Crown Diamond



Emily and Keith Anderson

Kansas, USA

After an introduction to Young Living, Emily and Keith Anderson quickly bought a Starter Kit. They had been searching for a more natural lifestyle for their family, and Young Living was the perfect fit! Initially, Emily dismissed information about the business-building side of Young Living, confident that a Young Living business was not in her future. Fast forward six months and she was so thrilled with the products that she had to share them!

Emily and Keith have loved getting to know their team members, watching them fall in love with the products, and helping them grow businesses of their own. Emily says, “It's been a journey that I never expected! I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the hard-working and incredible team members who caught the vision and ran with me. I'm forever grateful to them and to this company!”

Emily and Keith live in a suburb outside of Kansas City with their six children. They spend most of their time chauffeuring their kids to and from school, practices, sports games, youth group, and more.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.


Artemis’s career began in science and zoology, but her fascination with the things science can’t explain led her to a career as a professional psychic and spiritual teacher.
In 1998, Artemis came across Young Living Essential Oils. The results were like nothing she’d ever seen before. Her desire to understand how Young Living’s oils could be so much more potent and effective than other brands took her around the world many times, as she studied with D. Gary Young and spent time with him on the Young Living farms.
Today, Artemis continues to travel across the globe, sharing her passion for Young Living’s oils and business and changing many lives in the process.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Norhidawati Abdul Aziz


Norhidawati Abdul Aziz—widely known as Teacher Watie—founded the childcare center Genius Baby OnBoard Playgroup in 2010. Her passion for Young Living Essential Oils started in 2014 when she began using oils at home and at her childcare center. After seeing the positive impact essential oils were having on her children, she started sharing the benefits of essential oils with her family, friends, and playgroup clients. She founded the OilyLicious team to expand her business and to share her love of essential oils. She has been expanding all over the globe ever since.

She was the first person from Malaysia to ever receive the “Platinum in 5” award through the Elite Express program, she then achieved Diamond rank after only 8 months at Platinum rank! She reached Young Living’s coveted Crown Diamond rank in December of 2018 and was the first person from Malaysia to become a Crown Diamond.

Norhidawati has hosted sharing sessions throughout Malaysia, Singapore, and Qatar, introducing Young Living Essential Oil as a lifestyle that promotes, maintains, and supports family health. She now tours extensively to explore new markets and to help fellow business builders. Her network has expanded to Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, Brunei, Singapore, and Indonesia.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.


Nicole Barczak

Michigan, USA
As a former photographer and elementary teacher, Nicole Barczak feels that this business chose her, as essential oils and network marketing were not something she ever saw herself becoming involved in. “My friends kept talking about oils, though it took me a while to realize our family had a need for these products. Once we started using them, I knew this was something I wanted to be a part of.”
Nicole has worked to join the top ranks of Young Living leaders and enjoys every part of her leadership role, including learning about alternative wellness solutions, connecting with old and new friends, and helping others.
When she isn’t sharing her passion for Young Living and training her team, Nicole enjoys camping with her family, horseback riding, traveling, and the beach. Nicole and her husband, Ryan, live in Dexter, Michigan, with their four children. Their busy home also includes horses, dogs, and cats.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Yonie Bonawi

With experience as an electronic engineer, a certified bodywork therapist, and parent of an autistic daughter, Yonie is a passionate caregiver who loves to help children with challenges and “bring out their greatest potential,” she says. Her work with Young Living has opened doors and connected her to families with disabled children all over the world.
Being able to meet and network with like-minded people is Yonie’s favorite part about Young Living, and managing her team has been a challenge that she loves. “It’s molded me into a people person when I used to be shy and introverted,” she explains. Some of her best friends—who to her, feel like family—have been found through her business journey.
Yonie’s greatest teacher and mentor is her daughter Edura. “Her strength despite her disabilities is what motivates me every time I feel discouraged,” she says. “She makes me a better person.” She also admires all the mothers who never give up hope for their disabled children. Yonie currently lives with her two kids and her mother in Singapore.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Sandi & Kyler Boudreau

Kentucky, USA
Sandi and Kyler started out with Young Living by falling in love with Valor® and Peace & Calming®. Then they started sharing Young Living with their friends and family under the mantra “Love God, love people, keep it simple.”

The couple loves empowering others in wellness, knowledge, entrepreneurship, business ownership, marketing, and developing a freedom mindset. They love watching families get their start with Young Living and then watching that turn into thousands of families who have switched from using harsh chemicals in the home to safe, plant-based products.

