Why Young Living?
With a Young Living Brand Partnership, you’re on a path to a different type of lifestyle—one with the potential to earn free products, the freedom to transform your financial future and the opportunity bring life-changing solutions to homes around the world. We’ve grouped Young Living members into two categories: Customers and Brand Partners. Our Customers want to enjoy member benefits without participating in the business opportunity. Young Living Brand Partners enjoy all the benefits that Customers receive, plus the benefits of Young Living’s generous compensation plan by enrolling others in Young Living.
The best news for enrolling members is that choosing between becoming a Customer or a Brand Partner doesn’t have to happen at enrollment! By purchasing a Starter Bundle and enrolling, you have 11 of our most popular essential oils to help you get started; your personal journey with Young Living will help you organically find your path as a Customer or a Brand Partner. Plus, only one qualifying order a year after enrolling with a Starter Bundle gives you lifetime access to preferred pricing and other benefits!
You’ll also enjoy extensive networking opportunities, exclusive hands-on experiences and a strong sense of community. Check out the benefits!
Brand Partners enjoy all the benefits of our Customers, plus:
For statistical earning data of Young Living members, click here.
Not interested in being a Young Living Brand Partner yet?
Order products at retail prices when you take advantage of our convenient retail checkout option. Just select your products and complete the simple checkout process.
Become a Brand Partner now by clicking the button below.