Team up for success with the newest version of our Silver Bound bonus program. Created for members eager to chase their dreams, this incredible opportunity will help you build your team on a sustainable foundation and then reward you with a bonus! Silver Bound is designed to boost your business goals and fast-track your way to Silver.
What is Silver Bound?
Silver Bound is a simple, achievable program that gives members a road map for ranking up to Silver—plus the opportunity to earn cash incentives. Enjoy Essential Rewards points or cash bonuses when you meet the time, leg, and organization group volume (OGV) requirements at any of the featured ranks. The longer you maintain your rank, the more we’ll reward your efforts!
Who can participate in Silver Bound?
This program was created for new members, first-time Stars, first-time Senior Stars, and first-time Executives. Existing members may be eligible to participate. Rules and conditions apply.
How has Silver Bound changed?
Each of the four bonus tracks now includes an element of maintenance. To receive the full bonus payout for each bonus track, the bonus requirements must be achieved each month of the corresponding maintenance window. The longer you maintain, the more you earn and the stronger your organization will be.
Here’s how it works:
Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the qualifications and requirements for the Silver Bound bonus program:
Silver Bound Star
Prequalifying Rank: Member
Leg Requirement: Two legs, each having 200 OGV
Total OGV Requirement: 500
Qualification Period: Two calendar months
Maintenance Period: Two consecutive months
Reward: 25 Loyalty Rewards points in Young Living’s Essential Rewards program
Silver Bound Senior Star
Prequalifying Rank: Star
Requirements: Achieve the rank of Senior Star
Leg Requirement: Two legs, each having 500 OGV
Total OGV Requirement: 2,000
Qualification Period: Three calendar months
Maintenance Period: Up to three months
Month 1: $50 USD
Month 2: $75 USD
Month 3: $125 USD
Silver Bound Executive
Prequalifying Rank: Senior Star
Requirements: Achieve the rank of Executive
Leg Requirement: One leg having 500 OGV and two legs each having 1,000 OGV
Total OGV Requirement: 4,000
Qualification Period: Three calendar months
Maintenance Period: Up to three months
Month 1: $100 USD
Month 2: $150 USD
Month 3: $250 USD
Silver Bound Silver
Prequalifying Rank: Executive
Requirements: Achieve the rank of Silver
Leg Requirement: One leg having 1,000 OGV and two legs each having 4,000 OGV
Total OGV Requirement: 10,000
Qualification Period: Four calendar months
Maintenance Period: Up to three months
Month 1: $200 USD
Month 2: $300 USD
Month 3: $1,000 USD
What’s in it for you?
Silver Bound rewards you with added incentives as you grow your business. More importantly, it gives you a solid road map to show you the way to achieve and maintain Silver rank. This program has impacted the lives of many business builders and helped them rise to become business leaders in Young Living.
Good luck! We’re excited to see what you accomplish!