Young Living’s commitment to having the highest standards in the industry means being transparent with our members, especially when it will affect their pocketbooks—no matter how modestly. However, through a standard nominal price and PV adjustment of majority of our products, we can address rising costs from sourcing, inflation, and cost of living increases without compromising our quality commitment.
Beginning April 1, 2019, you will see the cost and PV of most of your favourite products rise slightly. We’d like to share what this price change represents:
Young Living’s continued commitment to quality: We provide you with the highest quality, purest essential oils and essential oil-infused products on the market.
Maintaining our industry-leading international sourcing and compliance standard.
Continuous reformulations: We are committed to providing products made with the best ingredients available.
Our ability to seek further certifications such as non-GMO, LEED, and others: This demonstrates our commitment to the highest standards in all aspects of our operations.
While the price of many of our products is going up slightly, the Premium Starter Kits (PSKs) will remain the same. Maintaining the cost of PSKs is one way we’re keeping enrolment simple and affordable for you and your contacts!
We are proud to maintain these industry-leading standards that ensure our pricing matches our quality commitment. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to everything Young Living!
Watch for these changes beginning April 1, 2019.