Evergreen Essence

Evergreen Essence takes you back to nature by combining the scents of a variety of aromatic pine, fir, and spruce trees. Crisp and invigorating, its aroma refreshes your senses and offers the feeling of strength and protection, much like the powerful trees that bring security and beauty to our world. This oil blend will bring the clean, crisp smell of snow-draped forests into your daily life.

Item No.

This item is currently not available for purchase.

This product is only available for registered Brand Partners or as a part of the Loyalty Rewards Programme.

* All prices shown include VAT. Shipping charges not included.

How To Use

Gently breathe in the crisp scent to bring the forest with you, wherever you go. 


Apply topically to enjoy the invigorating aroma, bringing strength and protection to your environment. 


Use while practising meditation for a moment of peace and serenity. 


Pinus contorta* (Lodgepole Pine) branch/leaf oil, Abies grandis* (Grand Fir) branch/leaf oil, Pinus ponderosa* (Ponderosa Pine) branch/leaf oil, Abies iasiocarpa* (Subalpine Fir) branch/leaf oil, Pseudotsuga menziesii* (Balsam Oregon) branch/leaf oil, Pinus Sylestris* (Scotch Pine) leaf oil, Abies iasiocarpa* (Corkbark Fir) branch/leaf oil, Abies balsamea* (Balsam Canada) needle oil, Pinus Aristata* (Bristlecone Pine) branch/leaf oil, Picea pungens* (Blue Spruce) branch/leaf oil, Pinus monticola* (White Pine) branch/leaf oil, Picea engelmannii* (Englemann spruce) oil branch/leaf oil, Larix occidentalis* (Western larch) branch/leaf oil, Tsuga heterophylla* (Western hemlock) branch/leaf oil. 


*100% pure essential oil.