In this episode, host Deidrene Joyce is joined by Wade Lee, managing member of Háloa Áina, a Hawaiian education and forestry organization and Young Living’s partner in the Kona Sandalwood Reforestation Project. Tune in as Wade, a former biologist and university professor, walks us through the biology and history of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood™, discusses the sustainable processes used by the Kona Sandalwood Reforestation Project, and highlights the importance of maintaining balance in the environment. To learn more about the Kona Sandalwood Reforestation Project, visit the Young Living Partner Farm page.
I have wanted to try Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood for a while now. Sounds awesome and appreciate the information!
I would love some plz.
Love this so much!
What is it used for
Sacredness of prayer and the woods telling which tree to take.
Appreciate the info.
I move learning about the way the trees produce the oil to protect themselves and it is fascinating. I appreciate YL’s commitment to sustainability. Would love some of this oil. They quit producing right after I became a member. But I happened to snag a bottle still in one of the Oils of the Bible kit and loved it. I knew they had started a new farm but was curious how all of the volcanic eruptions they have been dealing with there have affected things.
It’s so great to hear about the preservation of the land, these short lived trees, how the trees are growing in the community, the respect the Hawaiians have for the land, the circle of life and death, and how Wade and his crew have a wonderful philosophy of love, life, and acceptance.
I thoroughly enjoyed the podcast, and especially how it was such a fit for Gary Young to find this man and partner with him and his farm and the fact that they both are/were Stewarts of the land and highly respect and take care of it.
I like learning about the oils and how they grow and are harvested. I would like to try this oil for support and to diy perfume
Interesting history and culture.
Thankful for the reforestation project.
I love the stories and interviews incorporated into the podcast!
The history saddened me. I loved learning about the root hairs and hosts. I also found it fascinating to learn about the banana peels.
My favorite part of the podcast was that The trees are harvested at the end of their life cycle and that the trees spend 30 years defending themselves producing a potent , wonderful oil. Taking care of the land so the land takes care of them.
I also love that Gary was persistent.
I loved hearing more about the sustainability and the reforestation endeavors!! I would love to try some of this precious oil!!
I feel empowered by the knowledge shared in this podcast and will be able to educate my Young Living customers. It’s inspiring to remember that if we take care of the land, the land will take care of us. I’ve never tried Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood and can say that I am intrigued by it! The cultural stories shared are captivating. Thanks for this beautiful story of commitment to sustainability and the preservation of the culture of a glorious people. That’s a powerful combination that I truly feel Gary Young understood. Maybe someday I will visit this farm and actually see the way it functions. Now that would be a dream come true!
I love hearing about the history of this farm and about how Gary Young got involved in it.
What an incredible testimony to the ethical practices of Young Living! Thank you for this lesson on culture, history, and sustainability. I could not be prouder to use YL products and to carry on D. Gary Young’s vision. THANK YOU for sharing this!
Love the story Wade shared! Sustainability, passion, culture and balance. Thank you Gary for the blessing you’ve brought so many through your eccentric way of being
Young Living will carry on your legacy!
I loved hearing about all the history and culture! I would love to visit someday, hopefully with Young Living!!
I learned Sandalwood is one of the best bases for blends and should not be used neat.
I loved learning about how the sandalwood tree is grown in community with other native plants!
One of my all time favorite essential oils! I am so thankful for Young Living’s hard work to bring this incredible EO to us!
That was absolutely beautiful!!! Loved learning about the passion of Wade and his brother to protect the land and sandalwood. So interesting to learn sandalwood needs a host plant to grow- how crazy is that!!!
I love that they only harvest the dead and dieing trees. What a struggle these trees endure to only survive for 86 yrs.
Hawaiian locals using this tree as an anti-fungal treatment says a lot about this amazing tree!!!
I will definitely be soaking my banana peels from now on and using it to water my veggies!!!
Thank you for sharing your relationship with Gary Young!!! I can’t wait to order mine!!!
I love the Hawaiian culture’s tradition of caring for the earth & our deep connection ….taking care of the plants/plants take care of you. I love his story between the land and the people regarding sustainability…living off the land. When he talks about having to ask for permission to go into the forest to be able tree to make a canoe. The resting , the prayer, the meditation involved….then the forest telling you which tree the forest wants you to take. So it is a very strict but sacred journey in maintaining the sustainability at all times. The history of Sandalwood is fascinating…The Chinese new the sacredness of Sandalwood. So there is a big demand of Sandalwood in Asia. I love how the Chinese call Hawaii the Sandalwood Mountain!!
Today is Boxing Day December 26th…if Young Living is giving away 5 of these divine bottles of RHS…then i’m in for the asking!! Nothing can replace this amazing oil…and the history of this particular oil with Wade Less, his brother and their families is just priceless…so yes please…may we all feel enriched and deeply grateful for you all and for our dear Gary for believing and knowing.
I will look at the little bottle of Sandalwood so differently now; and try not to use it neat! Love Wade’s passion for nature, sustainability, & helping me understand the culture Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood represents.
I thought of lava as negative, but his explanation that it’s most powerful as creator + destroyer in one is beautifully humbling.
I am impressed with his vision to gather 3k family members in his passion for the land & the sandalwood tree, letting it grow naturally through stewardship. “Supporting the land as the living, breathing character that it is!”
So thankful Young Living made a lasting connection with the Lee’s family vision for respect & care of the land. Great Drop, Deidrene, thank you!!
Wow, I learned more about Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood then I ever thought I needed to know. I also an somtouched by how many people I hear talk about Gary and who he was at heart in such a wonderful way. People who really knew him and knew his heart….. it is inspiring to me and the legacy he left and I hope Young Living will always follow his heart in the future.
This is my absolute favorite oil. From the moment I first smelled it, it was yummy and warm and everything I love in an oil. I sparingly use it so that i can always have it.
Fascinating Hawaiian history
I cannot wait to have this one in my arsenal! I want to use it as a supporting skin oil and perfume!
It makes the best perfume! So warm and sweet at the same time. My all time favorite oil!!
This was truly lovely. I loved hearing about the history and creation myth. This was a fascinating discussion of stewardship. I also was really interested in how the tree creates the oil to protect itself.
So good! Love hearing about the history of Hawaii and Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood. My favorite line was You can’t force an ecosystem to provide what you need. So true! We all need to learn to respect the land.
I really loved the message of if you take care of the land it will take care of you. The fact that only mature dying trees are the ones that produce good quality oil is amazing!
I find it so interesting that the Hawaiians actually welcome the lava into their homes, knowing that life comes from death.
Also, that Sandalwood is so powerful it should never be used neat. Never considered that.
The story of the Hawaiian people and their respect for nature. Taking care of the land and the land in turn takes care of them. The Lee family’s efforts to bring back the trees and to find a way to respect them as the Hawaiian people’s believe they should be respected and appreciated. The very best oil comes from the dead or dying trees.
Very interesting learning about the root hairs falling off after a year & the sandalwood needing a host plant to get its nutrients from to survive.
I love the deference and respect for the land
This was a very educational podcast. I loved hearing the legend of the 2 brothers and about the culture. The Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is truly amazing. Great hearing about the balance needed to produce the oil. Looking forward to using it soon.
I was fortunate to visit here early this month. It’s amazing the love and the work that goes on at Háloa Áina, They take extra care to make sure everything is clean and organic, so much so that they will even power wash a car that comes up to make sure it doesn’t track in something. They are proud and rightly so.
I learned so much from this. So cool that there’s 15 different species of sandalwood.
So many good parts to this podcast. I love how the Hawaiian people are so plugged into their environment and respectful of its presence. I was in awe when they said Gandhi’s body was burned with 4 tons of sandalwood because they thought that would take him directly to Nirvana. Wow!
This is so interesting! I knew nothing of Hawaiian history or how Sandalwood has such different needs to grow than other plants. Thank you!
What a great podcast! I knew it was a special oil but didn’t know it serves as a palette for other oils. To hear Wade talk about it – please bring him in for more stories! Mahalo nui loa!
Hawaiin Sandlewood is one of my very favorites. So sacred Sandlewood must be the best thing since sliced bread
This was very interesting, I really enjoyed learning about how the land should be treated and wish more people were brought up with this love for the Earth.
I am new to YL and am constantly amazed at how smart, inquisitive and passionate Gary was. I love that he wasn’t in it just to make money, he actually wanted to preserve nature’s bounty. The Hawaiian culture is fascinating too. Being a self sustaining culture is amazing… I hope we can take care of the Earth as much as it has provided for us!
Ohhhh I’ve wanted this oil more than any other for so so long! It’s like the rest, it supports so many diff things but the scent…I’ve never smelled anything so wonderful!!
Slamming on the brakes and running into the bush, coming back like a kid at Christmas sounds just like something Gary would do!
The story about the history of Sandalwood trees, and the joint efforts of Gary Young and the people of Hawaii are incredibly amazing. It is so wonderful to know that efforts are made to maintain sustsustainability, while insuring that the best Royal Hawaiian Essential Oils could be distilled. This is nothing less than impressive, and clearly guided by God, and this legacy is something to be very proud of.
I love the idea mentioned in the podcast that if we take care of the land, the land will take care of us! Thank you for sharing this fascinating history of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood. I appreciate it so much more now!
I liked hearing Wades family history!
Loved learning about the history of Hawaiian sandalwood – that was something new for me. I’m from India & grew up smelling sandalwood though I think we got it from south India or Sri Lanka. Wish I had know about this when I visited Hawaii – would love to go & visit the farm one day soon.
This is fascinating! I had never known about the struggles the Hawaiian people had to undergo!
Thank God, though, that the Royal Hawaiian sandalwood survived! It is such an amazing, beautiful oil.
Thanks to YL and the Kona farm for their commitment, God bless you all!
I love the story teller in Wade Lee. My favorite is when you were on tour of the farm and stopped and jumped out to get seeds from bush that was not affected by disease to try to grow with natural resistance. Also the use of banana peels ti plant new trees
I love the use of banana peels to stimulate plant growth!
Very interesting that the Sandalwood debt incurred by King Kamehameh! Love learning about the history of Gods plants!
I love learning about Gary’s role in harvesting Sandalwood. I did not realize the tree has root hairs
I lived on Oahu for four years and visited the Big Island with my husband on vacation – it was stunning. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this podcast, which brought back memories of the Hawaiian people, the culture and the amazing beauty found in everything there. I particularly loved the story Mr. Lee told about meeting Gary Young, their relationship and how Gary’s innovative ideas always coincided with his goals to help others. This was a great interview and offered such enlightening information about the life of the sandalwood and the care taken in the processing of their magificent oils.
