
Franciela & Juan Arévalo
Laurie Azzarella
Alabama, USA
Karla Berger
Minnesota, USA
Fee Boey
United Kingdom
Chelsea Marie Young
New York, USA
Marlo Bontempo
California, USA
Dustin & Alana Bookhout
Texas, USA
Kyler & Sandi Boudreau
California, USA
Nat & Lauren Bretz
Indiana, USA
Heather & John Brock
California, USA
Kimberly R. Bromelkamp
Iowa, USA
Chelle Carter
Texas, USA
MaryStarr & Jay Carter
Florida, USA
Winnie Chan
Hong Kong
Darreck Chen Yoon Yung
Paul & Tina Ciesla
Alabama, USA
Christi Collins
Massachusetts, USA
Fred Zerr & Judy Klassen Jerr
Florida, USA
Annie & Dave Dayan
California, USA
Judy De La Rosa
Texas, USA
Sabina M. DeVita
Gordon & Corie DeVries
Alaska, USA
Kirk & Britta Dimler
Iowa, USA
Amie Dockery
Texas, USA
Heather & Wade Doll
Claudia Dosamantes
Texas, USA
Karen J. Douglas
Texas, USA
Denise Dunleavy
Michigan, USA
Denise Easthon
Ohio, USA
Pamela & Gary Edwards
Debbie & Daniel Erickson
Texas, USA
Rhonda & Frank Favano
Arkansas, USA
Julia Kay Ferguson
New Mexico, USA
Jamie & Chelsea Flaman
Katie & Kevin Ganger
Indiana, USA
Lori Gasca
Texas, USA
Jessica & Rit Gianelloni
Louisiana, USA
David & Teresa Gingles
Texas, USA
Carla & Bill Green
Gailann Greene
New Jersey, USA
Hitomi Harada
Katie Harris
Georgia, USA
Dallas Harting
Arizona, USA
Reuben & Stacie Hartzler
Missouri, USA
Jilene & Duane Hay
The Collected, Tan Kai Hiang
Greg Hitter
California, USA
Candace & Jimmie Don Hoke
Texas, USA
Carol & Delaine Holden
Minnesota, USA
Rachel & Ryan Holland
Texas, USA
Jonathan & Laura Hopkins
Texas, USA
Crystal & Larry Hoskins
Wisconsin, USA
Jennifer Howard
New York, USA
Shannon & JD Hudgens
Texas, USA
Brian & Shannon Hudson
Michigan, USA
Reagan & Danny Jewitt
Jen & Adaryll Jordan
Kentucky, USA
Dan Keskey
Nevada, USA
Erika & Tim Kilcher
Michigan, USA
Eldon & Nancy Knittle
Texas, USA
Andrea Lahman
Arizona, USA
Sherry LaMarche
Wisconsin, USA
Sarah Lee
Washington, USA
Claire Lee
Hong Kong
Janie Leek
Arkansas, USA
Jeffery Lewis
New Jersey, USA
Jennifer Lim
Yvonne Litza
Illinois, USA
Fiona Lui
Hong Kong
Stacie & Todd Malkus
California, USA
My Joanna Malone
California, USA
Kristi Mangan
Florida, USA
Skyla & Brian Mann
Iowa, USA
James & Stacy McDonald
Illinois, USA
Brian & Jodi McKenna
Indiana, USA
Ryan & Ashley McKenney
Florida, USA
Tyson & Wendy Mercure
Florida, USA
Mark & Angela Meredith
Minnesota, USA
Jodie Meschuk
California, USA
Stephanie Moram & JP Paradis
David & Star Moree
Minnesota, USA
James Niederland
New Jersey, USA
Shelby & Steven Nowak
California, USA
Aditya Nowotny
Niccole Perez
Colorado, USA
Heather & Christian Portwood
Oklahoma, USA
Anna-Maya Powell
Texas, USA
Ryan & Kim Prather
Colorado, USA
Evangeline & Thomas Reed
Texas, USA
Kim Rinaldi-Robey
New York, USA
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { //Full content path to avoid process other element with same .hersoslide class //Warning: If the structure of the pageMarkup in Contentful changes this will break this functionality const slides = document.querySelectorAll('cymbeo-deprecated .top.hero .cycle-slideshow .heroslide'); const processedSlides = new Array(slides.length).fill(false); slides.forEach((slide, index) => { processedSlides[index] = false; const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { mutations.forEach(async (mutation) => { if (mutation.attributeName === 'class') { const