Get to know our brand ambassador Edina Hamulic. She’s a NGA figure pro and a mom. In this episode she shares her family’s remarkable struggle and search for a better life, her journey as an athlete and a mother, and some great tips to get your fitness journey started. We love having Edina in the Young Living family and we know you’re going to love this episode.
Related content:
- Read more about Edina and all of Young Living Brand Ambassadors
- Listen to our QuickCast episode with all of our Young Living Brand Ambassadors
- Essential oils and oil-infused products mentioned in this episode:
We’ll be randomly selecting two listeners. We’re giving a gift bag of a few of Edina’s favorite items mentioned in the episode including Deep Relief™ Roll-On, NingXia Nitro®, Gary’s True Grit™ Wolfberry Crisp Bar – Chocolate Coated, and Slique® Bars. Comment on this episode and share the episode link on your social media pages for an opportunity to win!
Giveaway rules:
- To enter, simply comment on this post and share the link on your social media pages.
- Contest ends at 11:59 p.m., MT, on Wednesday, January 18th.
- The lucky winners will be chosen randomly and announced on this post on Monday, January 23rd.
- Click here for official rules.
Love Edina’s story of perseverance and courage… so inspiring!!
I love this!! What a story, I mean, wow. I am passionate about fitness and bodybuilding, but I am just getting started. I have been praying and searching for role models of good values! Thank you for sharing this! I cannot wait to incorporate these products into my routine!!
Thank you for broadcasting this podcast. I was inspired by Edinas comments to just keep going no matter what it’s difficult to do of course at times but it’s what you need to do to get anywhere! Thank you!
Thanks for sharing your story! It reminded. E how important eating healthy is–especially when working out regularly.
Wow. I’m going to drink my shakes more!! I do once a day now. I will start 2 when I work out for sure!! She’s great thanks for sharing
What a humbling and inspirational story! Thank you for sharing!
So inspirational. I love this testimony. As a new member it is educational hearing about others oily journeys. Thanks for sharing!
I love hearing Edina’s story. She’s so inspiring! I’ve been using YL in my fitness routine and would love to be in competition ready by March 2018.
I am new to listening to these pod casts and I love them. They really help me feel more connected to the company and those who are also living the oily life. Way to Go YL for doing this!!! Edina’s story isn’t much different from other leaders, winners, achievers ~ perseverance through adversity. I am enjoying her story very much – we are just getting warmed up.
This was so inspiring. I love her story!
I am just starting to be really fitness conscious, she is very inspiring. So glad she did it with young living!
LOVE the personal stories; Thank you for sharing. Great idea to have the list of products referenced available to read..
Wonderful! Great story of discipline and reward…and family. Loved her story. It gives me the reminder to set my goals and stick with like minded folks. Thank you!
Thank you Edina! I was in great shape going to the gym regularly however I am recovering from an injury now. After listening to you I can’t wait to get back! Thanks again!
What a great inspiration! I retired from the corporate arena last year and have realized what sitting at a desk for 8-12 hours a day for years has done to my body. I am now trying to recover and improve my health. So many great ideas and great inspiration to get through those down days. Of course my oils and supplements have already helped but have a long way to go!
Inspiring journey from Bosnia to the US. Use of Young Living EOs a natural addition to her lifestyle and competitions.
I love this story!! I’ve recently lost about 40 pounds & I want to lose another 40 pounds. This was the perfect motivation I needed! Thank you for sharing! God Bless!!!
A beautiful story of natural health and endurance. Gives me hope and determination to get started working out. I’m a grandma of 2 with another coming in July and need to have stamina plus strength, endurance to keep up. Ha. With awesome examples of fitness like Edina, and other YL ambassadors and Young Living products how can we not succeed! Thanks!!!!
Love her story and motivation for fitness!
Happy to share! Essential oils make everything better.
Very nice story of inspiration leading to great fitness success. Really like the emphasis on how nutrition can significantly impact muscle development. Lastly, it was nice to hear about what YL products can relate to a fitness regimen, as well as how and when to use them.
Just reinforces if you have a purpose and a dream you can accomplish anything!
I really enjoyed this podcast! It was very interesting to hear about challenges she has overcome and she is truly an inspiration! Also interesting to hear how she uses Young Living products!
