The 130PV tier promotion is valid from 12 midnight AEDT, March 1 2025 to 11:59PM , March 15, 2025.
To receive the 130PV tier promotion (Free Lavender Essential Oil 15ml), Brand Partners must set their processing date on their Essential Rewards template to between 1st-15th of every month, allowing it to process automatically.
Brand Partners who already have their ER order scheduled to process between the 1st-15th will also receive the 130PV promo item (Free Lavender Essential Oil 15ml).
Offers for the 145PV, 190PV, 250PV and 320PV are valid from 12 midnight AEDT, Feb 1, 2024, to 11:59 PM. AEDT, Feb 28, 2024.
In the event that supplies of these items become unavailable, Young Living may replace promotional products with equivalent products of a similar value.
Limit of one qualifying Essential Rewards order per month.
PV minimum must be reached in a single order. Partial orders placed throughout the qualifying month cannot be combined in order to receive the offer.
Single orders over 145 PV, 190 PV, 250 PV or 320 PV do not earn duplicate rewards.
PV is not earned on free product.
Offer does not apply to Essential Rewards point redemption orders or Standard orders.
Offer is available to Young Living wholesale members.
Member is responsible for shipping costs associated with ordered and free product.
Available for all Essential Rewards orders placed via phone, post, web, or email.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Orders must be placed through our Essential Rewards (ER) member loyalty program and reach the highlighted PV levels to earn all the products outlined above. PV products are subject to change without notice and may be substituted with an alternative product of equivalent or similar value. If any product runs out of stock - the product or a replacement product of similar value - will be programmed to be shipped with the member's next order after the replacement product is received in the warehouse. Affected members will be notified by a slip in their order to this effect.
For full Terms & Conditions visit or > Member Benefits > Promotions