Myrrh Essential Oil

Today, Myrrh oil is valued around the world, but anciently it was popular in the Middle East and Mediterranean. In fact, Myrrh’s name comes from the Arabic word murr, meaning bitter, because of its sharp taste. The oil is now recognized for its beautifying properties and grounding aroma, and Myrrh essential oil is common in cosmetic and aromatic industries. Myrrh has a long history of use in skin care for its restorative benefits to aging and dry, chapped skin.

Myrrh oil comes from the steam distillation of the red-brown resin of trees in the genus Commiphora. Because of its earthy, sweet aroma and luxurious properties, Myrrh oil uses include skin care and aromatic applications. Its calming, complex aroma brings a deeper sense of spirituality to practices such as yoga and meditation, and its moisturizing and cleansing properties have made it popular in high-end skin care and beauty products.

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Our Seed to Seal® quality commitment has been both a promise to you and a reflection of our sense of global stewardship and accountability. We believe you want only the best for your family and yourself—products that are genuine, free from harmful synthetics, and of unmatched purity. Our proprietary Seed to Seal promise is our pledge to you, the earth, and ourselves that Young Living products will be the best available, now and always.

Seed to Seal and its three pillars—Sourcing, Science, and Standards—are infused into every aspect of our exacting essential oil production processes, both on our own farms and our carefully curated family of partner farms. Seed to Seal is infused into our painstaking quality testing and retesting to ensure that your family enjoys the purest essential oil products on the planet. Ultimately, Seed to Seal is infused into everything we do. We know that for us—and for you—simply nothing else will do.

Product Snapshot

Product Snapshot

Features & Benefits
  • May improve the appearance of dry skin
  • May reduce the appearance of blemishes
  • Found in many products including Boswellia Wrinkle Cream, ClaraDerm, Essential Beauty Serum and Abundance, Gratitude, Hope and Humility essential oils
Aromatic Profile
From the bottle: Soft, earthy aroma
Key Constituents
  • Furanoeudesma-1
  • 3-diene
  • Curzerene
  • Lindestrene


Commiphora myrrha† (Myrrh) oil
†100% Pure essential oil
Suggested Uses

Suggested Uses

  • Diffuse for spiritual awareness and reflection
  • Combine this earthy and uplifting aroma with Frankincense to create a meditative environment
  • Add to your favorite skincare products
  • Add to Thieves dental hygiene products to maintain oral health (toothpaste, mouthwash, floss)
Label Directions
Topical: Dilute Apply 2-4 drops directly to desired area. Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.
Diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times daily.
Cautions: Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult a health care practitioner prior to use.
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Product Background
Myrrh oil beautifies, cleanses, and moisturizes the skin, making it a great addition to your skin care routine. In addition, its sweet, earthy aroma can be used to enhance yoga, meditation, and spiritual practices.
Scientific name: Commiphora myrrha