Concerned that your cleansers are full of harsh chemicals? Read the labels of many mainstream home products, like spray cleansers, hand soaps, and toothpastes to reveal a list of toxic ingredients that research indicates may be harmful—even in small amounts. Think your family deserves better? We do too.
We’re proud to offer essential oil-infused alternatives for products you use every day. Fill your home with products you can feel good about, including dental products, additions to your spice cabinet, cookware, cleansers, and more.
Oral Care
Smile your brightest with products formulated to help keep your teeth sparkling.
Natural Cleaning
Forget conventional cleansers formulated with harsh chemicals; effective alternatives are out there! Our Thieves® line of household products is formulated to tackle any and every mess, and it’s simple to elevate your daily chores with a few drops of essential oil! You’ll love the boost they bring when you’re laundering, cleaning countertops, freshening stale linens, removing stubborn stains, and much, much more.
Our most popular essential oils for cleaning include:
Home Purification
Signature scents can make your house feel like a home. Young Living essential oils create an environment that helps your family thrive. Our top three diffusers—
Dewdrop Diffuser,
Desert Mist™ Diffuser, and
Lantern Diffuser—make it easy and convenient to set the mood and clear the air in your home.