Ep19: Connect Your Passions with YL

17 February 16, 2017 - Archive, Business Building
The YL Drop
The YL Drop
Ep19: Connect Your Passions with YL

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We hope you’re feeling extra passionate after the Live Your Passion rallies. These events have been creating some serious energy for the Young Living family. So what does Live Your Passion mean? It means embracing what we love in unique and personal ways.

When it comes to Young Living, you can connect your personal passions to help bring essential oils into every home. In this encore episode, we invited Samantha Wright and Tracy Griffiths to talk about their passions and the ways they’ve connected them to Young Living.

Samantha is a kindred spirit in the podcast world where she and her guests cover health and wellness topics. Tracy has created a one-of-kind yoga experience that infuses essential oils into the practice of her yogis.



  • Danita Banko February 17, 2017 - 4:58 pm Reply

    Thank you Thank you Thank you for being genuine and so authentic. I absolutely love how you talked about the subject of being duplicate-able and the obviousness of our individual uniqueness. I have struggled with this for so long. I’ve said for a long time… ask 100 people ….. get 100 different answers. You may have just unlocked a huge block for me right here and right now! I am the author of my own unique story and my life experiences. My experience with Young Living has it’s own flavor and the sooner I embrace my passion for my experience with Young Living the better off everyone will be!!!

  • Julie zehendner February 22, 2017 - 1:08 pm Reply

    My ahh ha moment , when I joined young living , wanted a natural way to support, and I seen how it did just that , Plus so much more, I fell in love of what God created and how to use these oils, that’s been 2 1/2 years ago, and learning all the time, and want to educate people!

    Thank you young living family!!

  • Dee A Havins February 25, 2017 - 12:10 am Reply

    I had my first ah ha moment when I heard Gary Young speak at a level one training class in Dallas in 2000. You can listen to him and watch him and see the commitment that he has to his company and the people in it. I since have been able to help others learn why this is the only company that they can trust 100% of the time..

  • Claire Torrice March 15, 2017 - 7:05 pm Reply

    Hearing Gary speak on passion stirred something deep inside at the Live Your Passion Rally. I now have the vision to lead my team in health and wellness for their families and friends!

  • Racheina Stanley April 4, 2017 - 2:29 pm Reply

    Is there a way to get Podcasts 1-13. The earliest I see is 14. I would like to listen to them all.

    • Young Living April 20, 2017 - 7:07 pm Reply

      Hi Racheina,

      You should be able to see them all on the homepage or in the archive section. You can also subscribe on iTunes or Google Play.

      Thanks for listening!

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