Just to start, I enjoy the podcasts. I am a curious one for learning so it goes hand in hand. This episode, like most I’ve listend to over the years, is packed with history and information I’ve never heard. The history of the sandalwood trees and the Hawaiian curture brings so much depth to why this tree is so important to the people of Hawaii. Hard to pick one favorite thing from this episode. I would start with how Wade Lee’s family came togehter and sacraficed to buy back 3000 acres of land to restore the trees. Second, it the valuable properties of the sandalwood. I’ll let you listen to discover those properties. I hope everyone enjoys this episode. Thank you Young Living and the Young family for all you do to bring us the oils.
I love the way that the partnership between Young Living and the project is a perfectly aligned match of the goals of both. The combination of being able to supply us with this awesome EO while respecting the land, the culture, and the history while providing the funds to ensure the future of this amazing place! I am looking forward to visiting one day!
I love RHS!! One of my faves for skin support!
I have used Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood since Gary Young Intruduced it. It is uplifting, soothing and a lovely, inspiring oil.
Hearing this podcast, you realize what a privilege it is for Young Living to be harvesting Sandalwood in Hawaii. “The link between the environment and the Hawaiian people”, that the podcast speaks of, as well as the reverence that is shown by asking permission of the environment to use or take anything from it and let the environment choose, this spoke to me.
I love hearing about the history of Hawaii and this Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood oil. One of my favorite quotes in this podcast was “You can’t make the ecosystem work for you”. I want to see if we cna visit this farm when in Hawaii next month!
I had no idea how sandlewood oil came about, or it uses. I love the history of The Hawaiian Sandlewood Oil. I as new to Young Living Oil appreciate the care, restart and knowledge that goes into each oil. Knowing the history and the use for each oil gives me the knowledge to educate and bless others. I most certainly will be ordering The Hawaiian Sandlewood oil on my next order.
I learned that the best sandalwood oil comes from the oldest dying trees. it was very interesting great info.
Had no idea about this oil and was amazed that the trees must be dying or dead for the oil to be harvested!
What a beautiful story! i appreciated hearing about how the destruction of the volcanic activity brought 180 acres of new land. So often we just focus on the negative effects of nature and forget that there is rebirth and growth. I also loved hearing that they harvest the sandlewood from the dying trees. It’s like the sandlewood tree is giving us its final gift! And what an incredible gift this oil is! I am so grateful!
What a wonderful podcast! I learned so much! That story about the two brothers helped shape even more the cuture of the people there. I would love to visit sometime.
I can’t pick my favorite thing about this, because the whole thing is my favorite. I was stationed in Hawaii for about 3 1/2 years and I miss it every single day. It’s beautiful, welcoming, warm, the people and cultural are wonderful and I sincerely hope to one day be reunited with her beautiful shores again. I loved Mr. Lee’s stories and happy that he chose to share it with us, and wish him wonderful things for his family and all of beautiful Hawaii and her people. I can only imagine how Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood would smell, and wonder if all that Hawaii is captured in such a small vessel, if so it is surely the most wonderful experience I can imagine.
Take care of the plants and the land and the land will take care of the people

I loved learning how the oil is extracted from the dead and dying trees from a sustainability aspect.
I love how YL is working with the Hawaiians to sustainably grow Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood.
Love the beautiful Hawaiian legend! Take care of the land that takes care of us! Wow started erupting in the 80’s!
Love this episode! I have been wanting to try royal Hawaiian sandalwood. I love the smell of sandalwood.
My fave part was learning about how seemingly delicate they are- that they need a host. Or maybe that the best oil comes from their lengthy dying process. Either way, fascinating plant with a fascinating history!
What an amazing history on Sandlewood! Love hearing that Wade and his family were able to buy back some of the acreage lost.
I LOVE Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood!!!!!
Liked the part about sustainability of the Hawaiian people. And how the sandalwood is planted with a host and what happens to the host.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much ♥️♥️♥️for this. Learning the history and how Gary came in, I had tears listening to this. This is truly Sacred Sandalwood. I now have even more reverence for this tree and oil.

I love that when you cross into the Kona Sandlewood reforestation project that the land looks different from the land all around. So glad Gary Young saw the potential in this land. Young Living’s commitment to sustainability.
I always learn so much from these podcasts! So thankful for our seed to seal commitment and sustainability!
Not just a drop of inspiration but more like a flood of knowledge and wisdom from Wade Lee as he recounts the history of the Hawaiian sandalwood industry going back centuries from desecration and misuse of this precious resource to recent years when Gary Young visited and won Wade’s trust and heart with a huge vision and guidance. I love how they worked in tandem to restore and sustain and how everyone benefits, both from the local economy to the whole world with access to the valuable Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood oil through Young Living. Outstanding work and research! And wonderful inspiration!
I love that you let nature do it’s own work and plant only if new trees aren’t sprouting!
I really love how Wade shared about the balance of taking care of the land so it can take care of you. We’ve been given so much that is important to have that balance.
I love learning more about YL and their Seed to Seal and sustainable practices.
What an amazing and inspiring lesson not only in the history but also the present generations finally finishing their ancestors who fought so hard to accomplish for the good of ALL mankind!! Grateful for this wonderful gift from the land and the people that Hawaii has given to Young Living!!
Would love to try Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood
Love the story Wade gives at the beginning. If you take care of the land, the land will take care of you. Nature plays a big part.
Wow. What an incredible story! So thankful for Wade Lee and the depth of historical insight he provided in this podcast. I can’t wait to visit Haloa Aina someday!
Hawaiian Sandalwood
Love the Pods and Drop of Inspiration.
Very informative, didn’t know this.
Love learning about oils! Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood has been on my wish list.
My favorite part is “ If you take care of the earth , the earth will take care of you.”
Love that it is harvested at the end of its life cycle. Love the philosophy that I’d you take care of the land it will take care of you!
This is awesome! I love Sandalwood. One that really supports my sleep.
I never knew this information about Sandalwood. Using the wood at the end of the cycle is just perfect to help with sustainability of the farm. This is exciting!!
I wish mainlanders would embrace the culture of less is more like the hawiaan culture. The best part of this podcast, for me, was when he said the locals welcome the lava to take their home, giving back to Mother Nature. It isn’t a deviststion to them, it is an offering, and they are at peace with it. If only the rest of us could be at peace when things go wrong. Stop and relax, God had a way of working things out, in ways we will never understand.
Loved the stories, the history and how a dying tree offers life to others!
I really like the history of earth and the proactive steps being taken to preserve the land.
I love how he says when there was only 1.1 million people they were totally sustainable everything they had they did with their own land now that there is 1.5 million people everything that they have is shipped in but back when they only had 1.1 million people there was no one out of all those people who were starving I love how he says that if you respect the land and take care of the land it will give back to you that is awesome
This was very informative and it gave a vivid description of who Gary Young was and how passionate he was!
Very interesting! Thank you for sharing!
Very inspiring. I didn’t know about these podcasts. After listening, I understand why Sandalwood in the Wrinkle cream and why I love it so.
What a positive way to look at a Volcano erupting. What a history Hawaiian Sandalwood has, I never knew. I had no idea about banana peels, that is so neat. I love the mindfulness of the land. I learned so much and am so thankful for Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood oil. Thank you for this.
I liked how Wade, as a school teacher at the time, and many others pulled their finances together to buy their land back and reforest it.
Wow, the history of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is fascinating!
I love how Gary finds people who had the same love and care for God’s plants as he did and then partners with them to help them and bring us amazing oils. <3
So excited to try this oil someday!
It’s a magnificent oil! Thank you for listening.
Loved hearin about sandalwood. I’m native American as well. Interesting to learn about the culture and preservation of the sandalwood
Thank you for listening!
Love that you said we can’t force an ecosystem for what you need you look at what it already has and how we can use that! Dying and dead trees make the best oil!! That’s crazy!
If we really look, we’ll find what we need in the most unexpected places. Thank you for tuning in!
Wow! Great episode! Loved the history and hearing about sandalwood. I found it especially powerful to hear how potent this oil is. That it should always be diluted and probably blended with something else.
Nature is powerful, even in small amounts! Thank you for listening.
This oil sounds amazing!! It is on my dream oil list!!!
It’s a beautiful oil! Thank you for listening!
That was an amazing podcast! So glad I listened to the whole podcast. Hawaii has a fascinating heritage… one of my all-time favorite novels is James Michener’s Hawaii. What an incredible partnership Gary Young forged with this native Hawaiian biologist and conservationist to help restore the native Sandalwood and to sustainablely raise it and restore the tree and the land that belonged to his ancestors. I can’t wait to own this essential oil!
Thank you for listening and for the kind words! We’re so happy to that the Kona Reforestation Project is part of our Young Living community.
I really loved how his family joined forces to take back some of the precious land – land that is an essential part of their lives in so many ways!
the Hawaiian concept that if you take care of the land, the land will take care of us 

It’s a great concept that has many paths! Thank you for listening.
I truly enjoyed listening to the podcast, learning about the sandalwood tree, it’s history, and it’s future. Needing host plants as it starts as a seedling, producing oil to protect itself… all fascinating! Thank you!
I came right upstairs and made a “beauty” roller for my mom to add to her Christmas gift that has sandalwood, geranium, lavender, sacred frankincense and even a drop of rose.
Wow! What a beautiful gift. We’re happy to share this story with you. Thank you for listening!
Hearing the history & culture of the Hawaiian people & Sandalwood was very enlightening.
Hawaii is full of wonderfully unique stories, and it was our pleasure to share this one! Thank you for listening!
I enjoyed listening to this podcast about Hawaiian Sandalwood. It was a very interesting fact that the older trees have the best oil. That the black rings which develop to protect the tree as it ages actually produces the best oil from the tree.
It’s interesting how many things get better with age. We’re glad that Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is one of them! Thank you for listening!
I love the story of how the sandalwood form transformed to becoming an oil producer!
It is amazing the resources that can be found in nature. Thank you for listening!
Great stories. I loved learning how sandlewood is of such high quality that it is the base for other oils and should only be blended with other oils. I can’t wait to try Royal Hawaiian Sandlewood.
It’s a beautiful oil with amazing properties and amazing history! Thank you for listening.
The Sandalwood Debt incurred by King Kamehameha was interesting to hear about.
It is a fascinating story. Thank you for listening!
The history from the 1700s is so interesting! So sad but what a wonderful place and oil.
It’s important to recognize the pitfalls of history, and use those lessons to build a better future! We love Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood oil and are excited by sustainability practices! Thank you for tuning in.
I loved learning about the uniqueness of farming this tree. It’s interesting that this tree relies on the plants around it in order to grow and thrive. The tree requires nourishing the surrounding plants in order for the royal hawaiian sandalwood to flourish and grow. I could tell Wade has such a passion for the land and the biology of the process and I really enjoyed diving in deeper to the farming process of this beautiful tree. I think the process of growing these sandalwoods is a great metaphor for how the Young Living community builds and nourishes each other into order for each individual to grow and thrive themselves.
