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As a full-time mom and a Young Living business leader, Callie Shepherd is a wiz when it comes to time management and success. In this Drop of Inspiration episode, Callie shares her go-to tips that are sure to make an impact.
What are your tried and true productivity tips? Let us know in the comments below!
I loved the the concept of being present 100%. I was not performing as well as I could when I was attempting to work multitasking, especially with kids around. Focused time is my implementation point this month.
I like going into my day with a list to help me stay focused and get through the top priorities and IPAs. Otherwise I can find myself feeling distracted.
I learned to not be distracted! Be in all during the time you are where you are. I needed to hear this as I am new to the business for YL. Thank you Callie
Multitask where I can. When doing laundry or dishes listen to a podcast or a 12 days of diamonds video. But being all in where I need to, with my daughter or in my relationships. I’m still learning but this is really helping me out right now!
Callie, Thank you for a great podcast. I’ve only been with Young Living a few months and have 25 people under me. I’m looking all over for more ideas and support. What hit home the most for me is the intentional of my time with my family and friends, to be there in the moment. Young Living has taken me on an amazing journey in a short 4 months. I’m learning every day and sharing everyday.
Thanks so much for this podcast! This “making margin” and pairing down the excess to make room for something great really met me where I am!
I loved the idea of setting up hours to work and not just grabbing an hour here or there by chance. This gives intentionality and you can set your affirmations for the session. Being present during the work hours leads to so much more productivity. Great podcast!
Great message! I really like what you said about learning and self-growth.
I really liked this podcast, I’ve been learning how to tone my life down a bit to make room for this new venture. So glad to see I’m on the right track! I also love the quote “wherever you are, be all there” I struggle with the boundaries of business, home life and everything else and definitely need to make this more a priority.