Helichrysum Essential Oil

(Helichrysum italicum)

Helichrysum essential oil’s sweet, earthy aroma is perfect to diffuse when you work on your next project; the invigorating scent helps create a stimulating, refreshed environment. Steam distilled from the tiniest of flowers, the delicate blossoms produce a rich oil with a complex profile, featuring the naturally occurring constituents neryl acetate, gamma curcumene, and alpha-pinene. These tiny flowers pack a punch, aromatically and topically, as Helichrysum oil provides many benefits for the skin, including reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

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* All prices shown include VAT. Shipping charges not included.

Our Seed to Seal® quality commitment has been both a promise to you and a reflection of our sense of global stewardship and accountability. We believe you want only the best for your family and yourself—products that are genuine, free from harmful synthetics, and of unmatched purity. Our proprietary Seed to Seal promise is our pledge to you, the earth, and ourselves that Young Living products will be the best available, now and always.

Seed to Seal and its three pillars—Sourcing, Science, and Standards—are infused into every aspect of our exacting essential oil production processes, both on our own farms and our carefully curated family of partner farms. Seed to Seal is infused into our painstaking quality testing and retesting to ensure that your family enjoys the purest essential oil products on the planet. Ultimately, Seed to Seal is infused into everything we do. We know that for us—and for you—simply nothing else will do.

Product Snapshot

Product Snapshot

Features & Benefits
  • Warm, comforting scent
  • Can be used in post-workout massage
  • Inspiring aroma
  • Cleansing properties
Aromatic Profile
From the bottle: Sweet, herbaceous, honey-like aroma
Key Constituents
  • Neryl acetate
  • Gamma-curcumene
  • Alpha-pinene
  • Beta-caryophyllene
  • Beta-selinene


Helichrysum italicum* flower oil
*100% pure essential oil
Suggested Uses

Suggested Uses

  • Add Helichrysum to your daily skin care regimen to enhance the appearance of skin.
  • Diffuse the inspiring aroma during work or study.
  • Use Helichrysum’s cleansing benefits by adding a couple drops to your nighttime facial cleanser.
  • Mix 1–2 drops with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and use in a relaxing massage.
  • Bathe the air in this earthy, grounding aroma during your morning skin care routine.
  • Encourage a sense of calm and focus by welcoming the sweet scent into your study during homework sessions and while working on creative projects.
  • Fill your living room with the clarifying fragrance during times of rest and quiet contemplation.
Helichrysum essential oil has a warm, earthy, sweet aroma that can help create an inspiring experience when diffused. Its cleansing properties can be beneficial when applied topically, smoothing the appearance of uneven skin.
Topical: Apply 2–4 drops directly to desired area. Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times daily.
Cautions: Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use.
Get to Know

Get to Know

Helichrysum, from the Greek helios for sun and chrysos for gold, is one of the world’s most sought-after essential oils. Native to coastal locales in places such as France, Italy, and Croatia, the delicate flowers bloom in rocky soils before a painstakingly careful harvest. Global exploitation of the botanical led Young Living to import rocks to our Dalmatia Aromatic Farm in Split, Croatia, to replicate its preferred environment, where we now cultivate the previously wild-crafted blossoms. We steam distill the helichrysum blossoms and provide our members access to what is sometimes known as the “Everlasting Flower.”
Scientific Name: Helichrysum italicum
Region Grown: Yugoslavia, Corsica, Croatia, Spain
Plant Part Used: Flower
Extraction Method: Steam distilled
Region: Most Young Living Helichrysum essential oil comes from Croatia.


Q. What is the subspecies of plant used to obtain Young Living’s Helichrysum essential oil?
A. Our Helichrysum essential oil is obtained from Helichrysum italicum, sourced from Croatia.
Q. Does Helichrysum essential oil contain ketones?
A. Yes, Helichrysum essential oil naturally contains ketones.
Q. Where is Young Living's helichrysum farmed?
A. Our helichrysum is farmed in Croatia.