How long is the shelf life of Young Living Essential Oils?
A. Young Living Essential Oils have a shelf life or durability beyond 36-months
Because these are PURE essential oils and are non-perishables, Young Living Essential Oils come from plants (as long as it is contained) and maintain bio-activity, safety, and efficacy. They don’t grow mold, yeast, or mildew because they don’t contain water and maintain their properties when sealed.
• Extensive stability tests, both physical and chemical, have been conducted by the Global Quality team for products beyond 36 months from the manufacturing date and it shows that it maintains its physical properties throughout the testing period that goes as far as 60 months
Why do Young Living Product Labels for Essential Oils have the MANUFACTURING DATE instead of EXPIRY DATE printed?
A. It is stated under the “ASEAN Cosmetics Labeling Requirements” document of the Food and Drug Administration of the Philippines that only products with a 30-month shelf life are required to have EXPIRY DATE printed on the label. Since YL Essential Oils go beyond 36 months the manufacturing date is printed on the label.
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I received some essential oils with seemingly yellow stain on the cap, does this mean the oils are no longer potent?
A. Cap discoloration is commonly found in the following set of oils:
• Citrusy oils such as Citrus Fresh, Lemon, Grapefruit, Orange, Lime, etc.
• Tree or herb oils such as Vetiver, Myrrh, Roman Chamomile, Patchouli, Parsley, etc.
• Oil blends with high concentrations of citrus and tree oils such as Christmas Spirit, Peace & Calming, etc.
The discoloration is caused by the oil molecules transferring through our porous caps, but rest assured that it does not affect the quality or performance of our oils.
Is it Possible to have an allergic reaction to essential oils?
A. Anytime you experience skin irritation or discomfort after using an essential oil, stop using it immediately and apply carrier oil to the area. Sometimes, a rash is a sign of detoxification and maybe your body is trying to release the toxin build-up from other skin care products, soaps, or perfumes. It could also be that the essential oil has mixed with products already on your skin and caused a reaction. If you want to try the essential oil again, make sure you do a patch test and use a carrier oil for dilution.
What do I do when I experience discomfort?
A. Immediately stop usage and do not rinse with water. Remember that water can intensify the reaction as it drives the oil further into the skin. Always dilute with a carrier oil and not water. If you get an essential oil in your eye, flush with V-6 or another carrier oil quickly. If eye discomfort doesn't go away in 5 minutes, seek medical care immediately.
NingXia Red
It is stipulated in Young Living Philippines Ningxia Red Singles and Bottle labels that the said product is: “For Adults only. Not intended for children, pregnant or lactating women” from the time it was launched in the local market.
This clause is a requirement upon local government registration in the Philippines due to the local policy of the Food and Drug Administration to protect the generally vulnerable population like children and pregnant women to be on the safer spectrum. There are NO ADVERSE effects or safety events associated with the use of Ningxia on children and pregnant women and there is no safety issue coming from the FDA for the said product.
Is NingXia Red safe for Children and Pregnant?
A. Because children are smaller and more sensitive than adults, always give a smaller dose with first use. If your children have specific health conditions, it would be best to consult their physician prior to use.
When pregnant the body goes through a wide variety of changes, heightening some sensitivities that were previously not present. Due to these sensitivities and all of the changes that occur in the body, it would be wise to consult with your doctor before ingesting NingXia Red during pregnancy. Your doctor knows you, your specific health concerns, and the status of your pregnancy; therefore, he or she should be more made aware of any plan to use such food supplements during pregnancy.