“I love empowering people to pursue the freedom that comes from running after their calling with grit and confidence,” Sandi said. “If I can help someone realize that abundant wellness is 1000% worth pursuing and living in, then I know I’m doing a good job.”

Sandi and Kyler currently live an hour north of Nashville with their four-year-old daughter and a wild white squirrel who hangs out in their backyard. They love traveling to the mountains, where they can enjoy nature and where Kyler fly-fishes. In addition to supporting their Young Living members, Kyler also pursues his passion for filmmaking and runs two other online service companies.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Lauren Bretz

Lauren Bretz discovered Young Living in 2013. She was a happy, busy mom homeschooling her four children (now five!) when her friend and sponsor Corie DeVries introduced her to Young Living. Lauren witnessed how Frankincense improved life for her and her eldest son—she called it a “game changer” for them—and wanted to share essential oils with the people around her.

People are Lauren’s passion. She expresses her love for them through food, hugs, and listening to their life stories. Her wish is for others to feel seen, known, loved, and refreshed after spending time with her. She enjoys building relationships and seeing how life after life is changed for the better thanks to Young Living. Her devotion to her faith brings her great joy, as well as the motivation to build relationships and encourage others on their life journeys. She’s a proud native of the Sunshine State and is thrilled to reside once again in Florida, where she can live close to her family.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Crystal & Verick Burchfield

Missouri, USA
Crystal and Verick Burchfield began their journey with Young Living in 2009, when they received a bottle of Thieves® Household Cleaner as a gift. They became such fans that they began diffusing Thieves essential oil blend. They didn’t know anything about essential oils or how they worked. All they knew was that Thieves made their basement smell amazing!

Crystal jumped right in to learning how essential oils could help her family of six. Though she repeatedly refused to participate in the business side of Young Living, she caught herself testifying of the products’ advantages to family and friends. She decided to give the business side a chance and became a member. As soon as she did, doors flew open for her. Less than two years later, her husband retired from a career in the E.R. to co-create a crossline group dedicated to helping men, called EEC—Essentially Equipped Challenge.

With Young Living, Crystal and Verick found their purpose. Over the years, they’ve rallied in creative ways to help members raise funds for Hope for Justice and The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation. Through all their challenges, they’ve found strength and trust through their faith.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Danielle Burkleo

New York, USA
Danielle Burkleo began her Young Living journey in March of 2016, while looking for more natural ways to support her family’s lifestyle. Shortly after falling in love with the products, Danielle began her business journey and never looked back.
Danielle keeps her family in the forefront of her mind as she works, and she values the friendships she’s created along the way. Encouraging her team is what she enjoys most about her work. “Our team has a beautiful culture that uplifts and inspires,” she says. “I love to let others know all the ways I see them shine. This is my absolute dream job, and I am so thankful, every single day.”
Danielle lives with her husband, Caleb, and their five children in upstate New York, where she enjoys being a mom, spending time outside, traveling, running, and cooking.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.


Kristen Critz

Tennessee, USA
Kristen Critz has two sons named Hudson and Ford, a husband named Jordan, and a creative heart. She looks for beauty in life and adventure in entrepreneurship. Their family lives in Nashville, Tennessee, as Texas transplants.
Young Living has inspired Kristen to take a proactive approach to her health. “I’m more confident than ever in taking care of myself and my family,” she says. Her attitude of empowerment extends to her growing business. “I love seeing women and men set free from whatever it is that holds them back and walk into the calling over their life through the opportunity of this business."
Helping others find belonging in Young Living is a gift for Kristen. Growing up, her parents instilled in her the belief that she could accomplish whatever she was called to do. Her husband has been another great supporter of her dreams. She is, in turn, able to see the potential in others and express her belief in them. “Believing in someone can literally change the trajectory of a person’s life,” she says.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.


