February Workshop Calendar
Online Workshops
20/2 (Thu)
Online Workshop: Essential Oil and Emotional Wellness
Speaker: Santina Wong, Product Marketing Manager
Hong Kong is a fast-paced city where people are so stressed that need to release negative emotion from work and family. Essential oils have the unique ability to soothe the mind and uplift the spirit. Do you feel the lack of serenity in daily life? We invite you to discover how our pure essential oil and specially- formulated blends can help you restore balance and peace in your life.
27/2 (Thu)
Online Workshop: Member Basic Conduct (Cantonese)
Speaker: Charlotte Szeto, Compliance Officer
Young Living's Policies and Procedures is to assist members in developing a long-term and stable Young Living business and maintaining market fairness and integrity.
We will be sharing the information that members need to pay attention to when buiklding their business!