Wade is a fascinating storyteller because of his background and his passion. We are so grateful that he’s part of the Young Living community! Thank you for listening!
I loved learning about the history of sandalwood and it’s religious uses! Hawaii’s relationship with the land is so beautiful.
Yes, there are many indigenous cultures who have special relationships to the land. We are very lucky to be able to learn and share this Hawaiian story! Thank you for tuning in!
Loved all the spiritual and cultural anecdotes that were shared about the land, the trees, and the Hawaiian people. I was truly captivated by this episode and am so looking forward to more like it!
Thank you for tuning in! We think it’s important to remember that in every bottle of our oils, there’s an ocean of stories. We look forward to sharing more stories like this with you!
There is no medicine greater than hearing and refreshing your memory on the best sustainability method regarding harvesting a sacred plant. Amazing episode!
Memory is a powerful tool! We’re so happy you enjoyed the episode. Thank you for listening!
I just recently found out about YL podcast so this is the very first one that I’ve listened to. Let me tell you the background the love the story behind it all is just amazing to know. I’m looking forward to adding this oil to my next order

We’re so happy you found us and we’re glad you enjoyed the show!
Wow! The history! Now I share my knowledge with my team!
Loved hearing the history of Sandalwood! One of the oils on my “wish list”
I found the entire podcast to be encouraging to listen to. It reaffirmed my belief in Young Living and my reasons for choosing this company above all others. Respecting the native cultures, balance, sustainability and ensuring the integrity of standards and vision is just amazing.
This oil is on my wishlist! Thank you for featuring it. I love this podcast.
Everything about this episode was just fascinating! I love Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood even more now just knowing the history behind it
Would love to see try this amazing oil!
I love that mother earth comes first. That way we take care of her so she can help take care of us!
Love the podcast! Beautiful story can’t wait to try this oil.
This is amazing. Thanks for sharing!
We’ve visited the big island, staying in Kona several times. It’s definitely our happy place. When I joined YL I was excited to learn more about royal Hawaiian sandalwood. When I received my first bottle it was love at first sniff. I really enjoy learning more about the Hawaiian culture and the history of the land and its people. Thank you for sharing this information with us.
My husbands family is Hawaiian. I do not live in Hawaii but my kids love their homeland tradition. Their grandfather just passed away he was very much into the tradition they miss him so much and anything Hawaiian my daughter loves this one. We use it so sparringly since it’s out of our price rang.
Loveddd hearing the history behind ,it gives you a greater appreciation of things. I loveeee royal Hawaiian sandalwood . I recall my first experience with a class a drop was placed on the crown of my head and the first time I experienced tingles it was amazing
Thank You —Very Interesting
I love hearing anything about this farm!
This is the first podcast that I have listened to. I love to be informed about the oils and process that YL uses!! It’s amazing that the tree requires nourishment to flourish and grow just like we do!!
Wow so many kinds of Sandlewoood I had no idea !!! I’m excited to visit this
️ in Hawaii.
Love learning of new oils, and everything they can do for you. Love listening to the history of YL..

Being fairly new to YL I am just blown away over and over how careful the company is for the care of the land and the plants. I am so excited to continue learning more and more. Having found these podcasts will so help me naswer people’s questions and educate them confidently. This would make such an amazing addition to my starting collection.
This is a unicorn oil from me! I enjoy these podcast! I learn so much.
What a way to stay connected and get information.
One of my favorite luxury oils and smells. I like the premise of take care of the earth and the earth will take care if you. God has provided us with all our needs.
Very interesting n listening to this new oil. Can’t wait to try this oil.
Very informative podcast!
Thank you for listening and for the kind words!
I loved learning all about this wonderful oil and how it came to be part of Young Living.
Thank you for listening!
royal Hawaiian sandalwood sounds like a dream! i loved learning about the reforestation work, YL’s integrity is unsurpassed!
Thank you for listening! Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood oil is pretty great!
Interesting to learn the how!
We think it’s important to know the stories behind the products we use. Thank you for listening!
How Wade shares with us the biology and history of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood. Especially the sustainable processes used and the importance of maintaining balance in the environment. This is vital.
We are so thankful that Wade shared his story with us. Thank you for listening!
I loved learning some Hawaiian history! Very powerful little oil!
Nature is powerful even in small amounts! Thank you for listening!
How wonderful that Young Living has farms all over the world, even in Hawaii. I would love to try Royal Hawaiian Sandlewood, and appreciate the information.
Thank you for listening!
We learned so much from this podcast! My son found it very interesting that the best oil comes from dead or dying trees. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for listening! We’re glad you could share this story with your family.
Love the stories and how precious this land and plants are and creating the oils responsibly. Makes me want to have this oil even more now. Thank you.
Thank your for listening! We love sharing stories!
I have wanted to try Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood for a while now
It’s a great oil with a great story! We hope you get to try it soon. Thank you for listening!
Thank you for listening!
I don’t have Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood yet. Looking forward to getting it!!
Thank you for listening! We hope you get to try this amazing oil soon!
It’s a great oil! Thanks for listening.
A wonderful informational podcast. Respecting and honoring what the land provides and keeping balance….so important!!
Balance is important in every part of life! Thank you for listening.
Nature has so many things in store for us. Thank you for listening!
Thank you for listening!
This was an inspirational and moving podcast on a Hawaiian culture. Mother Earth

Thank you for the kind words, and thank you for listening!
Thank you for listening! There are so many stories to be found in nature.
I really love this oil
It’s a great one! Thank you for listening!
We do too! Thank you for listening.
Wanting to try this Young Living Essential Oil.
It’s a beautiful oil. Thank you for listening.
Wish more realized you need to care for the land and it will care for you. I have always wanted to try Hawaiiansa sandalwood.
Balance is important! Thank you for listening.
Love hearinf an learning about all the farms
Thank you for listening! Make sure to check back here for more behind-the-scenes stories.
What a wonderful culture. So inspiring. Love Hawaiian Sandlewood. One of the most beautiful oils YL has.
It’s a beautiful oil, and we are lucky to participate in the sustainable cultivation of Sandalwood. Thank you for listening!
Amazing! So much history! I love RHS!
There is so much to learn about what our lands yield for food, health, etc. I remember hearing some of the old mountain cures from kids I grew up with, from my late mother-in-law how she cared for ten (10) children without the meds we have today. I loved the onion on the bedroom radiators to kill germs. Now, today they are praising the benefits of onion. Oh, if we had only listened more…. Thank you helping to educate us through the uses of natural oils. This is just one more fine example!
I was so blessed to meet Wade in person at the farm during convention several years ago. I work for forestry researchers and I love learning more about good forestry and research practices. I’m so glad to be part of YL.
I really want to try Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood. It sounds amazing. Loved listening to this podcast and learning more about this oil!
I love how the trees are harvested at the end of their life cycle. Not to mention Royal Hawaiian Sandlewood smells amazing. Young Living has such a heart for the environment.
Nature is the best! Thank you for listening.
I loved the historical and cultural lessons here. I have a greater appreciating and respect for Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood.
Learning the stories behind the products we use helps us be more appreciative of what we have, doesn’t it? Thank you for listening?
Thank you for the information. I’ve been wanting to Try the Hawaiian Sandlewood for sometime now. It will definitely be on my next order for sure.
Thank you for listening!
I loved learning that trees are not harvested until after their life cycle. Also, that this oil is amazing to blend with other oils. Would love to try this oil!
It’s a great oil with great properties and an amazing history! Thank you for listening.
I would love to try Royal Sandal Wood
Thank you for listening!
I love how YL is so focused on protecting the land and plants that give us our precious oils!!! That makes me happy to know that they are working to make sure we have these oils in the future without ruining land and plants.
Nature is important! Thank you for listening!
Such an informative listen! RHS is on my wish list for sure!!
Thank you for listening!
I don’t have this oil yet. Someday.
It’s a wonderful oil. We hope you get to try it someday! Thank you for listening.
I loved all the stories Wade told and him speaking about Gary. I learned a lot about Hawaiian culture and beliefs through this Podcast. It is so neat to learn more about the people and farms that provide our oils.
There’s a story in every bottle of oil and we love sharing those stories! Thank you for listening.
My very first podcast! I have always been interested in the Hawiian culture! I really enjoyed hearing how connected to the land and providing sustainability! I never knew the process in growing and harvesting this oil! So much great information! I am very proud to be a part of this company! Much
Wow! Welcome to the podcast world!
Thank you for listening!
I loved hearing the historical significance of the Hawaiian Sandalwood. It was such an eye opener! Loved the storytelling aspect of this podcast episode.
Thank you for listening! It is our pleasure to share these incredible stories with everyone!
Love all the wonderful information that Wade has giving us about this wonderful plant!
Wade is a great storyteller, and we’re grateful for his knowledge! Thanks for listening.
I definitely want to try Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, sounds amazing.
It is pretty amazing! We’re so lucky to be able to have it and share it sustainably.
What an incredible podcast, loved hearing about the history of this oil and cannot wait to use it myself!!! ♥️
Thank you for the kind words!
Just found these podcasts and so glad I did! Very interesting and informative. Thank you!
We’re glad you found us! We hope you love the stories we share.
Very interesting! My husband and i have been wanting this oil for a while now, but just cant afford it. It would help us so much!! Happy new years!!
Thank you for listening! Happy New Year’s!
I love Hawaiian Sandalwood so much that I even add a drop to my moisturizer every morning. it leaves my skin feeling sooooo soft and moist! and does not leave my skin felling oily or dry. its just right! I love hearing again that Gary only used fallen wood so as to preserve the trees for the locals. It is also important to know that he plants new trees regularly. I use present tense because I know that his policies are being closely guarded, and valued.
What a great idea! Thank you for listening. We are so lucky to be a part of a nature-minded community.
Loved hearing the lifespan and process of a tree. There are so many aspects to what goes into creating an excellent quality oil and so grateful Gary/Young Living is knowledgeable about all this.
There’s a story in every bottle of Young Living essential oils. Thank you for listening!
I never knew how powerful Sandalwood is. I love learning
Thank you for the kind words! We love to share stories with you all.
Love working with and for a company that shares so much training and product information!
Thank you for listening!
I’ve been dying to try this one. It sounds amazing
It’s incredible to hear the history. It’s wild the we benefit from the “fight” that these trees put up with throughout their lives
Very interesting and love hearing the history. Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is one my wish list.
I love that they respect and take care of the ‘Aina. My husband grew up on the islands and it’s so beautiful to know more about this amazing oil and the beautiful trees. He was shocked that he was able to learn something new about where he grew up. You did a great job with this podcast.