Sha-Faun Enterprises, Shauna Dastrup

Utah, USA
Shauna Dastrup and her late husband, Richard, have created a memorable story. The Dastrups grew up in central Utah and met in high school, where they became sweethearts. Their marriage in 1965 kicked off a new chapter in their lives that included college, starting businesses, and establishing a beautiful family.
Following a move to St. George, Utah, Shauna and Richard were introduced to Young Living in 1995. Soon after, they decided to make a career change from their successful floor covering business and an overall lifestyle change through Young Living. Having no experience with network marketing, the Dastrups relied on their entrepreneurial spirits to build their Young Living business and found success through their leadership and business know-how.
The Dastrups have four children, all of whom are Young Living members. They also have 15 grandchildren, 7 more by marriage, and 7 great-grandchildren, including a set of triplets. Some of Shauna’s favorite memories include her family’s summer retreat where they spend precious time together. Shauna continues to serve others and live her life by example.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Summer Davis

Illinois, USA
As a stay-at-home mom of two kids—Hope Carrington and Nolan Hartwell—Summer Davis enjoys running a “rockin’ business” from her home in Chicago.
“Young Living has provided me with health, wellness, and abundance” she says. “Most importantly, it’s given me the belief that I really can do anything I set my mind to!” In fact, she says the most difficult challenge she’s had to face is herself: “I have to push past my fears in order to grow.”
Since joining Young Living in 2014, Summer had found new ways to manage her busy schedule while also pursuing her dreams. “It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day life of being a mom,” she says. “Now I live my life for me, and it feels pretty dang amazing!”
As a Young Living member, Summer is passionate about telling her story to others. “I have made it my mission to share Young Living with everyone I know because I want everyone I know to have the same opportunity—the opportunity to chase their dreams,” she says. “It makes my heart so full of joy to help all my family and friends, and nothing is more fulfilling than helping them join me in this very blessed life of freedom and purpose!”

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Kristy & Jake Dempsey

Texas, USA
The Dempseys met when they were 15 years old, and after being pen pals for four years, they began dating in person. They have been married for 17 years.
Before Young Living, Kristy was a kindergarten teacher. Jake works as a software developer for his own company. Their favorite essential oil is EndoFlex™, “because it supports and benefits our entire family,” Kristy says.
Kristy and Jake currently live in Dallas, Texas, with their son and daughter.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Sabina M. DeVita, EdD

Sabina DeVita is passionate about her private practice clinic, teaching seminars, and enlightening people about health truths. “I empower others by furthering their knowledge,” she says. “I love to learn and consider myself an ongoing student of life.” Her other hobbies include reading, cooking, dancing with her husband, and family gatherings filled with laughing, singing, and fine dining. Sabina has authored several books that feature her research on Young Living’s skin care products.
Her journey to wellness began as a result of her research. “My doctoral studies led me to search for natural wellness companies, and I discovered Young Living,” she says. “I built my Young Living business as I continued healing from personal illnesses.” Despite criticism and other setbacks, Sabina relied on personal mentors and mottos such as: “Where there is vision, people flourish!” By sticking to her vision, she now experiences the overall freedom she has always dreamed of. “This business grew slowly but steadily because I believe that whatever you choose to think becomes your reality,” she says. Sabina is proof of the power of personal vision.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Gordon & Corie DeVries

Alaska, USA
When Corie DeVries first started sharing Young Living, her dream was to help her husband transition out of his career as an Air Force pilot of 15 years and allow him to be home full-time. From there, that dream has expanded as they continue building their growing team. “We are unspeakably grateful for this journey,” Corie says.
As someone who has always called herself a health nut, Corie describes the impact that Young Living products have had on her family. “Now I’m truly confident that I have the tools I need to keep them healthy,” she says. “I’m incredibly passionate about what I do, and I couldn’t have grown such a successful business with any other company.”
The DeVries appreciate every opportunity for growth that Young Living has offered. “This career has pushed me to intentionally face my fears,” Corie says. Their favorite part of Young Living is helping people “find freedom and discover that they are capable of so much more than they realize.”
Corie and Gordon have six children and enjoy spending time outdoors together.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.


Denise Easthon

Ohio, USA
As a semi-retired traditional midwife, Denise Easthon is passionate about personal autonomy, particularly as it relates to parenting and birth. She is the mother of nine children and grandmother of eight. Through health tragedies, Denise set out on the path of finding more natural choices for her family. “Young Living has been an incredible blessing to our lives,” she explains. “It gives us freedom we never dreamed possible.”
The biggest change Denise has faced is her mindset. “Investing in personal development through books, videos, and events helped me transform,” she says. Fellow Young Living leaders Heather Brock, Sara Wallace, Carrie McVigue, and Kari Friedman—all women Denise views as powerhouses—have inspired her to “do more, be better, keep going, and never stop.”
Denise looks to the future with a drive to never be content in just standing still. “I want to continue to experience the world, inspire people to achieve financial freedom, give to our local church and good causes, and enter the next life well lived and well loved,” she says.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.
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Kari Friedman

California, USA
In 2014 a friend reached out to Kari Friedman with the offer: “Have oils, will travel.” Kari knew she needed a change. At the time she was under incredible stress, spending nights in the hospital with her daughter who was sick. She accepted her friend’s offer with a bit of hesitance and with no desire to build a business. Kari quickly saw the way essential oils were impacting her and her family and started telling everyone and anyone who would listen about what Young Living oils could do and what a blessing they could be. As a former teacher, educating others about essential oils came naturally for Kari. Now she has a team full of teachers who love to teach classes, educate, and build community.

