Beauty Blogs at Young Living Indonesia

I am Woman & I am Awesome!

Rahasia dari alam semesta yang mendukung tiap perempuan jadi makin luar biasa! Sebagai seorang perempuan, kita harus meyakini bahwa tak ada satu pun hal yang tidak bisa kita lakukan. Banyak sekali kisah di sekitar kita yang menunjukkan bahwa perempuan dapat menjadi apapun yang mereka inginkan. Memiliki karir cemerlang, membangun bisnis yang sukses, menjadi seorang homemaker, [...]

2021-09-07T15:30:05+07:00September 7th, 2021|Beauty|0 Comments

Orange Blossom Facial Wash: Uses and Benefits

These extreme weather conditions can sometimes cause a variety of skin problems and requiring extra care. That is why Young Living’s Orange Blossom Facial Wash™ is the perfect way to start and end your day. With an abundance of phytonutrients, Orange Blossom Facial Wash gently removes the impurities of daily living and any remaining makeup. The following list includes a few active ingredients and their benefits:

2020-04-28T04:50:53+07:00April 3rd, 2020|Beauty, Personal Care, Uncategorized|0 Comments
  • Collection of Young Living Essential Oils for face

You Glow! 7 Best Essential Oils for Your Skin and Face

We have got helpful tips on how to get a gorgeous glow no matter what your skin type. Learn which oils are the best to use in your unique skin care routine and add them to create a lux moisturizer that complements your complexion. Check out our top seven essential oils—and nine honorable mentions—then enter our giveaway at the end of the post to win one of these oils for yourself!

2021-04-13T08:40:28+07:00April 1st, 2020|Beauty, Essential Oils|0 Comments