Loved hearing about all the cultural references with this tree. The reforestation efforts are amazing. The fact that it relies on the plants around it to flourish and thrive is just beautiful. It draws a parallel to the community and teams we build within YL and how we strengthen our relationships based on those we allow into our circle.
Love using a few drops in my nightly moisturizer.
Beautiful story but no link to enter to win one of the 5 bottles of this amazing oil. Just placed one of my biggest orders today, so this would make a fabulous addition to products I ordered!
Love learning about the history!
I love hearing about the properties of the tree and oil, the history surrounding RHS.
I loved hearing the history and story behind this AMAZING oil!
I have been curious about this Royal Hawiian Sandlewood. Thanks for the info on this oil!
Thank you all for then podcast and the chance to learn more about this oil. I so want to add it to my collection. I love learning about the different cultures.
“There is no balance that can be achieved alone, and caring out big dreams like this only works if you are moving forward together.”
Love love love this!!
What can i say about Wade Lee, his brother and the lineage of his family’s history to bring this amazing oil into our lives. I thank God for Gary Young in making this possible for us. Today is Boxing Day December 26th and YL posted to comment again as they are giving away 5 bottles of this amazing oil. I just love how all in all the years of giving away the sandalwood wood to all the markets in Asia and where they needed to use Sandalwood for burning that finally the Lee family can bring it back to its sacredness and just have the oil used for its intentions. That is a blessing. RHS is just beyond priceless.
Wow! Never knew it was that difficult to grow these trees. Makes me appreciate it even more and hopefully I will try it one day. Thank you for the beautiful stories.
I loved learning more about the sustainability practices of the farm! Using sustainable products is very, vety important to me and I love that YL goes above and beyond! Every podcast is a trove of great information- thank you!!
I really enjoyed learning all about how Royal Hawaiian Sandlewood became part of the YL family.
I loved learning that Sandalwood must have a host plant to grow! I’ve been a member for 4 years, and still haven’t been able to try this beautiful essential oil!
This oil smells amazing! I have never gotten a bottle but it was on my list to be sure to experience at convention last year! If you haven’t gone to convention yet, don’t forget to drop in and smell all the oils! It was my very happy place!
I love that harvesting the dead Sandalwood trees, provides growth and life to the remaining trees!
Loved hearing about the history. Cant wait to try it.
Fascinating hearing how this tree needed a host plant to grow properly! So interesting!
Love the podcasts! The stories, the tone of the soothing voices and the content. Live and learn

Would like to smell Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood
As a graduate of the University of Hawaii 1978, the Hawaiian culture was a part of my everyday life. It has been many years since I was able to spend time there, and someday I will spend more time there, but this podcast touched me deeply and has drawn me even nearer to the significance of the precious oil. The first time I smelled Young Living’s Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood I was drawn to it, like finding a missing part of my past. Thank for this presentation. My heart is full.
Thank you for the history of Our Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood! I am looking forward to visiting this farm some day soon.
My first podcast! It was amazing!
Thank you for the history and culture of this area! I love the sustainability work being done! Great episode!
I love hearing about history! Our history is who we are as people! And listening to all of this just instills that much more about the vision Gary has given us and how he lived and cared about the plants!!! My goal is to one day visit all of Young Living farms, especially the Hawaiian farm!!
Thank you
I was able to visit the Big Island of Hawaii two years ago. I only wish I had known of Young Living and this farm at the time. The only way that I can describe my stay on the island is magical, there is truly something amazing and inspiring about every place on the island we were able to visit. I have not been able to try this oil yet, but I can only imagine that if grown in such a spiritual, mystical, and healing place as the mountains surrounding Kailua-Kona and by the people who live there and have such a deep reverence for the land and island itself-that the oil would be nothing short of amazing! Mahalo
Why did I not find this podcast sooner…what a great resource and fascinating info!!
Thank you!!
Very new to YL. Still trying to educate myself on a lot of the oils. So I would love to win this.
Very informative! This was my first YL podcast but now I’ve subscribed to hear more! Thanks!
One of my favorite oils! Another blessing in oils
Absolutely amazing history of the sandalwood tree. It is so interesting to listen to Wade Lee and how his family worked and struggled to develop and own the land. It really tells a true story also of how insistent and determined Gary Young was to process these wonderful oils for us.
What a great message! I loved learning about the traditions & history.
Very very interesting. Enjoyed listening and learning of this Sandlewood oil.
Thank you.
I love how the trees are only harvested at the end of their life, after spending 20+ years defending themselves & creating the potent oil that is eventually harvested!
This so amazing. Love the story. So true of taking care of foundation below our feet that in turn will help us.
Just join YL and fully enjoyed any back ground . Will be listening to more . I want to learn everything .
Recently ran across the podcast and enjoy learning. Who knew the roots had hairs! RHS is a “dream list” oil for me. Thank you Wade for a wonderful education on RHS!
I have not yet used or even smelled this oil! Lots of good info in this podcast. Thanks
I loved learning about Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood. It has an amazing history and I love the native explanation of how the plant grows and the meaning behind it. I also love that Wade knew Gary’s passion and his belief in sustainability.
Oh I absolutely loved hearing this! I was at Silver retreat many years ago when Gary decided to figure out how to distill the Sandalwood after he had visited the farm there. I helped chip the wood before it went into the distiller- oh what sweet memories!
Love the information and knowledge of the sandel wood.glad to be apart of a company that is so natural and the handling to give us such peer products
Honoring Sandalwood and harvesting at the end of it’s lifecycle.
I love this!! Great information…but of course everything YL does is well done! I’m so thankful to be part of the YL family! I have been wanting sacred Sandalwood for a long time now! Listening to this podcast just refreshes that desire! Thank you Young Living! This was myy first Young Living podcast, but will not be my last! What a treasure!
Thank you for sharing the history of sandalwood, it is very helpful to have the background information on EO’s prior to use. Much appreciated.
I love the depth of this podcast. His voice is so pleasant to listen to and the story is mesmerizing. I couldn’t pick a favorite part, it is all terrific. A great podcast! Thank you!
I really enjoyed hearing the stories and learning about your commitment to sustainability! Thanks for sharing!
Wow what great info. This is my first time listening. I love hearing about where the oils come from and the history is fascinating!
This oil sounds amazing! Loved learning more about it! I’m new to young living but have started quite the collection of outstanding oils! Would love to add this one! Liked and subscribed!
I’m really happy to see that YL has helped bring Hawaiian culture, their connection to the land, hard work with preservation and sustainability out there for people to learn about that may have never done so without being a YL member. I lived in Hawaii for 13 years and had never heard the history about Sandalwood, I’m thankful that I was able to learn about it here. It makes Royal Hawaiian even more special & meaningful.
I love the depth of this podcast! The spiritual and factual stories behind this oil are amazing. I couldn’t pick just one part that was a favorite and would love to be able to read the stories behind every single oil. Thank you so much!
I really enjoyed the message and hearing about the history of Hawaii and Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood. Great podcast. I subscribe via ITunes.
Super informative! An oil I and my wife could benefit greatly from.
Wow! Firstly – this company is just amazing. The education, the seed to seal practices, and the RAINFOREST HELP?! I mean… I feel so blessed to be a part. Truly! The harvesting part was so intriguing to me!!!
I loved this! The more and more of the science and history of our oils I hear , the more I’m sooo thankful for being a part of this amazing company! So neat to hear from Wade, an actual Hawaiian and hear the history. Love that the oil is made from dead and dying Sandalwood ! So sustainable ! Love love love!!! Thank you for sharing this with us
Can I just say that any time I talk/listen to anyone discussing YL, I feel so optimistic! I have been wanting to try Hawaiian Sandalwood but just haven’t gotten it yet.
My eyes welled with tears just before Wade mentioned Gary. I found it interesting that he stated that Sandalwood should not be applied neat and be blended with other oils. I’m curious, which essential oils pair best with the Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood?
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!! Would LOVE to win. I have dreamt of owning this oil for so long! Loved the podcast!
Wow such an informative drop. The dead trees have the best oil in them. Respect the land and it sustains you.
Love this podcast! What a beautiful oil and a great lesson
I love essential oils for my daily living. They have been a complete blessing
Hawaii is beautiful. What a testament Wade gave. I need this oil in my life!
Essential oils help me thru my busy season. I love my Christmas spirit the most
WOW just WOW! Love Young Living and the stand they take to make sure they provide only the best products!
The long breath of the land. I love that. Taking care of the land so that the land can take care of you. Sustainability. Perfectly worded. I have never had the urge to visit Hawaii before hearing this podcast! Visiting this place would be amazing
Love sandalwood!
This is my wishlist oil. I learned so much about RHS that I didn’t know before. Thank you!
Loved this podcast! So informative! Thank you for sharing this valueable information! I hope you have a podcast on each oil and how it’s harvested! I really want some RHS after listening to this!
This is a beautiful story! I’m so glad I happened upon this today! I love the part about “Balance”. And I love to hear the way the gentleman revered Gary Young!
I learned more about Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood then I ever thought. I am also amazed by the way people talk about Gary in such a wonderful way.
What a great story! This was my first YL podcast i listen to, I will definitely enjoy more. Looking forward to adding the oil in a future order.
Young Living is doing things the pono way…respecting the land and all that it provides. Mahalo for the insight!
I love the knowledge about Hawaii and this precious oil. I definitely love the sustainability part and that the trees are given a full life creating this potent oil. I love this episode. Will definitely listen again
Love the ethics of Young living! Someday I would love to visit all of their farms!! RHS is amazing!!
This was such a powerful episode!
I love the picture of the Hawaiian people’s reverence for the land. And how they promote the growth that is already in the soil by using the natural growth hormones in banana peels. Such a wealth of information and inspiration! I look forward to having my first bottle of royal hawaiian sandlewood.
Loved this story! The amazing story of taking care of The earth so it can in turn take care of us. The history Wade gives is awesome! Bravo to Young Living for caring about sustainability and the local culture where these plants grow. This is just one of the big reasons I choose to use products from this smart company. Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is one of my absolute favorite oils.
I love that the trees aren’t harvested till they die on their own! Love to try this!!!
Love hearing about the history! So inspiring to hear how Young Living cares about sustainability and the local culture too! Love this!!
Just smelled for the first time the other day. I think it is wonderful that the trees aren’t used til the end of their life cycle!
Would love to try it.
First time listening to a YL podcast. I love how much information you share with the members . And it’s always so interesting. Never boring!
Beautiful to learn the history and honor the culture and the land! Amazing that YL respects that! My husband is from the islands as well.
Beautiful podcast! I learned so much about the culture and spiritual relationship with the land and the people. I have researched this oil before but never got near the information provided in the podcast. Maybe one day I’ll be able to purchase would love to try it but is always ous.
Thank you so much for leading us down the path of sustainability. I love learning from Young Living!
