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Fruit for thought: 7 uses and benefits of Citrus Fresh

2022-07-27T11:23:02-06:00March 4th, 2020|Essential Oils|

To Citrus Fresh™ we say, “You’re the zest!” Orange you glad to have Citrus Fresh essential oil blend? When life gives you lemons, make Citrus Fresh! All jokes aside, Citrus Fresh is quite irre-zest-ible! (We couldn’t re-zest one more.) With its tangy, playful scent, we keep this blend close by for expelling nasty smells, ...

6 reasons Goldenrod is as good as gold

2022-07-08T09:58:38-06:00February 5th, 2020|Essential Oils|

A bag of gold bullion or a bottle of Goldenrod? You'd think the decision would be an easy one, but fans of the oil would disagree. The benefits of Goldenrod essential oil are as numerous as they are priceless, which makes it hands-down one of our most popular oils. Where does Goldenrod essential ...