In this Quick Cast episode—a shorter version of our Drop of Inspiration podcast—Lyndi Smith, vice president of global marketing, joins us to talk about the new Vitality™ essential oil line. Lyndi shares the exhaustive development process that was required for this one-of-a-kind launch—there was a lot to do! We had a great conversation with her and discovered a lot of great tips and information.
Listen to this Quick Cast episode and leave a reply! What was one of the best things that you learned from our chat with Lyndi?
Related content:
- Visit YoungLiving.com to learn even more about Vitality.
- Check out this video and share it with your family and friends.
Great Podcast! Excited to know that more oils will be added to the Vitality line over time and that Young Living has over 700 SKUs with more to come! Thank you, Lyndi, for the ‘elevator pitch’!
Absolutely Brilliant!! Thank you so much for this podcast. No challenge is ever turned away it seems, the challenge makes Young Living grow & stretch with even more excellence; with that is make us in the field grow and become even more excellence and fun!! I love being able to share a blog post and the recipe videos are absolutely so fun!! Thank you.
Great podcast! I am so excited about finding these. Thank you.
Great podcast. Thank you, Lyndi for providing with such essential information. It’s wonderful to know that we are regaining our natural voices. I’m so excited to be a part of it!
Love how the Vitality line gives us another way to share Young Living with confidence!
Thank you for the podcast. I am just starting out with Young Living and I am trying to find ways of sharing.
Lindi Smith’s 30 second pitch about Vitality oils at 11minutes should be shared with everyone. You could hear in her voice her passion for sharing these oils with everyone. Great job! Thank you!
Being a member for twenty years – what you call a wild ride has been for me a gentle lift off – again and again! I am amazed how my loyalty to YL has only deepened with every year, every new oil, every new story! Not being aware of the Vitality Line and how it can enhance my own sharing is a great AH HA! This pod cast reminds me how just one yummy experience with an oil can throw open the vault of great abundance for those who are first exposed. For others simple curiosity begins the desire to know more, experience more and wonder to themselves: WHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUT YL? Putting a voice to those who are making this company pump is to catch the enthusiasm anew to share the goodness and abundance it has brought me in whole new ways. Thank you for all you do.
Great podcast! It is so nice that these are added to the product line. I never knew it was the same recipe as the regular oil. That was nice to hear.
I learned a new product Line that can positively influence a teaching moment. With this tool we will be able to include the cooking enthusiast and bring them into the Young Living Life style.
Great job you guys! Thanks so much for making this info and these podcasts, Drop of Inspiration available. Great way to share info. While I love reading and written documentation, this is also a great format for us members to be able to access or share on the go at times when reading isn’t feasible. Much appreciation to you guys!!!
Thank you so much for making it simple to explain why YL created the new Vitality EO’s line. Amazingly!
I love that we can now share these oils as dietary with the new Vitality line. I’m excited to learn that YL will be adding more soon!
Amazing PodCast, I am still new to YL, and have done my fair share of reading and learning about the New Vitality line, and it was just the way she explained, but me understand how to explain it to new peeps. Thank you!