Love learning about all the oils. Where they come from and to how they are all processed. Thank you for Young Living to show us about these amazing oils.
Thank you for this extremely interesting and informative podcast. I loved hearing the history of Sandlewood in Hawaii and the initial meetings with Gary Young. Please continue offering these podcasts, they are priceless.
Wonderful episode. Learned so much! Wade Lee is such a treasure, and the respect for his land, and for Gary Young, is so evident. I love Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood.
Would LOVE to have some Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood! And I love the generous spirit of the Hawaiian people coming out to greet the ships of Captain Cook, welcoming him. They still do this to this day.
Thank you for this! I have been wanting to try RWS! Im sad I wasnt able to be quick enough to take advantage of the Sale this am; wanted to try Evergreen – it sold out so fast!
I learned not to use it near! I didn’t know that! I love learning the history, too.
This episode was fascinating! What a great story teller. I loved learning the Hawaiian culture and history of the farm. This is one of my favorite oils, and I’m glad to learn about Gary’s commitment to sustainability! Thanks for the podcasts. It’s great to learn more about Young Living oils so I can share my love o
f oils with others!
What an amazing story & tribute to Gary
Love hearing about all the history.
This was fascinating listening while at work today. The science behind blends created by YL is so incredible. Knowing that RHS is better in a blend than on its own – it’s so impressive that this is known. I’m looking forward to more podcasts. I’m new to the podcast world.
I just found out about YL podcast. This is truly interesting and so educational. Thank you for sharing.
Hearing the history of Hawaii and the struggles of native people caused me sadness. Their land should be returned to them and any debts forgiven! Glad this man was able to buy back some of it. Love that they have similar beliefs as native Indians, respect the land and take care of it.
This was a wonderful podcast. I love to learn how YL has been and continues to honor their stewardship over the land and plants used to make our oils. I also love how YL gathers like minded people all over the world that honor that stewardship too. The first time I smelled Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood at the convention oil display, it immediately made me cry! Something in that oil touched something in my spirit! In 21 years of being in YL, that has only happened 3 times!!
Beautiful story for a beautiful oil. I like knowing that when I buy from YL, I’m supporting a company that gives back.
I really enjoyed listening to this podcast. I loved how they are working towards self sustainability like the natives and that they were able to purchase original family land.
Love Hawaiian Sandalwood! Such a deleriousky delicious aroma!!!
I am unsure if you received my first comment on this so I’m resubmitting it. I think I had technical difficulties before but downloaded the podcast successfully and listened via Amazon music. Android claims it cannot find STITCHER.
Hearing the history of Hawaii and it’s native people made me sad. I believe all the land should be returned to the people and debts forgiven. I am glad Mr. Lee was able to purchase more land back. Wow what a statement to burn all the sandalwood as a protest. It’s nice they have similar values and beliefs as Native Indians do concerning respect the land and take care of it. We could all learn from that. God created us to be stewards.
Such a wealth of interesting information. I loved hearing about the history of Hawaii and Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood. My favorite line was about how you can’t force an ecosystem to provide what you need. This is so true! We must learn to respect and take care of the land.
My favorite part of the podcast was learning that the trees are not harvested until the end of their life cycle. Love that!

Thank you so much for educating. I would love to incorporate this oil in my life.
I love hearing about the history of this farm and about how Gary Young got involved in it.
It is impressive how they know the plants and how they take cared of these plants the same way they take care of their children.
I had no idea about the amazing story behind this oil. Amazing info to know and share! Thank you!
Once again. Such a great seed to seal story. Ugh so powerful. Favorite thing… “Take care of the land and the land will take care of you” Thank you so much for sharing Hawaii’s profound history and the significance of the Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood- what a legacy.
I loved hearing of the story and process of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood!! I’m glad he’s ok from the volcano!!!
Love the commitment to sustainability
Loved hearing the history of Sandalwood very interesting. Have wanted to try it just haven’t done it yet!!
I loved hearing the story and process of the Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood!! I’m glad Wade is ok after the volcano eruptions!!!
Interesting to learn about the banana peels! Would love to try this oil since I lived in Hawaii for a maymester one year in college and loved being there!
This is my first Young Living podcast! I look forward to getting the Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood oil someday, but I don’t have it yet. It just thrills me to hear about where the oils come from and their histories! Hawaii is so full of culture and wonderful history. Thank you for sharing this touching story!
Very interesting. Sad that man gets so greedy and hurt the earth, but glad for the people that see the errors of other humans and are keepers of the earths natural resources. Proud to be a part of Young Living.
I have been wanting this for a while for meditation. Synchronicity is a wild thing! I loved hearing the history. That was my favorite part!
Great Education! My favorite was that the dead trees actually produce the best oils!
I love These stories and learning about how our plants are grown!
I’m new to the YL family and I can’t express how excited I am to continue to learn about each oil!
My sponsor is so supportive and informative!
I’m attempting to blend and I can’t get enough!
Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is something I just recently smelled about a month or so ago and it was one I had to adjust to but I warmed up to it quickly. I loved hearing about the history of it, especially the ecosystem part.
Its really cool how it is grown. I didnt know that it needed a host? I cant wait to try Royal Sandlewood!
The history is just amazing.
This beautiful story makes me want to visit the farm and Hawaii even more now. Taking care of the land that in turn takes care of us… I love that concept and believe that all of creation was given to us for our food and our wellness!
I love the saying”if we take care of the land, the land will take care of us”. I love learning about all of the amazing oils!!
Thank you for sharing the history of this farm and how Gary Young was involved in the process.
As always love the sustainable harvest practices of Young Living…taken even further with RHS, using only trees at the end of their life cycle. Also interesting to learn only to use RHS with a carrier, that it’s so powerful it shouldn’t be used neat. Thanks for all the educational info…always love learning more about oils!
This is a beautiful story of how people are able to understand the symbiotic relationship necessary to grow and sustain all the wonderful gifts of nature. Love things that were said about giving as much as you take. About the host plant needed to sustain the sandalwood tree, and about how young living cares about the wisdom of those who have been on the land for centuries. The agreement between young living and the farm is also a symbiotic relationship. So blessed to be a part of this company!
Fascinating history and benefits!! Fruit of the Earth!
I loved hearing about all the sustanability, history and culture!
Fascinating process for this oil. Love the philosophy, if you take care of the land, the land will take care of you. This holds true in all aspects of our lives from our precious oils, to the fruits and vegetables we grow to the water we drink, Take care of each other and take care of the earth.
I love the example that the Kona Reforestation Project is to Hawaii and the world! How fascinating that you use banana peels to promote the natural growth of the host trees around the Sandalwood trees! I loved learning how the Hawaiians have historically used Sandalwood medicinally.
Love how they harvest the trees at the end of their life span! I also love how young living takes care of our environment!
Loved learning this information! Thanks for sharing and this great podcast!
Very interesting. Im so glad young living cares for the environment and uses sustainable techniques making their oils. Would love to win a bottle.
I love this oil, and the story behind it.
Enjoyed learning about the history and more info on the natural stuff that goes all the way back.
Love hearing about how things began. Also luv knowing that YL has a podcast
I loved every bit of this information, Hawaiian Sandalwood has always been one of my favorite and now even more so. Thank you so much
Loved learning all about how they use the banana peal to help stimulate growth!
I loved hearing the stories and it makes young living so much more magical to me and how respectful they are for the land, nature and world.
I found it really interesting how temperamental this plant is. I had no idea that as a seed, it needs a host to be able to grow but it can’t be traditionally planted like a standard crop. Very neat findings through trial and error.
I love hearing about the sustainability and reforestation efforts!
I’d never listened to a podcast before… This was interesting!
Wow, what a special symbiotic relationship he had w Gary, just like the sandalwood trees and the plants that it needs to flourish.
Interesting to learn that they only harvest the dying & dead trees because that’s when they produce better quality oil. It also helps with sustainability. The chemical composition changes as it defends itself in it’s last 20 years. The oldest tree they have found is 86 years old.
Wow! The story in the beginning is a great intro. I like how they remind us about Gary’s big dreams and that Young Living is doing so much to make those dreams reality. Life being dependent on another (needing a host) is something very captivating to me. And thank you fur traders for realizing the importance of sandalwood!!!
I learned how potent sandalwood is. I love how he described it as a ‘pallet’ and how it should be blended with something before application.
I love that the Hawaiian culture connects with the land and honors it. It’s wonderful that Gary supported their efforts as well.
I’m so in love with Hawaii and how they take pride in nature. The reforestation is such a great thing!
I loved learning about the history and culture of Hawaii. This is one oil I’ve been wanting on my wish list. The farming of this tree is neat.
Whenever anyone says Young Living is too expensive compared to other companies, I share information about the viability, sustainability and accountability of YL EOs! No-one else comes close to investing the time and work into ethically harvesting essential oils like Hawaiian Royal Sandalwood in a way that remains vitally effective for our health!
This was amazing so glad I found you!
I love Hawaii and the culture and I love Young Living! I’ve always wanted to try Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood! Thank you for sharing this!
The history. It fascinates me.
I enjoyed listening to my 1st podcast. Surprised to learn that Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood show never be applied next and should always be blended with something else.
Love the story, very interesting and I’ve been wanting to try Hawaiian Sandlewood but havent yet.
I loved this story! What the Hawaiian people have gone through with their beloved sandalwood is quite a tale! I loved hearing how the story was told. And I loved hearing about the aging of the tree and how it dies slowly. Thank you for all the wonderful information. I hope to visit this farm one day
This one smells amazing! I just got mine last month and it is quickly becoming one of my favorites.
I love the wisdom behind taking care of the land and allowing nature to work. I can’t wait to try this oil!
We’ve visited the store in Kona a few times, and were able to get sample bottles of the oil, and couldn’t have been happier. That’s what made me order it from YL. Plus, being able to see all the creations made from the wood, was amazing! It’s so great how the family promises to love the land, and take care of her! I loved hearing more about the farm, and how the Hawaiian culture feels about it all.
It was great hearing from a man who has experienced trials and triumphs from his land & the sustainability of it. It was great to hear him speak of Gary and their close relationship. Their visions combined had a great outcome and will continue on.
Sandalwood oil sounds amazing and all the goes into producing it.
I love to learn everything of each essential oil … .

Love learning more about YL!! So informative and makes me love the oils all the more.
It says sooo much that Wade with history and heritage (and knowledge) who cherishes and values the land to pair up with Gary with the same love, passion and respect for the land. Kudos again Young Living for your testing in finding Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood as the highest quality in the world. I love the banana peel part too
Very interesting history of how sandalwood is grown. Proud of the fact that Young Living practices keeping resources sustainable. Would love a bottle of sandalwood.
This oil will be on my next order!
