The health and safety of our employees, members, and partners is our highest priority at Young Living. First and foremost, we want to assure our members that we’re putting people first while still maintaining high-functioning business operations. Despite the growing health concerns related to COVID-19, we’re here to support you as much as ever. That goes for all of our market leadership around the world too. Our corporate leaders in every Young Living market have responded to this crisis with timeliness, insight, and the agility required to overcome the business challenges presented by this global situation.
Shipping Updates
New temporary returns procedure due to COVID-19
Due to restrictions on movements imposed by governments in Europe during the Coronavirus pandemic, you may not be able to post any goods that you need to return within the usual time frame. In order to support you with your returns, we have established the following temporary procedures:
click here
to download our temporary returns form (also available in the Member Resources section of your Virtual Office).
Rather than printing, signing and scanning the form, please complete the form digitally by typing your RMA number at the top and typing your printed name at the bottom.
Then simply email the completed form to your usual Member Services email address.
If you typically ship your Young Living orders to a company address, where possible, please change your shipping address to a private address as soon as you can.
For those of you paying for your order by bank transfer, we understand that the current situation may impact on processing times. Although your Young Living order will still be automatically cancelled after 5 days of non-payment, please rest assured that our Member Services team will be in touch with you to re-process your order.
Thank you for your understanding
Due to the current global health crisis and its severity across Europe, Young Living’s preferred couriers are currently experiencing shipping delays. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes. Please know that we are doing all we can to deliver your products as soon as possible.
Please keep an eye on the Member News section of your Virtual Office and this page for more updates as the situation evolves. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. Our team are committed to getting Young Living’s pure and powerful products to you as quickly as possible.
As a key part of putting people first, we’ve taken decisive steps to protect our employees around the world. One of these steps is to follow sound guidance from public health authorities and ask employees to work from home for the near future.
For areas of our business with functions that cannot be done remotely, we’re strategically staggering shifts to create space between people to reduce potential exposure—both for employees and members of the public. This includes, for example, our farms, warehouse, shipping operations, and other important functions. Globally, you can also count on the support you need from your market Member Services teams.
While we will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will respond based on the advice of governments, public health authorities, and medical professionals, we are also taking these critical steps:
Organising a virtual International Grand Convention and cancelling the live event
Postponing all farm tours until further notice
Cancelling or postponing major events
The safety and well-being of the attendees at any Young Living event has and always will be our first priority. We’ll continue to evaluate our general event schedule and update event dates and locations as needed.
Please see below for updates regarding specific events and member support. Information is subject to change:
Essential Rewards
We know that COVID-19 has been challenging for many families across Europe. Do you have a question about an upcoming Essential Rewards order? We would love to help!
Please contact us.
Member Services Updates
Will Call and the Member Lounge at our European Headquarters will remain closed until further notice. There will be no access to any of our training rooms or facilities. Please do not place any orders for collection at the European Headquarters Will Call.
Please note, you may experience slight delays to calls and emails during this time.
We strongly advise you to contact us via email, rather than by telephone.
Alternatively, feel free to get in touch with us via
Facebook Messenger.