Kari is a mother of five and raises her children with her husband, Joe, who practices law in Orange County, California. They have a passion for travel and take their kids with them to see the world whenever they can. They are so grateful for the community they have found in Young Living, which “has truly become family to us,” Kari says.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.


Jessica Gianelloni

Louisiana, USA
Although she was born and raised in America, Jessica Gianelloni is happiest in Uganda, which has become her “home away from home.” She is the mother of five children—each just one year apart and one of whom was adopted from Uganda. “I want to live my life to change the world for others, even if it's just one child at a time,” she says.
Jessica’s family has always been wellness-minded, so integrating with Young Living came naturally. “The introduction of Young Living made perfect sense,” she says. “When I realized it was a purpose-driven company, it was like a dream come true.” She now gets to experience the three pillars of the company daily: wellness, purpose, and abundance.
Jessica also loves to serve, inspire, and encourage others around her. “I have a God-given passion to educate and empower mothers to make informed decisions regarding the health of their children,” she explains. She advocates for justice causes and strives to be a voice for those who can’t speak for themselves.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Kelowna & Paul Giuliano

California, USA
Kelowna Giuliano is a surfer, beach lover, and holistic health practitioner who is passionate about connecting emotions with symptoms in the physical body. She’s worked in physical therapy, specializing in craniosacral therapy and is a Reiki master and teacher.
Her first Raindrop Technique® massage experience inspired her to learn more about oils so she could better care for herself and her clients. “I began to use the uplifting aroma of the oils to invite positive emotions,” she explains. “It was a big turning point for me personally and for my business.”
Kelowna and her husband have two kids, ages 8 and 10, and together their lives revolve around oils and spending as much time in the ocean as possible. “This business has taught me to find balance,” she says. “I strive to be fully present in every phase of life.”

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Danette & Jim Goodyear

Texas, USA
Danette Goodyear joined Young Living 15 years ago with no intention of building a business. After discovering Young Living’s commitment to high-quality products, she set a goal to earn a commission check that would pay for her oils. She experienced the Young Living farm in France, where she spent time working the land and watching the Seed to Seal® story unfold with Gary Young, and she became dedicated to the company. Through consistent sharing and commitment, she established herself as a loyal YL leader.
Danette’s husband, Jim, left his role as vice president of sales for a tech company in 2014. Although he intended to go back to work with a startup company, Jim attended the Diamond Retreat later that summer in France and there declared “Diamond is the lifestyle for me!” Now they work together with their YL team, and Jim helps educate men on the wellness benefits of all Young Living products. Because of the healthy support products YL has produced, Jim was able to train, start, and finish a 2,700-mile independent mountain bike race from Canada to Mexico!
Danette and Jim are so thankful for their amazing team members who spread the YL message. Together, they believe everyone can live a life of wellness, purpose, and abundance.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.


Katie & Zack Harris

Oregon, USA
Since joining Young Living, Katie Harris has learned that her past doesn’t define her, and she is determined to share that truth with others. “Small changes add up over time,” she explains. “I love empowering other women to realize their full potential.”
As a leader, Katie focuses on being caring, adventurous, and intentional. She speaks authentically about what she sees in others, believing that kind and honest words can change people’s perspectives as they realize what they’re capable of. “I see the best in people and push them to see it in themselves,” she says.
Katie currently lives in Bend, Oregon, with her husband and children. When she’s not spending time with her family outside at the beach, she also enjoys connecting with friends over coffee or wine.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Stacie Hartzler

Missouri, USA
When Stacie Hartzler started with Young Living, the lifestyle fit perfectly with her already health-conscious family. “Now I know all my products are safe for my family,” she says. “And on top of that, I get to work with the best relationships I’ve ever had, rubbing shoulders with friends who love the Lord.” She also uses her people-person mentality and her passion for essential oils to support her team and move her business forward.
In her free time, Stacie enjoys cooking with Vitality™ essential oils, being married to the love of her life, and spending time with her family. “I love being a mom to our five kids, and I love empowering people to do all that they are called to do,” she says.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Jilene & Duane Hay

British Columbia, Canada
For Jilene and Duane Hay, it was love at first sight. They met in high school science class. After partnering on a project, they realized it was meant to be. “Duane stood out with his blue hair, amazing sense of humor, and keen musical ability,” Jilene said. Duane admired Jilene’s playful, outgoing spirit, as well as her intellect and humility. With 12 years of marriage under their belt, these high school sweethearts now live with their four children in Kelowna, British Columbia.