This is the first podcast I had listened to but won’t be the last. I Loved It! Thank you!
Everything about oils amazes me!! The banana peels I found fascinating.
I loved learning about the history of Sandalwood! It’s been a product I’ve been dying to try!! Thank you YL for all of the fantastic products you have shared with us for better health!
Loved hearing about the culture, the history, and reforestation. Learned to not use this oil neat and a that a little goes a long way.
Fantastic story
The simplicity and beauty of the pillars of sustainability- education, culture and economics. Each one holding equal value – in harmony and delicacy.
Thank you for this…I have loved this oil and now it means so much more!
I really appreciated the sustainability message in this podcast.
I so enjoyed the story. Hearing about his late great grandmother, how sandalwood was used as a medicine, and so much more, fabulous story thanks to Gary <3.
Wow. This 45 minute presentation was very interesting & informative. Thank you Wade for all the history & the love of your land. I wish more people felt this way towards preserving our land & resources.
I loved hearing about all of the history of Sandalwood, Hawaii, the people that lived there and Gary Young! Learned a couple things as well as far as the fact that it’s better to use sandalwood with something else and not neat and it was also mentioned in a correlation with toenail fungus.
Sandalwood needing a host plant to grow shocked me. So interesting. The entire podcast was amazing and informative. I would love to try the Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood oil because now I know how much care went into it.
I love the Hawaiian’s philosophy: take care of the land and it will take care of you! This was a nice podcast to listen to.
Loved hearing about the many types of sandalwood and how this special oil is cultivated. This oil is on my wish list to try. Maybe when I save enough ER points.
Want to try this so bad.
I grew up in Hawaii and recently left the Big Island for Pennsylvania. The history keeps getting deeper and deeper the more I learn. It was encouraging to learn that the “M” family was able to buy back 3,000 acres of land! In the Bible it says, “Honor your mother and father and it will go well with you and you will live long in the land the Lord is giving you.” I know true Hawaiians are good at honoring!
I loved the storytelling by someone so vested in the process. The legend which introduced this tree into the island was fascinating, as was the careful nurturing of this sacred plant. Thank you for introducing us to these stories of your oils’ origins, I’ll be back!
This was the best episode yet and I have listened to them all! Loved learning about the history of sandlewood. So interesting how they burned the dead with the sandlewood to carry them to Nirvana.
Loved learning about the history of Hawaiian sandalwood!!
I enjoyed learning about some of the background of the Sandalwood tree. Listening to Wade Lee tell of the history and culture of the area and what the Sandalwood tree means to them and how they incorporate and utilize the tree is deeply meaningful. I am grateful that Gary and Wade met and through both of their efforts and research, the world can enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Thanks for sharing! So interesting! Really love the respect they have shown for the land where the trees are grown.
So informative! I really enjoyed learning the history & the culture.
Thank you!
This is great info! I’ve been wanting to try this oil! Great podcast!
Wow, how banana peels are planted around the trees for germination. Incredible sharing of this process. And how Hawaiians used sandlewood, as medicine, by burning it! I’ve not used this oil yet & would love the chance to experience it in all its health & wealth.
I love the fact of taking care of the land and it will take care of you……So much good info on sandalwood….

Love all the podcasts!!!!
I had no idea about the history, this was a great podcast. Also surprising to me was that the dead/dying trees make the best oil, I would have guessed younger would be better.
I loved learning about the history of Hawaii and the Royal Hawaiin Sandalwood that is grown there, especially how Gary Young came in to see how this product and it’s associated essential oil could be used therapeuticaly.
Love hearing how the oil is produced!!
I loved hearing the story of Mother Earth and the history of Hawaiian Sandalwood! I am also always intrigued with the process of each oil’s harvest. I love the integrity and care that YL takes with preserving the Hawaiian culture with the harvest of this oil! Thanks for sharing!
Loved this pod cast. Beautiful to hear such an authentic story but the history of Hawaiian sandalwood was really interesting. My fav bit was hearing about the value of sustainability from the traditional land owners the value & respect of their culture – asking for permission not only from the people but from the forest & waiting for the forest to choose the right tree before they would take a tree to make a canoe
Thank you for the kind words, Meesha! If you liked this episode, be sure to listen to our Seed to Seal episode about Happy Pili Tree Farm. You can find it on our podcast homepage!
I remember one of the first time I did a guided meditation the guide burnt some sandalwood incense and it was amazing I love the smell and all the properties it’s too on my what to get oils I have not had the chance to use it as an oil but I am looking forward to the day when I can. I love what was said about Gary and I do believe everything he and young living has done is amazing and making the world a better place.
Thanks for sharing your story, Ryan!
Sandalwood is amazing! Lived hearing all the history.
Thank you for the information!
Thanks for listening, Jessie M!
As a wildlife biologist I love all the science included in everything Young Living produces. My heart is happy to hear the history and the legends of the Hawaiian people

thank you for sharing the love the people have of the land and their place in it!
So fun to talk to a biologist about Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood! Thanks for listening, Tomi! If you enjoyed the science of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, try checking out our Seed to Seal episode about Happy Pili Tree Farm which can be found on our podcast homepage!
Such an amazing story! We have been to the Hawaiian islands and have witnessed the respect and reverence the Hawaiian people have for the land that is spoken of in the podcast.
I love the sustainability aspect mentioned!
We love sustainable practices! Thanks for listening, Rachel!
We have been to the Hawaiian islands and have witnessed the respect and reverence the Hawaiian people have for the land that is spoken of in the podcast. Wade Lee does such a great job telling the history of the trees and the people.
There are many stories from the Hawaiian islands, and we’re lucky to be able to share this one. Thanks for listening!
I love learning about the care YL puts into the land and plants! Nothing is missed! The different plants and trees all have different harvesting needs! It’s simply amazing!
Nature has incredible lessons for us to learn! Thank you for listening, Meredith. Be sure to listen to our Seed to Seal episodes, like our episode about Happy Pili Tree Farm, to find more stories about more amazing plants!
Great story and information. Love that no living trees are used to make the oil – the strength is in the dead wood.
Thanks for listening, Cindy!
I was gifted a bottle of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood last year, it was heavenly. The scent is calming and the oil made my skin feel amazingly soft. I would love to get my hands on another bottle of this oil.
What a beautiful gift, Kathie! Thanks for listening!
Amazing how the story all fit together. Glad YL ‘partnered’ with the project to provide us with this great sandalwood oil
Thanks for listening, Renee! We’re lucky to be able to work with Wade & his team to support this amazing plant.
I love the stories and history. This makes me want to listen to a podcast for every single oil. Makes you really respect the oils more!
Thanks, Stephanie! My dream is have a podcast highlighting the amazing stories of as many oils as I can! If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to check out our Seed to Seal episode about Happy Pili Tree Farm.
Cant wait to tRy it.
There is so much to learn about all the YL oils. This podcast helped me understand more about the Hawaiian sandalwood and its benefits. Thank you for the story and the lesson. I look forward to obtaining this oil and adding it to my skincare blend.
Thank you for listening! If you liked this episode, be sure to listen to our Seed to Seal episode about Happy Pili Tree Farm, another one of our partners in sustainability.
I love Hawaiian culture and I want feel it!
First time learning of this podcast. I learned the trees live their whole life span before being harvested! Awesome!
Amazing history. I was surprised to hear how they wanted to avoid taxation and “killed” the sandalwood and carried the very heavy logs on their backs. And did it barefoot as well. I have always wanted to try this product and am so amazed by what I learned in the podcast. It just goes to show how special a bottle of this truly is.
I love how they talked about the reforestation! About giving back to the land and harvesting at the end of the trees life cycle. Amazing!
My favorite thing from this podcast was learning that despite the Hawaiian’s thinking that they would rid themselves of the onerous Sandalwood tax by burning all the Sandalwood, the Sandalwood still survived. If they had been successful and the Sandalwood had all been destroyed, we would not have any today from Hawaii! Thank you Wade for describing the saga that began in 1797!
The benefits of this oil has intriged me so.
Had no idea the sandalwood trees lived so long
And I love the smell of sandalwood.
It’s great to hear about the sustainability efforts! This is my first podcast and I look forward to listening to more of them.
Sandalwood needs a host plant to grow? I had no idea!
Really enjoyed the teaching and the stories. Many thanks.
I love how they respect the land . And the spirit of the the tree lives it’s life and the end of its life gives the oil ! I’m sure the energy of the land is so spiritual !
I also loved that Gary asked if he could hunt while visiting ! Big family hunters here ! Amazing story ! Thank you Wade for allowing Gary to add the sacred sandlewood to the Young Living family ♥️
Fascinating information — thanks!
I am new to podcasts as well, thos being my third. Absolutely love this oil and it’s history. As I am also new to these oils, it helps me remember as I look at their names, what their uses, and components are. Thank you for the education….just another reason YL is simply the best!
So excited to try it!! I’m absolutely in love with my oils!!!
Taking are of the land so it will take care of you. And how the tree defends itself! Wow.
The heart of Young Living and its Founder, Gary Young has brought us the great oil Hawaiian Sandalwood. I loved hearing the story how this company needed help and Young Living was the rescuer. It was a win, win situation for both parties. We are working with a company that wants to protect the people, their agriculture and economy. We never knew that old trees just may be the very best trees!
I’m so grateful to this company for your quality standards and the care you take of the earth and the communities in which your farms are located. Thank you so much for your reforestation efforts! It would be such an honor to win a bottle of such a revered oil.
So interesting! I’ve always dreamed of having this oil. Its such a sweet and warm scent. Learned from this podcast, that Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood shouldn’t be used neat.
Loved hearing about the history of one or my all time favorite oils!
I found it very interesting to know that 1.1 million people lived completely off of the land! Now 1.5 million need to bring in 99% of their food and supplies! Says a lot about understanding and appreciating our land.
Wow the trees spend 30 years defending themselves such a powerful oil!! The stories, the history!! Learning from history. I love it all. My favorite was learning that Young Living waits until the end of the lifecycle to harvest. The tree get’s to live a ling life and we get the best of the oil. I now have a new podcast to listen to.
Thanks for tuning in, Stephanie! We hope you get to enjoy our other episodes, including our Seed to Seal episode about Happy Pili Tree Farm that’s focused on sustainability just like this episode!
Love learning about the mutualism between sandalwood and the host plant! Fascinating! Sandalwood has always been a little out of my price range, but after learning about its natural history, I understand why.
As a Young Living member with several connections to Hawaii, I was pleased to see this episode come up on my podcast list. I was most enamored with the “roots” (pardon the pun!) of this amazing tree.
Great pun, Maggie.
Thanks for tuning in!
I’ve been to Hawaii and it truly is such a magical place. The idea of getting back to basics where land provided for the people and the people provided for the land is a beautiful picture of God’s vision when he created the world. I would love to try Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood and share it with my family.