Great story which becomes as real as can be. She is very inspiring and proves through struggle you’ll gain power by being persistent and not giving up. Determination and being healthy in life gives you a wonderful feeling, not only to yourself but by helping others. That’s why I spread the word about my use on the essential oils. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing, wow! great episode!
Inspirational message for health!
Inspiring and encouraging! Also a reminder of accountability in our health. Good health does require constancy!
I love how she explains how she recovered, great story of a Mom who loves her family.
I too love Edina,loved her and all the anbassadores for the 30 day challenge.I love how real she is,so thank-you Edina!
Edina is very inspiring to want to lead a healthy lifestyle. Surprised to find out she only spends 30-40 mins in the gym and most of her time is spent in the kitchen! I am off to look up her go to products to see how I can incorporate them into my daily life!
Great suggestions from another amazing YL Ambassador..information shared gladly
What a great story.
Very inspiring message from Edina! Loved how she brought out the story of her parent’s work ethic and how that impacted how she approaches all of life today, and how that kind of foundation will set you up for success. The other thing that really stood out is how important it is to surround yourself with those who will actively support you and invest their time in you. How cool that she has Pure Protein Complete before AND after a workout! She gets to double up on all of that goodness! Congratulations on the achievement of previously being named one of body building’s top 10 fittest women in the nation!
What a beginning she had! Parents not giving in to hopelessness, which would be so understandable is an inspiration to me. Glad to hear that getting into the gym was ackward to even for here. So glad she is a brand ambassador for YL!
very inspiring!
Very inspiring & motivating! Love that she points out the importance not only of exercise to stay fit but also the nutritional component, including her favorite YL products.
Thanks for sharing Edina, your parents are an inspiration and I want to be courageous like them! I am a single mom who believes in leading by example. Like you, I spend more time in the kitchen meal prepping than working out and I use YL EOs in my cooking and muscle relief products too. I can’t wait to share your story with my other fitness moms and they will benefit in using the same EO’s. Take care.
It is always inspiring to hear other peoples stories. Thanks for sharing this. I am not into bodybuilding or anything, but I have started changing my exercise habits. I am interested in several of the products. Right now, I definitely do Ningxia Red everyday and take Slique capsules but would like to in-cooperate several other products as well!
Thank you for sharing!! Great information and very inspiring!
Very inspiring!! Thank you Edina for sharing. I’ve added the Wolfberry Crisp Bars to my ER cart!
Thanks for sharing your story and your resources. It is inspiring!
Great story, thanks for sharing. Very encouraging.
Inspiring and encouraging!
This was very motivating and inspiring.
I have been out of the gym for about 5 months. I now have a burning desire to get back in there to see and feel the progress again.
Also, You are a mom and leading by example, I think that is AWESOME!!!
Thank you for sharing your story.
So inspirational! Since I started using Young Living oils and products, I am more aware of what I put in my body!
Edina’s story is very inspirational. I love her positive attitude and perseverance. I’m going to add the protein powder and calcium to my next ER order.
I love this! What a great inspiration to so many people. She has been through so much and has overcome more then most of us have experienced. “Work hard, not to complain or give up” is what she tells her self and we need to remind ourselves daily to do this. Setting goals helps keep us accountable and she set the ultimate goal! I love that she is inspired by moms that are setting an example for their little ones by being active!
Love you right idea of putting your gym clothes on right away in the morning so your more likely to follow through! Thanks for sharing all of your YL products you use!
Thank You Edina for Sharing Ur Story. I Love the Mega Cal & Vitamin B & Use Deep Relief Daily! Thank you for sharing info.
What an inspiration Edina is just love her go to attitude. Kudos to her.
Amazing story and inspiring woman.
Very inspirational! Thanks for sharing your story.
This was great story about what she and her family endured. What an inspiration. I also learned about some new products and remind me to move more and not to be lazy to keep healthy the YL and natural way.
Thanks Edina! Being a trainer and having lost a ton of weight in the past myself, I know how the haters made you feel! Glad you had a few that supported you and you did it your way! Thanks for the inspiration and motivation!
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Thanks so much for sharing!! So inspiring! It’s great to hear from someone who is serious about health and fitness and why they love YL products too. Incredible story!!!