Jilene grew up working alongside her entrepreneurial parents, who showed her how to build a business. Before joining Young Living, she worked in accounting and Duane worked as a commercial flight instructor and as a cable installer. They love growing alongside their Young Living team and enjoy educating others about toxin-free living and the art of “thinking big.” They’re grateful for the many relationships—and friendships—they’ve built over the years while sharing Young Living.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Rachel & Ryan Holland

Texas, USA
Rachel Holland and her husband, Ryan, live in Texas with their children, Faith, Jacob, Carissa, and Luke. The Hollands met in college, where they became friends and started a Bible study group. They have been married for 18 years.
Before Young Living, Rachel was a “deal blogger,” searching for deals and posting them online for others to find. Now, she has another focus, saying, “I can’t imagine life without Young Living products."
While choosing a favorite product is nearly impossible, Rachel says she doesn’t ever go to sleep without applying the Peace & Calming® essential oil blend to her wrists. "The mental clarity, energy, and health support Young Living products provide is life-changing!” she says.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Jonathan & Laura Hopkins

Texas, USA
For Laura and Jonathan Hopkins, the motivation to succeed comes from their desire to leave a legacy for their children and to share their abundance with others. “What’s the point of working without the freedom to enjoy and pass along the fruit of your labor?” asks Laura.
To support their team, they travel the globe and host trainings in their home. Laura creates brand loyalty by building relationships with members and helping them create health goals, while Jonathan uses principles from his coaching career to engage men as product users and leaders.
Two of Laura’s favorite Young Living oil blends are Transformation™ and Believe™ for their invigorating and inspirational qualities, while Jonathan likes Idaho Blue Spruce for its grounding aroma. In their free time, the couple enjoys camping, exploring ATV trails, and attending their daughter’s basketball games. They also love visiting Young Living farms around the world.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Chelsea M. Humphreys

Nebraska, USA
Chelsea Humphreys is a part-time photographer, Facebook comedian, and podcast co-host. While her spontaneous and outgoing nature have helped her in these pursuits and her Young Living business, Chelsea says she’s also an introvert who cherishes alone time.
While she stays busy with her business and hobbies, Chelsea’s family is her priority. She and her Army husband are the parents of two children, and Chelsea’s parents recently moved into their home for health reasons, which she knows is a blessing for the family. “I’ve always wanted my kids to know their grandparents the way I did, and now they can,” she says.
In addition to the freedom Young Living has brought Chelsea and her family, she’s also grateful for the example it provides her children. “I love that I get to teach my kids that a woman can be successful,” she explains. “My greatest passion is showing women they can make a difference in their lives.”

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.


Dr. Gabriele Hauser & Markus Idl

Dr. Hauser has been involved with Young Living since 2001, when she was introduced to the essential oils by a friend. When she met Gary and Mary for the first time, she knew that her purpose was to bring Young Living to Europe.
Markus’ first experience with essential oils came when Dr. Hauser introduced him to Joy™ oil blend and to the Twelve Oils of Ancient Scripture™ kit. His life and well-being improved so much that he decided to become a Young Living member and share essential oils with others.
Says Dr. Hauser, “My partner Markus and I love to inspire, nourish, and teach from our hearts many different themes about these precious oils and all other YL products.” Markus is inspired by the vision of helping others through Young Living. “I was so impressed by the quality of the oils that I needed to share the opportunity of the Young Living lifestyle around the world,” he says. “Achieving financial freedom gave me even more possibilities to support our friends on their journeys to freedom!”

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.


Gretchen King-Ann

Hong Kong
Gretchen King-Ann’s first experience with Young Living was when she used PanAway® during her pregnancy with her daughter, though she set the oils aside for another seven months before using them again with her daughter. But the more she used them, the more she wanted to share. “As I started to use more oils,” she says, “I gained more confidence with them and started sharing with my friends whenever I saw a need.”

