2019 Diamond Retreat FAQ


Q. What are the qualifications for the Diamond Retreat?
A. Please visit the Diamond Retreat Qualifications page.
Q. What if I was paid as a Diamond or above before, but this is my first time achieving Diamond or above three months in a row?
A. Though you have previously reached and been paid at the rank of Diamond, you are invited to attend based on the first time you qualify as a Diamond for three consecutive months. For example, Joan advanced to Diamond for the first time in September 2017; however, she did not achieve three consecutive months as a Diamond until February, March, and April 2018. Because she achieved three consecutive months as a Diamond for the first time during the 2019 Diamond Retreat qualification period, she would be invited as a new Diamond to the 2019 Diamond Retreat.
Q. What if my three consecutive qualifying months do not all fall within the qualification period?
A. You will be invited to attend a retreat based on the qualification period in which your third qualifying month falls. For example, Peter advanced to Diamond in December 2017. He was then paid as a Diamond again in January and February 2018. Because his third consecutive month of Diamond falls within the current qualification period, he would be invited as a new Diamond to the 2019 Diamond Retreat, even though his first two consecutive months occurred in the previous qualification period.
Q. If I qualify to have all expenses paid, what does that cover?
A. Young Living will cover the cost of coach flights for Diamond and Crown Diamond members and the cost of business-class flights for Royal Crown Diamond members to attend the Diamond Retreat. Additionally, Young Living will cover the cost of housing, certain meals, and activities during the event dates for Diamond ranks and above. Incidental costs, such as meals during travel and airline baggage fees, are the member’s responsibility.
Q. I’m unable to attend this year. What can I do?
A.If you qualify for a recognition retreat but are unable to attend, you may defer your qualification to the next retreat for that same rank one time.

To request a deferral, send an email to europeanrecognition@youngliving.com before the end of the subsequent qualification period. Include your name, member number, rank, and reason for the deferral.

Deferrals will not be granted without proper notification and are not automatic. You must notify us if you do not plan to attend or you will forfeit attendance to that recognition retreat. A second deferral will not be permitted.
Qualifying members may defer their recognition retreat only once per rank. If you defer, you will receive an email invitation to register for the next retreat after new qualifiers are determined.


Q. How do I register for the Diamond Retreat?
A. If you qualify, you will receive an email with your qualification information and a link to the registration site. Registration opens on February 6 and closes on February 15.
Q. How do I see or edit my registration details?
A. You can view and edit your registration details on our retreat registration webpage. On the webpage, click Already Registered? > Modify > Information for you or any of your guests.

All modifications must be completed by February 15.
Q. What is the cancellation policy?
A. Tickets canceled 30 days or fewer prior to the event will be subject to a 50 percent cancellation fee. Cancellations made more than 30 days before the event will be fully refunded.


Q. What if I want to bring my co-applicant or another guest?
A. Only one member per account can qualify to attend, but you can bring a co-applicant or business partner as your guest.*

New Diamond qualifiers may invite one guest to attend all expenses paid, which includes airfare, certain meals, accommodations, and ground transportation. If the guest ranks below Diamond, he or she may not attend training sessions.

Returning Diamond or above qualifiers may invite one qualified guest* at a percentage of the retreat cost, depending on how many months the qualifier reached Diamond or above rank during the qualification period. For more information, view the retreat qualification chart .

*Qualified guests must be at least 18 years old to attend.
Q. I had a baby recently. May I bring an infant with me to the Diamond Retreat?
A. Attendees are permitted to bring an infant within nursing age. Attendees must pay any extra costs associated with bringing their infant.
Q. May I bring my children with me to the Diamond Retreat?
A. Yes, you may bring children. However, attendees are responsible for arranging and paying for flights, ground transportation, hotel accommodations, and food for any guests in addition to their one qualified guest. Swag will be provided only for the single qualified guest and will not be available for additional guests.
Q. Can I transfer my guest ticket to another guest?
A. Yes. To change a guest’s information, please visit our retreat registration webpage and log in to your registration. Once logged in, click Modify > Information for your guest. All transfers must be completed by February 15.


Q. When should I arrive or depart?
A. Please plan to arrive any time on Monday, April 8, and depart at any time on Saturday, April 13.
Q. What if I want to spend more time in Seville?
A. You are welcome to extend your stay in Seville, and Young Living will cover the flight cost as long as there is no increase in the fare. Young Living will cover the cost of ground transportation, specified meals, and hotel accommodations during the event dates only.
Q. May I book my own flights?
A. If you wish to book your own flights, please email travelrequests@youngliving.com by February 15 and prior to booking to receive a quote for your reimbursement allowance. The reimbursement amount may cover part or all of the cost of your flight.

Because flights booked on your own will not be reimbursed for 10-12 weeks following the event, we highly recommend using the travel agency to limit the reimbursement delays you experience by booking your own airfare. If you are traveling with a guest, Christopherson Travel can assist in booking your guest’s airfare as well. Please include your departure city when requesting your reimbursement allowance. Young Living will not reimburse the cost of airline tickets purchased with airline rewards points.
Q. What class are the flights for the Diamond Retreat? Can I upgrade?
A. Diamonds and Crown Diamonds and their guests will fly coach. Royal Crown Diamonds and their guests will fly business class. If you would like to upgrade, it will be at your expense.


Q. May I share a room with a friend?
A. Qualifiers will receive their own hotel room. Guests will not receive their own room and will share a room with the qualifier who invited them.
Q. At which hotel am I staying? Do you have my hotel confirmation information?
A. All attendees will stay at the Melia Sevilla Hotel. Hotel room confirmation information will be emailed to you within a month of the retreat.
Q. May I book my own hotel room?
A. You may not book your own hotel room during the event dates.
Q. What if I want to extend my stay in Seville?
A. You will need to pay for hotel accommodations for any nights outside of April 8-13. If you would like to extend your stay at the Melia Sevilla Hotel, you may take advantage of an exclusive Young Living rate for three days prior to the event dates and three days after, subject to availability. To request an extended stay, you must submit your request using the Diamond Retreat hotel request form by February 15.* Additionally, Young Living will cover the cost of ground transportation, specified meals, and hotel accommodations during the event dates only.
Q. May I make special accommodation requests?
A. All special requests related to accommodations at the Melia Sevilla Hotel must be submitted through this form . Requests will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. If your request can be accommodated, you will receive an email from the Diamond Support team after February 15 with instructions on how to proceed.*
The following special requests are eligible for consideration:

Extended stay: If you would like to extend your stay at the hotel, you may take advantage of an exclusive Young Living rate for up to three days prior to the event dates and up to three days after, subject to availability. Please request additional dates by using our Diamond Retreat hotel request form .

Additional rooms: You may request and pay for additional rooms during the retreat dates, subject to availability. Please request additional rooms using the Diamond Retreat hotel request form .

Please note: Due to limited availability, room upgrades will not be available during the 2019 Diamond Retreat.
*Please be advised that due to limited availability in the hotel, Young Living will attempt to accommodate requests, but none can be guaranteed.


Q. What should I bring?
A. When packing for your visit, make sure to include the following items in addition to any usual travel necessities:
Cocktail attire for welcome and farewell dinners, inclusive of outerwear
Comfortable outdoor shoes and clothing for the distillery tour and cistus harvest
As the event date gets closer, be on the lookout for additional packing information.
Q. Will translation services be available during the retreat?
A. Translation services will be provided at the event based on attendee needs. Please make your request for translation services or hard-of-hearing headsets during the registration process.

Young Living employees will provide any required translation services during the event.