpful when my Mom was in the hospital.

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