This was my first YL podcast/Drop of inspiration and I can’t wait for the next one!!
I was really surprised to learn that sandalwood is parasitic! I love that it’s sproutlings are fed with banana peels, and I am in awe that it is the dead trees that produce the best oil! I am really glad to have this information and knowledge…thank you!!! 
Welcome to Drop of Inspiration, Jessica! Be sure to check out past episodes of the show by perusing our podcast homepage.
Loved all the info!
Had no idea sandalwood needs a host plant to grow! So interesting!
I’m glad I found this podcast and loved hearing about the history of Sandlewood! Great info!!
Liked hearing all the background on this oil. Would love to try it!!
I loved hearing about the culture.
Lots of amazing info. Can’t even pick a favorite! Thanks I will be tuning into more soon!
Thanks for tuning in, Melissa! You can find more stories like this by checking out our archive!
I really enjoyed listening to Wade’s storytelling.
Grateful for having this precious. Love it!
Wow, so interesting. Love Wade’s story! Thank you for sharing.
Loved this episode!
The most favorite part that I’ve learned the sustainability of the harvesting. Saving the trees and allowing them to exist. I love it! I really hope to be able to go to farm someday and see it all in person.
I enjoyed my Mona farm experience last summer
Asking the listener to pick a favorite part of this podcast can be likened to asking a mother to name a favorite child! Each part of the history and every detail of the current work, as well as the passion that comes through in the retelling, is fascinating to me!! It is a dream of mine to live in Hawaii, and to hear of this collaborative commitment to maintaining the culture of the islands calls to me. I can say that the most poignant detail was hearing that the locals welcomed the destructive forces to their homes for the growth of the land!
Such kind words, Tanya! Thank you for listening, it is an absolute joy to share Seed to Seal stories with our audience. We hope you keep finding favorite moments in all our episodes.
This is my first podcast I listened to. It gave me insight into just how special Gary Young was! The history of the land saddens me. So happy to hear Wade tell how exactly he got the land back and loved the saying Respect the land and it will give back. Loved the story how Gary came onboard and together they have given us this powerful oil. It was interesting to hear what it was used for. I have not tried this only but am looking forward to it. Thank you for the history of this oil and Hawaii. Interesting to hear how Gary and Wade came together.
Love learning about the growth and sustainability of the Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood. I did not know it was not meant to be used alone
I love to hear about how the land becomes sustainable reforestation and how both Wade Lee and Gary Young find common ways to keep their visions so nature can take care of us as we take care of her. What a wonderful history behind sandalwood and how the oils come about. Best quality of oil come from a dying tree, incredible how the tree defending itself at its last stretch of life to produce oil that will continues to sustain us and make our lives better. Most important thing to restore forest back to its natural state. Love the story!
What a great history lesson!
Amazing process, too.
It’s interesting to discover the many uses that sandalwood has for head lice, fungus, etc. Sandalwood sounds like an amazing oil!
I love the care that’s taken with the trees as well as the surrounding earth and plants. That symbiosis means so much in making sure this oil is around for a long time!
I learned that sandalwood needs a host plant to grow…how amazing!! My favorite part was hearing how the tree protects itself for the last 30 years of it’s life and most especially love how sustainable farming practices are so important to both Wade and Gary. Super interesting story of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood history! I’d be really interested to know why Wade says it should never be used “neat.”
Its interesting that Sandalwood needs a host plant to continue to grow. I liked hearing the history & significance of the sandalwood to Asia & then how Hawaiians had different uses for the sandalwood. I had no idea there were so many different specifies of Sandalwood or their different properties. Outside of that, its fun to hear how Gary met Wade. Thanks for doing this podcast– good subject!
So nice to see sustainability being a major factor in this organization. One of many favorite things!
I love how they are harvested at the end of their life! What a beautiful ending to the life of such a lovely plant!
Fascinating that it needs a host and love the ongoing sustainability efforts.
Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is my absolute FAVORITE oil, of all the oils i have. I have always described it by the way it makes me feel – like taking a deep breath. So when I heard the meaning of the name of the farm, I couldn’t believe it. SO COOL! I cannot wait to visit the farm one day & see it in person.
Very interesting podcast.
Thank you!
Hi, Susan! It’s one of my favorite oils now, too! Thanks for listening!
Found it very interesting that the best sandalwood oil comes from the oldest dying trees
What a beautiful story! I love hearing of the sustainability and how the trees are not by harvested until the end of their life. Plus, I never would have known it is best not to use this oil neat.
Love Royal Hawaiian sandlewood and enjoyed learning more about its history
Thanks for listening, Ingrid!
I love these episodes where we learn about the background on oils and the efforts to sustainability harvest them.
And we love sharing the stories with you! Thanks for listening, Lauren!
Wow… very informative… Haloa is What I wanted to name my son but to know the story behind this oil is touching and to know the Hawaiian part of this oil just wows me.. This is my first pod cast and I hope to try this oil, which I will not use neat…… Thank you Wade for sharing…..
Thanks for tuning in, Sheri! Be sure to check out our other episodes on our homepage to hear more stories from more passionate guests.
I’ve heard that Gary tried to keep all his lands the way they were and/or restored them. I love hearing that with him gone it’s still going today! Young Living is a great company all the way around. Thank you!
I loved learning that they don’t use the trees until they are older and that way the young trees can mature. And with doing that, they found that the dying older trees made the best oil!
I love this one! I like the history the best!
I loved the stories! So much rich history behind Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood.
Love these podcasts, I learn so much. And this one on Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is no exception!! A great learning podcast episode!!
A very inspirational story…history and culture. I love that part when Wade and those people, they don’t grow the way a normal farm would grow,they are very much letting nature dictate where those trees come up, if nothing’s come up,then they help it by plant. In short, Wade and their people, they treat every single living things in the area as if they were their own child. Those people are so passionate about that place!Another important things are the uses of the Royal Hawaiian sandalwood that mentioned in this episode.
Love passionate ‘farmers’ of the God given gifts each and every day. Keep our environment breathing for our strengths.
I have put it on my wish list.
So glad I found the podcast. It was great to learn the history. Great story teller.
I loved hearing the story of the Royal Hawaiian Samdalwood. I am so intrigued by this sacred tree and am left in reverence and awe of it and the people who care for it and about it The Hawaiian people are connected to the earth in an intimate way and and I am thankful that Young Living partners with people who genuinely know about and care for their treasure of the earth . I would be honored to possess a bit of this powerful oil in my stewardship.
Thought it was super interesting about how Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is grown and it needing a host! Loved hearing about how much Wade and Ton (I’m sure I spelled his name horribly wrong-sorry!) care about the land and plants! Their sustainability vision- why the trees aren’t harvested until the end of their life- so cool!
Thought it was super interesting about how Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is grown and it needing a host! Loved hearing about how much Wade and Ton (I’m sure I spelled his name horribly wrong-sorry!) care about the land and plants! Their sustainability vision- why the trees aren’t harvested until the end of their life- so cool!
Thanks for listening, Dana! So fun to hear the stories of passionate people, which is why we love sharing Seed to Seal stories! Be sure to keep tuning in for more.
Great information. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for listening, Sabra!
My favorite part was learning all the history. Plus, this oils smells amazing just like Hawaii does! Yum!
It’s a fantastic oil with a fantastic history. Thanks for listening, Meghan!
Love this channel! Wade is a great storyteller. Thank you for sharing. Happy New Year.
Thanks for listening, Jenn! Happy New Year!
Love the message, to be good stewards of the land God has given us.
Awesome, great information
Thank you for listening!
If we have respect for what has been given to us and are responsible for how we care for the earth that belief carries over into how we view life in all forms whether is is the plants, ocean, air, or people.
Love the historical and geographical information about Hawaii, gives me a new respect for the impact of the oil and production of the oil.
We’re so glad that the story of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood has helped others see this beautiful oil in a new light. Thanks for listening, Carissa!
Beautiful info thanks for sharing
Thanks for listening, Sharon!
I liked learning how the trees produce their oils….and that you have to wait for them to start dying!
It’s amazing how nature knows what’s best sometimes! Thanks for listening, Erin.
Very interesting, so glad I listened to this amazing history of sandalwood. It is wonderful what this tree provides at the end of its life. Looking forward to getting a bottle of this powerful oil, knowing it shouldn’t be used neat but is great base for blends.
Sandalwood has many great properties! Thanks for listening, Pamela!
Great information! I love royal hawaiian sandalwoods!
Thanks for listening, Carol! We love Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, too.
I love our Royal Hawaiian Sandlewood and I love this podcast. My favorite thing was how they were struggling to find a way to get some income. Serendipitously, along comes Gary who understood what they were trying to do immediately. They loved Gary but also tested the oils in different places and found ours to be the most pure. They were happy the wood was being used the way they historically used it—to help people. Also, how traditional means of planting in fields were unsuccessful. They grow new trees naturally and how the young trees need a host to live off of. It gives you a new appreciation for Royal Hawaiian Sandlewod.
Thanks for listening, Cathy!
What an interesting podcast so many things to love hard to pick a favorite part! Royal Hawaiian Sandlewood is different from sacred Sandlewood. Take care of the land and it will take care of us. So amazing I love Hawaii such an wonderful culture definitely on my bucket list! What an incredible story! I actually listened to it again today! Thank you.
Thanks for listening, Angelique! What kind words!
enjoyed listening.
As inhabitants of this earth, it is our duty to care for the land properly. Our environment and health depend on it.
There is a tremendous connection between the earth’s inhabitants and nature.
We certainly agree about nature, Shirley! Thanks for listening.
What an amazing oil! Thank you for sharing this info!
Thanks for listening Julie!
Such a beautiful gift to share! The story and values behind this royal hawaiian sandalwood make it even more special! Thank goodness for Gary’s persistance & vision.
We’re so happy to share our Seed to Seal stories with you. Thanks for listening!
Wow.what a story !!! …so much history I never knew.what a blessed thing we have this beautiful sandalwood!!
Thanks for listening, Karen!
I grew up in Hawaii and found this podcast so interesting. I can’t wait to try this oil~♡
Thanks for tuning in, Melissa!
I also just discovered this podcast and so happy I did. I like learning the history of the oil and a little about the culture of the native Hawaiians. Would love to get Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood.
We’re glad you found us, too, Stephannie! Thanks for tuning in.
Beautiful and informative. This interview was wonderfully delivered. Thank you for the information.
Great story! Would love to try some of this precious oil.
Love this whole history lesson all about the island .the people, and the farming practices, and how it led to us being part of the history now!!
So interesting that this tree needs a host plant to grow. And that the best oil comes from trees at the end of their life. Patience and preservation reap wonderful rewards.
