You can purchase a DNA test that will tell you where your family is from. In fact, there’s a whole industry devoted to helping you discover your origins. I believe it’s based on the age-old question: Where did I come from? That information and the rich stories that come with it can provide direction and understanding. A good place to start asking this question is your parents, because no matter your circumstances in life, the story of how they met could be one of the most important moments from your past. Today, I’m chatting with my mother, co-founder and CEO of Young Living, and diving into the story of how she met my father, D. Gary Young, YL founder and father of the modern-day essential oils movement.
Love this history story.
And the back to our roots stories.
I love the origin and the difference between frankincense and sacred frankincense.
This is wonderful! I love hearing your story!
Sounds like a wonderful journey!!
I am so excited about this podcast and getting to hear so many great stories about Mary and Gary ♥️
I met my husband at the pool in my appartment building.
Enjoyed hearing this chat Jacob and mother — really enjoyed this! Put a smile on my face.
I absolutely love these stories. Thank you for doing this Jacob!!!
I am grateful to be a part of this company and this is my origin of my Young Living journey!
I love the story about Mary’s VW! My friend Larry used to pick me up for school every morning in his first car. It had no heat so I would have to sit next to him, wrapped in a blanket and I would have to scrape the windshield all the way to school! It was so cold! But I loved it!
Love this. Thanks Mary and Jacob
What a WONDERFUL podcast! I loved hearing Mary’s story. So rich with information! In response to winning an oil: My favorite origin story is how, while on a cruise near Panama, my grandmother Corena, an Army nurse, met her husband, Ricardo, a businessman with a coffee, banana, orchid plantation. Inspiring!
Oh I am so excited for this new Pod Cast. This is wonderful. Thank you so much for doing this. I know that this takes a lot of time and effort and I deeply appreciate you taking this on Mr. J. Young.
You wanted an origin story: My mom (a YL user/lover) met dad in California. She was at loose ends as her mom had discouraged her from accepting a job in Hawaii (her dream job) and she wasn’t sure what to do. In 1946 the men in her age group (she was 23) were ready to settle down. Many of them were vets and wanted to get back to their dreams. Both of my parents were from the Midwest but had fallen in love with the West. They were at a church function when Mom noticed this set of shoulders across the room. She had a mutual friend introduce them & they started dating. Dad immediately told her that he wanted to settle in Northern Nevada. She said fine even though she thought it was dirt streets, wild Indians, & outlaws. She told Dad that the doctors said that she’d not be able to have children. (My brother was born 10 months after the wedding.) He said fine we’ll adopt. They had 4 natural born children, 2 foster children and sheltered 32 foster children in the course of 9 years. I am the 5th of 6. They were married 54 years.
I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast. The hard work done by Mary and Gary is so inspiring, as is their beautiful love story. May he rest in peace. My heartfelt thanks to both of them. Be blessed.
This is great to hear about YL beginnings. I too felt the honest truth after listening to Gary speak at my first Convention (2002).
What a cute story of the beginning of Gary & Mary Young. Thank you Mary for taking care of him and fixing all of his writing w/ grammatical errors in the beginning too. I don’t think I know anything about Origin….
I love Thieves and the legend behind it
Totally awesome and informative,Thanks for doing this!

Such a beautiful story, I am grateful and blessed to hear about the family history! Thank you for all you do and the amazing products!

The podcast is a excellent idea, Thank you Jacob
Thank you for such wonderful information. I have been with Young Living for many years. I enjoyed hearing the beginning story. I met both Gary and Mary at a training in Ohio. I discovered your oils by walking by an early starter oil kit under a stack of books. I just had to have something that put off such wonderful energy. Now if I could find the drive to build my business. I use my oils daily in many ways. Thank you for building such a fantastic company.
I would love to win the 3 wise man.
and my mom was a staying at home mom. They been married 49 years and 2 girls. My sister Annie and myself. They have 4 grandchildren plus 3 step grandchildren.
My parents met in Quebec and moved in Ontario. My dad works in the bush to cut wood
We leave in Timmins, Ontario. We are a very close family
My most memorable moment with Gary was in Mexico at a week long seminar. I had gone for a swim early morning and was getting in the elevator to go back to my room. I heard a man say “hold the door”
To my surprise it was Gary who had just finished working out in the gym. When he got in, his energy was so strong it pushed me into my room mate. I remember her pushing me forward so i would not lean into her. Needless to say It was a short ride. I will never forget how strong his energy field was.
This was wonderful! I love the stores!!
Thank you Jacob and Mary…..will be sure check out every other Monday. Love the story of Gary & Mary.
This was awesome!!!
I love the story of how Mary and Gary met. What a beautiful love story
I loved hearing the story of Mary and Gary.
Very interesting to hear of the true story.
Thanks for sharing.
My favorite origin story is about Thieves.
This was so beautiful. thank you for sharing
My favorite origin story would have to be about the origin of the Thieves blend
I sooo enjoy hearing the stories from the beginnings of Young Living and this podcast is extra special with Jacob interviewing his mother, Mary Young! And what a super impressive job Jacob did as the interviewer! Thank you for providing this content.
Loved her telling of her growing up and going to Opera college
This is my first episode to listen to, thank you for providing the podcast! As a new brand partner I am soaking up all the origin stories I can! I am most intrigued by the Thieves story.
My favorite DNA story is now this one! Awesome!