Dr. Mike Buch, Young Living’s newly minted chief science officer, joins us on Drop of Inspiration to talk about what he knows best: science! In this episode, we’ll be talking about his background, some of Young Living’s research and testing processes, and a few questions that members have been asking. We’re also getting some product tips from Young Living’s training and education team—you don’t want to miss it.
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Well with the time to listen and hear the amazing information frim Dr. Buch! I believe we have many promising things in the horizon! I am glad I am part of this wonderful family!
Thank you for this information. I especially like the way you explained all the research Young Living does, to become FDA approved for OTC!
Thank you Dr. Mike Buch, for this great informative audio session. I love hearing about the science, and I was wondering if it would be possible to physically see what is taking place when testing the oils? I listen to how it is done, and I’m also a visual person too, so to see it taking place might better help me understand the process as it is very fascinating to me. Even if you can not post it publicly so others to not know the secrets, maybe there could be a class at convention or even use a plant that we might not use as an essential oil, just so we can see how the process works ???
Hey Alie,
Thanks for the comment. We’ve got a few resources for our visual-learning friends. Check out http://www.bit.ly/YLVideos to get started. Hope that helps.
What an awesome podcast!!!! I love listening to Dr. Mike Buch and all the exciting tidbits of info he gives us! So looking forward to where he and the Research & Development Dept. are taking Young Living into the future! Keep giving us these podcasts!!!
This is really interesting! I’ve wondered why the big pharma companies don’t get on the bandwagon with natural products and essential oils, and now I know: The companies won’t invest in anything that is projected to sell less than a billion dollars the first year. It really is up to us to find healthy alternatives for ourselves!
Love all Dr. Buch is doing and the information he shared!
Love the science and learning how and why the oils help support the bodies
I am so glad to hear this, as I am curious to the science of essential oils. I am a science teacher and I really want to understand how they work, literally (scientifically). I look forward to hearing more.
Thank you! Very interesting and enlightening. So thankful to be a part of Young Living as a user and wholesale member.
I am so grateful for this podcast. It is so important to continue to share the science behind these amazing oils and what Young Living is doing behind the scenes with research and development. I am searching for the science that Dr. Buch just talked about, so I can clearly understand how these oils work. I love the oils I am using, but I am looking for ways to articulate to friends and family way oils are worth taking a look at other than they smell great and make me happy. Please continue to teach us and you learn through your research.
Yeah for a fellow Fightin’ Blue Hen!!!!
Loved the information! Thank you so much.
Thank you for this podcast! So incredible to hear all the new research being done at Young Living. Truly amazing oils we have!
Fantastic podcast! Thank you Trent and Mike for all you do for us!
This was a fabulous interview with tons of useable info. So much excitement built here with what is going on behind the sciences as well as what they are preparing to do. Along with many takeaways to share with my team as well as anyone I converse with on essential oils with!! Please continue with these interviews as a way to share important info. This is another great way to continue leading in this industry as well as using our products better.
Thank you sharing more about the science aspect of essential oils. Great podcast to share with others. I am looking forward to new over the counter products.
Yes these podcasts are very informative. Keep them coming.
Thank you.
Very exciting podcast! I am so impressed with the integrity of the mission of Young Living and I am very grateful for the time and dedication!
I am also so blessed to help my large family including my parents and the young family members who have joined the oiler lifestyle!
Thank you and the educational podcast will benefit my team of hardworking team! Thank you!!
So lovely to hear the science and not some shortened version of the complexity. I learned a few things. thank you!
<3 <3 <3
Thank you! A great recap of our science and how it contributes to amazing, high quality products for our health. I’m glad Mike Buch has joined YL on this expansion.
I listed today and was amazing. Thank you for the podcast and sharing this valuable and inspiring information. I’m excited to see where Young Living is going and to hear and learn about the future that these amazing oils holds for everyones wellness. Thank you.
I just discovered the podcasts and love this segment-Mike do you have any plans for future podcasts? There is so much science around the oils.
Podcast team: keep up the good work, bringing us information that is concise and informative.
Thank you!