currentlyActive = slide.classList.contains('cycle-slide-active'); const alreadyProcessed = processedSlides[index]; if (currentlyActive && !alreadyProcessed) { processedSlides[index] = true; await callAmplitudeService(slide, index, AmpliEventContext.DotComPromotionViewed); } } }); }); observer.observe(slide, { attributes: true }); const anchor = slide.querySelector('a'); if (anchor) { anchor.addEventListener('click', async function() { await callAmplitudeService(slide, index, AmpliEventContext.DotComPromotionClicked); }); } }); async function callAmplitudeService(slide, index, context) { const href = slide.querySelector('a') ? slide.querySelector('a').getAttribute('href') : ''; const promotionName = getPromotionNameFromClassList(slide.classList); const promotionContent = href; const locale = 'en-SG'; const promotionLocation = `home page hero slide, ${locale}`; // Check if amplitudeService exists and call it if (typeof window.amplitudeService !== 'undefined' && window.amplitudeService) { // TO-DO: Before deploying this to PROD, this commented code needs to be removed. // Currently, it will remain commented to not lose track of the events and logic implemented to make it work. // This code needs to be refactored due to the changes in the Amplitude project // Due to the Amplitude request creation is disabled will not affect to send a dummy event type, // this was made to avoid changing the logic without knowing if will be need it or not // await window.amplitudeService.createBasicAmplitudeRequest({ // context: context, // additionalData: { // promotionContent: promotionContent, // promotionLocation: promotionLocation, // promotionName: promotionName, // promotionOrderPosition: index.toString() // } // }) } } function getPromotionNameFromClassList(classList) { //Warning: If promotion don't follow the structure slide-[PROMOTION_NAME] this logic will not work let promotionName = ''; const filteredClassNames = Array.from(classList).filter(className => className.startsWith('slide-') && !className.includes('cycle-slide') ); if (filteredClassNames.length > 0) { //Warning: If class have multiple class following the structure slide-[PROMOTION_NAME], only the last one will be valid const lastClassName = filteredClassNames[filteredClassNames.length - 1]; promotionName = lastClassName.substring(lastClassName.indexOf('-') + 1); } return promotionName; } }); >
Robert Rinato
Florida, USA
Erin & Bronce Rodgers
Tennessee, USA
Vanessa Romero & Tom Nikkola
Minnesota, USA
Heidi Ross
Catherine Rott
Oklahoma, USA
Melissa & Clay Sanches
Texas, USA
Nancy Sanderson
Wyoming, USA
Courtney Scruggs
Michigan, USA
Alan & Linda Simpson
Michelle & John Skoczek
Texas, USA
David & Lee Stewart
Missouri, USA
Sonya Swan
Iowa, USA
Nanette Symes
Utah, UsA
Jeremy & Hannah Tallo
Texas, USA
Jihan Thomas
New York, USA
Amanda & Gabe Uribe
Alaska, USA
Karen Vavrick
Michigan, USA
Derek & Janell Vonigas
Oklahoma, USA
Justin & Sarah Wallace
Oklahoma, USA
Tammy & Eric Walton
Arizona, USA
Mary C. Ward-Farnham
Wisconsin, USA
Becky & Jonathan Webb
North Carolina, USA
Dick & Nancy Weber
New Jersey, USA
Matt & Darlene Weir
Pennsylvania, USA
Josh & Paige Williams
Texas, USA
Chris & Connie Wolverton
Louisiana, USA
John WongCW
Korbut Wong
Hong Kong
Sum Sum Yip
Hong Kong

Not Pictured Above

William & Joan Lansing | Iowa, USA