Gretchen loves Lavender essential oil and calls it a multipurpose oil—one that she would never be without. She is inspired by the quality and integrity of Young Living’s oils and the Seed to Seal® promise, which earned her trust and has given her products she can believe in. Gretchen continues her journey with Young Living because she wants to encourage and teach others. “I want…to serve my friends and family and my downlines, so that they can live a life with wellness, purpose, and abundance.” She values integrity and hard work above all in leadership.

When asked about current challenges in her life, Gretchen relates that there is a time and a place for social media, and she strives to achieve balance—which isn’t easy. Her husband, Andy, has helped her set specific times aside during her day for social media, as well as times to set down her phone. It may be difficult, but Gretchen sees it as an opportunity for growth. “I’m still perfecting this skill, but I am getting there.”

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Kathy Breen

New York, USA
When Kathy Breen first discovered Young Living in 1996, she felt like she won the lottery—it was an incredible opportunity to support her family’s well-being. Kathy soon learned that she needed Young Living’s essential oil-infused products to help her children maintain a healthy lifestyle. “When I first ordered the oils,” Kathy explains, “I thought they were a really big investment.” After she saw how they blessed her family, Kathy knew they were worth every penny.
As part of her personal development, Kathy enjoys challenging herself. When she began her Young Living journey, she was terrified of standing in front of a room of people. However, with Young Living Founder D. Gary Young’s request for her to become a corporate trainer and his unyielding support, she overcame her fears. Over time, public speaking became easier for her—just like riding a bike! Kathy keeps challenging herself with fire walks in Cancun, zip lining, cave tubing, and water rafting. When she isn’t sharing her love for Young Living, she is with her family, exploring the woods, and playing with her three cats and dog.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Lindsey & Casey Leif

Nebraska, USA
Before starting her business with Young Living, Lindsey Leif worked as an elementary school teacher and counselor. She has been married to her high school sweetheart, Casey, for 12 years. “We have gifts and personalities that complement each other well,” she says. “I love being married to my best friend.”
As a busy mom, wife, and business owner, Lindsey says she uses NingXia Red daily. “I love knowing that my family is supporting their overall wellness,” she says. “There isn’t a day that goes by when we haven’t used something from Young Living!” Her goal is to empower as many leaders on her team as she can. “It brings me so much joy to see women discovering their abilities,” she says.
Lindsey lives in Sutton, Nebraska, with her husband and their sons, Roman, Archer, and Gus—and, after the summer of 2018, a new baby! They love traveling together and living a simple, faith-filled life. “My greatest desire is to raise a happy, deeply connected family with my husband,” she says.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.

Fiona Liu

Hong Kong
As a full-time wife and mom, Fiona Lui has always looked for healthy options for her family. When she was introduced to Young Living, she bought her first Premium Starter Kit without hesitation because she felt such a strong connection with Young Living’s mission.
“I want my children to grow up in a healthy environment, and I want provide them with the best,” she says. “I’m open to try anything that’s high quality and benefits their health.” It was this state of mind that started Fiona on her journey with Young Living.
In three and a half years, Fiona went from a Young Living novice to a Royal Crown Diamond with a growing team and many professional qualifications in aromatherapy.
She says, “I initially joined Young Living purely because of my love for essential oils, but later I found that Young Living is not only a company that can improve your overall health but is also a platform to help other people. This brings me happiness and satisfaction that the words cannot describe.”
Fiona’s example proves that if you have passion and love for what you do, Young Living is a stage where you can shine and help others shine as well.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.


Stacy & James McDonald

Illinois, USA
Stacy McDonald began using essential oils in 2001, while making her own bath and body products. However, it wasn’t until March 2010, after joining Young Living, that she began to experience the benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils beyond their aromatic uses. As a blogger, she loved teaching other women about essential oils, and she wanted them to be equipped to take control of their own health and to be able to minister to their families naturally. She had no interest in a business.

The oils soon began to sell themselves. As others discovered how well they worked, word spread, and Stacy began to receive what they now refer to as "the accidental paycheck.” She liked the idea of these “referral” checks, but she still didn’t see the potential ahead. Eventually, Stacy’s husband, James, stopped joking about her “snake oils” and started asking her, “Do you have an oil for this?” He was hooked. Once he caught the vision, they began working together to grow a thriving organization that includes thousands of families experiencing health and freedom! It is their family’s goal to live their lives to the glory of God, enjoying Him every step of the way.

For more information regarding Young Living’s average earning results, please see the Income Disclosure Statement.