Love the info on sustainability
Wonderful information about this amazing oil and the Hawaiian history and how important It is to be connected to the earth!
Love hearing the history of Sandalwood, it’s kinda sad. But I’m so glad Gary was able to utilize sandalwood especially found it interesting that it’s has higher quality of oil in its dying years.
This podcast about Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is sacred because of what Wade Lee said about the Hawaiian heritage and how mindful the people have been about protecting their land; about his relationship with Gary Young when Gary stepped in to help move the forestation project forward and about how difficult it was for Wade when he heard of Gary’s passing, which each of us can relate to;; and about the amazing benefits of the Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood oil itself after its 30 year life is over. I motivates one to want to do even more ourselves to protect Mother Earth.
Thanks for the kind words, Marcia. We are so lucky to have Wade’s story, and to participate in Gary Young’s legacy. Thanks for listening!
I LOVE all the intense respect for the environment. The history of Sandalwood is fascinating too! Thank you for sharing!!
Thanks for listening, Heather!
I thought all the details you shared we’re great. Just enough so that the layman doesn’t get bogged down but the scholar is fascinated. I loved how they mention the great care needed to transplant the sandalwood treelings. Was interesting how they needed a host, and also interesting that it is through the trials of their life but they gain is precious oil much like the fact that it takes trials to mature of our own human souls. I think in our world we take for granted that we can just slap a farm together and have exactly what we need. We need to keep in mind that extraordinary products, that do extraordinary things, require extraordinary sourcing measures.
As storytellers, we think it’s important that people feel included in the story their listening, too. Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is an amazing oil. Thanks for listening, Heather!
First YL podcast i have had a chance to listen to andnill definitely be back! Loved hearing about the history do the farm and learning more about my oils so I can better teach my customers!
Welcome to Drop of Inspiration, Meaghan! We’re glad you enjoyed this episode, and hope you enjoy our archives and future episodes!
I loved the podcast!!
The Hawaiians love for Mother Earth is so deep and is such a great thing
If we all gave the respect they give to nature, the earth would be in better shape.
I’m glad we have the pioneer of Gary Young to bring us the purity of great oils to us
I would love to get some Royal Hawaiian Sandelwood oil. I learned so much about the Hawaiian culture. I found it interesting that this oil is harvested from dead and dying trees. Also unlike other plants Royal Hawaiian Sandelwood needs a host plant to get its nutrients. Gary Young partnering with them get their Sandlewoods to be sustainable is Really cool
I loved this story, thank you for sharing! I wish I would have been able to meet Gary Young, what an inspiration!!! Sandalwood is one of my favorites.
Gary was truly a great man! Thanks for listening, Kathy.
The sustainability efforts are awesome! I wasn’t aware about the tree depending on the plants around it. Interesting stuff. I love the smell of Sandalwood!
We sure do love Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood and love that others love it, too! Thanks for tuning in, Kelli.
I liked the story in the beginning the best! I Truly believe also that if we take care of the land, the land will take care of us as well! Love nature, love mother earth, love God! Amen! Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful oil. I have never tried it before, and look forward to trying it one day!
Thanks for listening, Victoria!
I have wanted to try it. I love learning the history of the oils.
I love the podcasts. I cant wait to try this oil, plus it has the same initials as me…RHS!! I think it must be the right one for me to use. thank you for the info
Thanks for listening, RHS!
I love Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood. For our 50th wedding anniversary coming up soon, we are planning a trip to Hawaii. Now I am inspired to include a visit to this partner farm in Hawaii! (We did this partner farm visit in Israel)
I never knew it’s best not to use this Sandalwood beet due to its potency. What a great learning experience and insight to native Hawaiian folklore in this episode! Thanks for doing this!
I love learning about YL oils and the incredible benefits they have. It was so interesting to learn that sandalwood trees need a host plant to grow and I think that it’s wonderful how they only harvest the dead and dying trees.
I also thought it was interesting how the Hawaiian locals use this tree as an anti-fungal treatment.
That the oil is not taken til the end of the tree’s life. Nature is sooo cool!
I am a horticulturist and I love all the details on growing sandalwood
My favorite thing was to learn from the partner farm that it’s best not to use the oil neet.l Nd that the locals used it for fungus and ringworm that are prevelant in warm climates. I think it would pair nicely, then, with extra Virgin Coconut oil for a foot and toe rub.
Have always loved the smell of sandalwood
This was great. My first Podcast ever. I loved the way Gary Young approached him, and invited him to Utah to check out Young Living. Only the Best for YL!
Young Living has changed my life! I do not have Sandalwood yet, but would love to add it to my collection.
I’ve heard that Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood smells just like the ocean! Love hearing about how oils are made.
Did not know it should not be used neat
So interesting to learn that Sandalwood plants need a host species to grow, and thrive! I’ve been a memebr for 4 years, yet still have not tried this beautiful essential oil!
I love Hawaiian Sandalwood. It is such a wonderful smell that induces feelings of peace and tranquillity. It is one of my favorite “happy oils.”
It was nice learning some new things about Hawaii. As the population grew , food would get shipped in instead of from around Hawaii, therefore making it pricey to live there. Interesting history of sandalwood. It’s amazing how long this great oil has been around! Hawaiian ppl are so passionate about the land there & care about the nature & beauty that surround it.
I loved that you grounded the podcast in the traditions of Native Hawaiians. This is an epic shift of power which gives voice to Indigenous Peoples who are often exploited by non-Hawaiians.
Wow, I love the fact that Wade has brought the land full circle. His heritage brought back to life. The land has been revitalized to be and used the way it was meant, for healing.
I love this!! Not only is this oil great for our wellness and health but it is creating income and good for the planet! Deforestation is one of the leading causes of poverty so this is really great that YL is not only giving us an opportunity for greater health but this oil is creating sustainability and life for people.
I would love to win to grow my new YL business
I find it fascinating that you wait until the end of the tree’s lifecycle to harvest the oil!
I wish I knew about this podcast feature before! It’s awesome that I can learn about the essential oils that I don’t know about. What I love about this podcast was that the cultivators from this farm are so committed to sustainability and the preservation
to farming of this special Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Essential Oil! Maybe one day I can visit this farm in reality! I am so curious and intrigued and I can’t wait to smell and use this Essential Oil!
Thanks for sharing this information.
First Yoing Living podcast I have listened to. It is crazy how different cultures/religions handle the same situations. Hawaii’s land is just as beautiful as their natives love for their land!
What a interesting a rich history sandalwood has! Sad that it got exploited though! I would love a bottle of this oil!
I have been dying to try Hawaiian Sandalwood. I love the Sacred Sandalwood and now with the history, quality and care of Young Living it’s now on my must list. So blessed to be part of a caring company.
Hearing about the folk legends and history of the Hawaiian people was really amazing. Also learning the historical medical uses of the tree was pretty neat to learn as well. I love that the personal stories of Gary….the whole podcast reminded me what a great company Young Living really is.
I’m new to the Young Living oils, but I am enjoying learning all the difference. The Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood would be treasured
Thank you gor this very important information….loved listening and learning about every part!
So glad I found your oils love them thank you
I love this podcast! Especially that Young Living & Haloa Aina found each other and are working to restore the sandalwood forest in Hawaii! If you take care of the land the land will take care of you it’s the mission of both companies.
I really like learning about how the Hawaiians love there land and respect it, and the same regard Gary has/had for the land and our oils!!
Can’t find my comment so I’m posting again. I love hearing about the properties that make the oil unique and usages for it. Still so new to oils; love learning new things.
LOVED this podcast! I always love learning about the land, plant, and oil! Sandalwood is AMAZING!
This was my first YL podcast, and I loved it. The two brothers caring for each other just melted my heart. I have 3 sons and one has mid level functioning autism. Their relationship has gone through seasons. The season they’re in now is one of emotional care and support.
I have never tried sandalwood, but it is on my wish list.
Seed to seal happy pili tree farm
Yahnas story was amazing on how she traveled so far to make money. And I’m super grateful that she can work at the pili farm to be able to be closer to her family and she’s able to pay for her own house ♥️What a blessing. And I’m super impressed with tapping, so the trees are unharmed. This entire podcast is so inspiring. Oops I read post wrong so i went back to listen to this podcast. Ok so on this episode its so exciting to hear about the Big Island and its getting me super excited to go to the farm and truly experience this amazing culture. Its fascinating that the natives feel so strongly about there culture and respect it. Wade talked about the Queen the ultimate creator and destroyer. So the Hawaiians are ok if there homes are destroyed by the Volcanos its ok for the Queen decides. They have the utmost respect for there land. The history of the Royal Hawaiian Sandlewood is a very sacred tree and China realized how sacred it is.
I teach science to middle schoolers and one of the first topics we cover every year is ecology. It’s so amazing as an educator to see these kids really “get” the concepts of sustainability and that the relationship between humans and the Earth is symbiotic. The Earth is not some cold dead thing that has endlesss resources to make our lives easier. I’m still pretty new to YL, and I do a lot of research before I make a commitment. I’m proud to join a company that so obviously cares about the well-being of both humans and our planet. This podcast has been really great in helping educate me on the practices and finer details of YL and the oils they harvest. With every new thing I learn about specific oils my wishlist grows and grows!!
Hawaii has a very interesting history. I started learning about it when I lived there a while back in the 90’s. The history of this tree is really interesting as well. It’s amazing that RH sandalwood is such a short lived tree, relative to other trees, and it needs a host to grow. Amazing how it has such a struggle in the beginning and end of its life, but within that struggle, it possesses the ability to fight back and use what it already has to do so. In doing so, it produces this wonderful oil that can help support our bodies as well. I’m thankful for the people that are a part of the reforestation efforts, and I’m thankful that the late visionary Gary Young found this source of sandalwood. I would love to have this oil and use it!
Wow! I enjoyed learning the history and culture about the land. So neat!
I don’t have this oil yet. Would love to have it.
I learned so much about the history of Hawaii and sandalwood. What an amazing oil, no wonder it is treasured. It is on my wish list and some day I will get to smell this wonderful oil
Oh, this is fascinating! I had no idea that sandalwood trees needed a host plant and that the highest quality oil comes from dead and dying trees. Thank you so much for sharing.
Amazing!!! I’d love to give this powerhouse a try

The sustainability and the reforestation endeavors are very interesting. I would love to try some of this precious oil
I had a knot in my throat when I listened to how hard they worked to keep there trees alive and how everyone took advantage of them.
My heart sores as I read about Gary Young and his vision matched theirs I almost cried!
I would be very privileged to own this oil!!
Thank you for your kind, kind words. We’re so lucky to have Wade as part of our community, and to be able to continue carrying out Gary’s legacy. I know that as I was producing the episode, there were times when I also felt as you did! Happy to share stories like this with our amazing audience. Thanks for listening!